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 Заголовок сообщения: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 23 апр 2015, 21:12 
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Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2014, 15:50
Сообщения: 244
Пункты репутации: 45
Предлагаю юбилейные монеты 2 евро. Все монеты UNC, из роллов. Новинки выделены таким цветом. Обычные оборотные монеты UNC выделены таким цветом.
Выдача в любой день в центре Риги или на слёте.

Piedāvāju jubilejas 2 eiro monētas. Visas monētas ir UNC stāvoklī (monētas no bankas rulīša, nav bijušas apgrozībā.)
Jaunākās monētas ir izceltas ar šo krāsu. Apgrozības monētas izceltas ar šo krāsu.
Visas monētas var saņemt jebkurā dienā Rīgas centrā, iepriekš vienojoties, vai salidojumā skolā.

Austria 2 euro 2005 State Treaty 8,00
Austria 2 euro 2007 Treaty of Rome 4,00
Austria 2 euro 2009 EMU 3,50
Austria 2 euro 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,00

Belgium 2 euro 2008 Declaration of Human Rights 4,40
Belgium 2 euro 2009 EMU 4,00
Belgium 2 euro 2011 Women's Day 3,50
Belgium 2 euro 2012 Queen Elisabeth Music Competition 3,20
Belgium 2 euro 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,00
Belgium 2 euro 2013 Royal Meteorological Institute 3,00
Belgium 2 euro 2014 World War I 3,30

Cyprus 2 euro 2009 EMU 3,50
Cyprus 2 euro 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,50

Estonia 2 euro 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,00

Finland 2 euro 2004 EU Enlargement 41,00
Finland 2 euro 2005 UN Membership 5,00
Finland 2 euro 2006 Universal and Equal Suffrage 6,00
Finland 2 euro 2007 Treaty of Rome 4,50
Finland 2 euro 2010 Currency Decree 4,00
Finland 2 euro 2011 Bank of Finland 3,80
Finland 2 euro 2013 Frans Eemil Sillanpää 3,40
Finland 2 euro 2014 Ilmari Tapiovaara 3,50
Finland 2 euro 2014 Tove Jansson 3,40
Finland 2 euro 2015 Jean Sibelius 3,10

France 2 euro 2010 General de Gaulle 4,00
France 2 euro 2011 Fête de la Musique 4,00
France 2 euro 2012 Abbé Pierre 5,00
France 2 euro 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,50
France 2 euro 2013 Pierre de Coubertin 3,50
France 2 euro 2014 D-Day 3,30
France 2 euro 2014 World AIDS Day 3,30
France 2 euro 2015 70 years of Peace in Europe 3,00

Germany 2 euro 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern F 4,00
Germany 2 euro 2007 Treaty of Rome D 4,00
Germany 2 euro 2007 Treaty of Rome F 4,00
Germany 2 euro 2008 Hamburg D 4,00
Germany 2 euro 2012 Bavaria D 3,80
Germany 2 euro 2012 Bavaria F 3,80
Germany 2 euro 2012 Bavaria G 3,80
Germany 2 euro 2012 Bavaria J 3,80

Germany 2 euro 2012 Ten years of Euro cash G 3,00
Germany 2 euro 2013 Baden-Württemberg G 3,50
Germany 2 euro 2013 Franco-German Friendship (Élysée Treaty) D 3,00
Germany 2 euro 2014 Lower Saxony A 2,50
Germany 2 euro 2014 Lower Saxony G 3,00
Germany 2 euro 2015 German Unity J 3,00
Germany 2 euro 2015 Hessen A 3,00

Greece 2 euro 2009 EMU 4,00
Greece 2 euro 2010 Battle of Marathon 5,10
Greece 2 euro 2011 Special Olympics Games 3,50
Greece 2 euro 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,40
Greece 2 euro 2013 Crete 4,00
Greece 2 euro 2013 Platonic Academy 3,50
Greece 2 euro 2014 El Greco 3,20
Greece 2 euro 2014 Ionian Islands 3,20

Ireland 2 euro 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,60

Italy 2 euro 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin 4,50
Italy 2 euro 2009 Louis Braille 3,50
Italy 2 euro 2010 Camillo Benso conte di Cavour 3,50
Italy 2 euro 2012 Giovanni Pascoli 3,50
Italy 2 euro 2012 Italian unification 3,50
Italy 2 euro 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,20
Italy 2 euro 2013 Giovanni Boccaccio 3,50
Italy 2 euro 2013 Giuseppe Verdi 3,50
Italy 2 euro 2014 Carabinieri 3,30
Italy 2 euro 2014 Galileo Galilei 3,30
Latvia 2 euro 2014 Riga European Capital of Culture 2,50
Latvia 2 euro 2015 EU Presidency 2,50

Luxembourg 2 euro 2005 Grand Dukes Henry and Adolf 3,70
Luxembourg 2 euro 2007 Grand Ducal Palace 4,00
Luxembourg 2 euro 2007 Treaty of Rome 3,50
Luxembourg 2 euro 2009 Charlotte's Accession to the Throne 3,50
Luxembourg 2 euro 2010 Coat of arms of the Grand Duke 7,00
Luxembourg 2 euro 2011 Jean as lieutenant-représentant 3,50
Luxembourg 2 euro 2012 Royal Wedding 3,50
Luxembourg 2 euro 2012 William IV 3,50
Luxembourg 2 euro 2013 National Anthem 3,50
Luxembourg 2 euro 2014 Grand Duke Jean Accession to the Throne 3,30
Luxembourg 2 euro 2014 Independence 3,50

Malta 2 euro 2009 EMU 4,00
Malta 2 euro 2011 First election of representatives 7,50
Malta 2 euro 2014 Independence from Britain 4,20
Malta 2 euro 2014 Police Force 7,00

Monaco 2 euro 2013 Membership of the UN 6,00

Netherlands 2 euro 2007 Treaty of Rome 4,50
Netherlands 2 euro 2014 Willem-Alexander and Beatrix 4,00

Portugal 2 euro 2007 Presidency of the Council of the EU 3,80
Portugal 2 euro 2007 Treaty of Rome 4,00
Portugal 2 euro 2008 Declaration of Human Rights 4,00
Portugal 2 euro 2009 Lusophony Games 4,00
Portugal 2 euro 2012 Guimarães, European Capital of Culture 3,30
Portugal 2 euro 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 4,00
Portugal 2 euro 2013 Clérigos Tower 3,30
Portugal 2 euro 2014 Carnation Revolution 3,00
Portugal 2 euro 2014 Family Farming 3,30
Portugal 2 euro 2015 Red Cross 3,50

San Marino 2 euro 2013 normal 3,50

Slovakia 2 euro 2009 EMU 3,40
Slovakia 2 euro 2011 Visegrád Group 3,60
Slovakia 2 euro 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,70
Slovakia 2 euro 2013 Mission of Constantine and Methodius 3,70
Slovakia 2 euro 2014 Membership in EU 3,20

Slovenia 2 euro 2007 Treaty of Rome 29,00
Slovenia 2 euro 2008 Primož Trubar 3,70
Slovenia 2 euro 2009 EMU 3,50
Slovenia 2 euro 2010 Botanical Garden 3,60
Slovenia 2 euro 2011 Franc Rozman – Stane 3,60
Slovenia 2 euro 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,30
Slovenia 2 euro 2013 Postojna Cave 3,40
Slovenia 2 euro 2014 Barbara of Celje 3,40

Spain 2 euro 2010 Cordoba 3,40
Spain 2 euro 2011 Alhambra Generalife and Albayzín 3,50
Spain 2 euro 2012 Burgos 3,30
Spain 2 euro 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,40
Spain 2 euro 2013 Escorial 3,30
Spain 2 euro 2014 normal 2,70
Spain 2 euro 2014 King Felipe VI 3,40
Spain 2 euro 2014 Park Güell Work of Antoni Gaudí 3,30
Spain 2 euro 2015 Cave of Altamira 3,10

Возможен обмен роллами.
Кроме этого могу предложить наборы и отдельные монеты России, США, Канады и других стран.

Ir iespēja apmainīt 2 eiro jubilejas monētu ruļļus.
Kā arī varu varu piedāvāt Krievijas, ASV, Kanādas un citu valstu monētu komplektus.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 26 апр 2015, 16:45 
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Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2014, 15:50
Сообщения: 244
Пункты репутации: 45
Был незаслуженно забыт имеющийся в наличии:
Netherlands 2 euro 2011 Praise of Folly by Desiderius Erasmus - 8,00

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 07 май 2015, 12:22 
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Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2014, 15:50
Сообщения: 244
Пункты репутации: 45
Netherlands 2 euro 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 4,30
Netherlands 2 euro 2011 Praise of Folly by Desiderius Erasmus 8,00

Снижена цена:
Austria 2 euro 2005 State Treaty 7,80

Slovakia 2 euro 2012 Ten years of Euro cash

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 08 май 2015, 19:09 
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Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2014, 15:50
Сообщения: 244
Пункты репутации: 45
Luxembourg 2 euro 2012 10 Ten years of Euro cash 3,50

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 21 май 2015, 10:42 
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Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2014, 15:50
Сообщения: 244
Пункты репутации: 45
Finland 2 euro 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,40

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 06 июн 2015, 11:50 
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Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2014, 15:50
Сообщения: 244
Пункты репутации: 45
Malta 2015 First flight 5,80

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 08 июн 2015, 12:36 
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Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2014, 15:50
Сообщения: 244
Пункты репутации: 45
Belgium 2006 Atomium 11,00

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 10 июн 2015, 18:45 
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Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2014, 15:50
Сообщения: 244
Пункты репутации: 45
Новые поступления:
Germany 2006 Lübeck Schleswig-Holstein D 6,60
Germany 2009 Saarland D 3,60
Germany 2010 Bremen D 3,70
Germany 2011 North-Rhine Westphalia D 3,60

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 12 июн 2015, 16:51 
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Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2014, 15:50
Сообщения: 244
Пункты репутации: 45
Актуальный прайс, новые цены.

Все, кто хочет получить специальное предложение перед слетом, пишите в личку.

Austria 2005 State Treaty 7,80
Austria 2007 Treaty of Rome 4,00
Austria 2009 EMU 3,50
Austria 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,00

Belgium 2006 Atomium 11,00
Belgium 2008 Declaration of Human Rights 4,40
Belgium 2009 EMU 4,00
Belgium 2011 Women's Day 3,50
Belgium 2012 Queen Elisabeth Music Competition 3,20
Belgium 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,00
Belgium 2013 Royal Meteorological Institute 3,00
Belgium 2014 World War I 3,30

Cyprus 2009 EMU 3,50
Cyprus 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,50

Estonia 2012 Estonia Ten years of Euro cash 3,00

Finland 2005 UN Membership 5,00
Finland 2006 Universal and Equal Suffrage 6,00
Finland 2007 Treaty of Rome 4,50
Finland 2010 Currency Decree 4,00
Finland 2011 Bank of Finland 3,80
Finland 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,40
Finland 2013 Frans Eemil Sillanpää 3,40
Finland 2014 Ilmari Tapiovaara 3,30
Finland 2014 Tove Jansson 3,40
Finland 2015 Jean Sibelius 3,10
France 2008 Presidency of the Council of the EU 4,50

France 2010 General de Gaulle 3,80
France 2011 Fête de la Musique 4,00
France 2012 Abbé Pierre 5,00
France 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,50
France 2013 Pierre de Coubertin 3,50
France 2014 D-Day 3,30
France 2014 World AIDS Day 3,30
France 2015 70 years of Peace in Europe 3,00

Germany 2006 Lübeck Schleswig-Holstein D 6,60
Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern F 4,00
Germany 2007 Treaty of Rome D 4,00
Germany 2007 Treaty of Rome F 4,00
Germany 2008 Hamburg D 4,00
Germany 2008 Hamburg J 4,00
Germany 2008 Hamburg F 4,00
Germany 2009 EMU J 4,50
Germany 2009 Saarland D 3,60
Germany 2010 Bremen D 3,70
Germany 2012 Bavaria D 3,80
Germany 2012 Bavaria F 3,80
Germany 2012 Bavaria J 3,80
Germany 2013 Baden-Württemberg G 3,50
Germany 2013 Franco-German Friendship (Élysée Treaty) A 3,00
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony A 2,50
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony G 3,00
Germany 2015 German Unity J 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen A 3,00

Greece 2011 Special Olympics Games 3,50
Greece 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,40
Greece 2013 Crete 4,00
Greece 2013 Platonic Academy 3,50
Greece 2014 El Greco 3,20
Greece 2014 Ionian Islands 3,20
Greece 2010 Battle of Marathon 5,10

Ireland 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,60

Italy 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin 4,00
Italy 2009 Louis Braille 3,50
Italy 2010 Camillo Benso conte di Cavour 3,30
Italy 2012 Giovanni Pascoli 3,50
Italy 2011 Italian unification 3,50
Italy 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,20
Italy 2013 Giovanni Boccaccio 3,50
Italy 2013 Giuseppe Verdi 3,50
Italy 2014 Carabinieri 3,30
Italy 2014 Galileo Galilei 3,30

Latvia 2014 Riga European Capital of Culture 2,50
Latvia 2015 EU Presidency 2,50

Luxembourg 2005 Grand Dukes Henry and Adolf 3,70
Luxembourg 2007 Grand Ducal Palace 4,00
Luxembourg 2007 Treaty of Rome 3,50
Luxembourg 2009 Charlotte's Accession to the Throne 3,60
Luxembourg 2010 Coat of arms of the Grand Duke 7,00
Luxembourg 2011 Jean as lieutenant-représentant 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 10 Ten years of Euro cash 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 Royal Wedding 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 William IV 3,50
Luxembourg 2013 National Anthem 3,10
Luxembourg 2014 Grand Duke Jean Accession to the Throne 3,30
Luxembourg 2014 Independence 3,50

Malta 2009 EMU 3,50
Malta 2011 First election of representatives 7,00
Malta 2014 Independence from Britain 4,20
Malta 2014 Police Force 7,00
Malta 2015 First flight 5,80

Monaco 2013 Monaco Membership of the UN 5,00

Netherlands 2007 Treaty of Rome 4,50
Netherlands 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 4,30
Netherlands 2014 Willem-Alexander and Beatrix 4,00

Portugal 2007 Presidency of the Council of the EU 3,80
Portugal 2007 Treaty of Rome 4,00
Portugal 2008 Declaration of Human Rights 4,00
Portugal 2009 Lusophony Games 4,00
Portugal 2012 Guimarães, European Capital of Culture 3,30
Portugal 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 4,00
Portugal 2013 Clérigos Tower 3,30
Portugal 2014 Carnation Revolution 3,00
Portugal 2014 Family Farming 3,30
Portugal 2015 Red Cross 3,30

San Marino 2013 normal coin 3,50

Slovakia 2009 EMU 3,40
Slovakia 2011 Visegrád Group 3,60
Slovakia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 0,00
Slovakia 2013 Mission of Constantine and Methodius 3,50
Slovakia 2014 Membership in EU 3,20

Slovenia 2007 Treaty of Rome 25,00
Slovenia 2008 Primož Trubar 3,60
Slovenia 2009 EMU 3,50
Slovenia 2010 Botanical Garden 3,60
Slovenia 2011 Franc Rozman – Stane 3,60
Slovenia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,30
Slovenia 2013 Postojna Cave 3,40
Slovenia 2014 Barbara of Celje 3,40

Spain 2010 Cordoba 3,40
Spain 2011 Alhambra Generalife and Albayzín 3,50
Spain 2012 Burgos 3,30
Spain 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,40
Spain 2013 Escorial 3,30
Spain 2014 normal coin 2,50
Spain 2014 King Felipe VI 3,40
Spain 2014 Park Güell Work of Antoni Gaudí 3,30
Spain 2015 Cave of Altamira 3,10

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 12 июл 2015, 19:15 
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Зарегистрирован: 01 дек 2013, 22:48
Сообщения: 5462
Телефон: 29336066
Пункты репутации: 505
na slete vozmu
Belgium 2008
Finland 2007(Rome)
Germany 2007 F(Rome)
Germany 2009 J(EMU)

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 16 июл 2015, 11:31 
Не в сети

Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2014, 15:50
Сообщения: 244
Пункты репутации: 45
Актуальное предложение

Austria 2005 State Treaty 7,80
Austria 2007 Treaty of Rome 4,00
Austria 2009 EMU 3,50
Austria 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,00

Belgium 2006 Atomium 11,00
Belgium 2008 Declaration of Human Rights 4,40
Belgium 2009 EMU 4,00
Belgium 2011 Women's Day 3,50
Belgium 2012 Queen Elisabeth Music Competition 3,20
Belgium 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,00
Belgium 2013 Royal Meteorological Institute 3,00
Belgium 2014 World War I 3,30

Cyprus 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,50
Cyprus 2009 EMU 3,50

Estonia 2012 Estonia Ten years of Euro cash 3,00

Finland 2005 UN Membership 5,00
Finland 2006 Universal and Equal Suffrage 6,00
Finland 2007 Treaty of Rome 4,50
Finland 2010 Currency Decree 4,00
Finland 2011 Bank of Finland 3,80
Finland 2012 150 Years Helene Schjerfbeck 4,00
Finland 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,40
Finland 2013 Frans Eemil Sillanpää 3,40
Finland 2013 Parliament 4,30
Finland 2014 Ilmari Tapiovaara 3,30
Finland 2014 Tove Jansson 3,40
Finland 2015 Jean Sibelius 3,10

France 2010 General de Gaulle 3,80
France 2011 Fête de la Musique 4,00
France 2012 Abbé Pierre 5,00
France 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,50
France 2014 D-Day 3,30
France 2014 World AIDS Day 3,30
France 2015 70 years of Peace in Europe 3,00

Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern F 4,00
Germany 2007 Treaty of Rome D 4,00
Germany 2008 Hamburg D 4,00
Germany 2009 Saarland D 3,60
Germany 2010 Bremen D 3,70
Germany 2012 Bavaria D 3,80
Germany 2012 Bavaria F 3,80
Germany 2012 Bavaria J 3,80
Germany 2013 Baden-Württemberg G 3,50
Germany 2013 Franco-German Friendship (Élysée Treaty) A 3,00
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony A 2,50
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony G 3,00
Germany 2015 German Unity J 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen A 3,00

Greece 2010 Battle of Marathon 5,10
Greece 2011 Special Olympics Games 3,50
Greece 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,40
Greece 2013 Platonic Academy 3,50
Greece 2014 El Greco 3,20
Greece 2014 Ionian Islands 3,20

Italy 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin 4,00
Italy 2008 Declaration of Human Rights 4,70
Italy 2009 Louis Braille 3,50
Italy 2010 Camillo Benso conte di Cavour 3,30
Italy 2011 Italian unification 3,50
Italy 2012 Giovanni Pascoli 3,50
Italy 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,20
Italy 2013 Giovanni Boccaccio 3,50
Italy 2013 Giuseppe Verdi 3,50
Italy 2014 Carabinieri 3,30
Italy 2014 Galileo Galilei 3,30

Latvia 2014 Riga European Capital of Culture 3,00
Latvia 2015 EU Presidency 2,50

Luxembourg 2005 Grand Dukes Henry and Adolf 3,70
Luxembourg 2007 Grand Ducal Palace 4,00
Luxembourg 2007 Treaty of Rome 3,50
Luxembourg 2010 Coat of arms of the Grand Duke 7,00
Luxembourg 2011 Jean as lieutenant-représentant 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 Royal Wedding 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 William IV 3,50
Luxembourg 2013 National Anthem 3,10
Luxembourg 2014 Grand Duke Jean Accession to the Throne 3,30
Luxembourg 2014 Independence 3,30
Luxembourg 2015 Henri Accession to the Throne 3,30

Malta 2009 EMU 3,50
Malta 2011 First election of representatives 7,00
Malta 2014 Independence from Britain 4,20
Malta 2014 Police Force 7,00
Malta 2015 First flight 5,80

Monaco 2013 Monaco Membership of the UN 5,00

Netherlands 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 4,30
Netherlands 2014 Willem-Alexander and Beatrix 4,00

Portugal 2007 Presidency of the Council of the EU 3,80
Portugal 2008 Declaration of Human Rights 4,00
Portugal 2012 Guimarães, European Capital of Culture 3,30
Portugal 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 4,00
Portugal 2013 Clérigos Tower 3,30
Portugal 2014 Carnation Revolution 3,00
Portugal 2014 Family Farming 3,30
Portugal 2015 Red Cross 3,30

San Marino 2013 normal coin 3,50

Slovakia 2009 EMU 3,40
Slovakia 2011 Visegrád Group 3,60
Slovakia 2013 Mission of Constantine and Methodius 3,50
Slovakia 2014 Membership in EU 3,20

Slovenia 2009 EMU 3,50
Slovenia 2011 Franc Rozman – Stane 3,60
Slovenia 2007 Treaty of Rome 27,00
Slovenia 2008 Primož Trubar 3,60
Slovenia 2010 Botanical Garden 3,60
Slovenia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,30
Slovenia 2013 Postojna Cave 3,40
Slovenia 2014 Barbara of Celje 3,40

Spain 2010 Cordoba 3,40
Spain 2011 Alhambra Generalife and Albayzín 3,50
Spain 2012 Burgos 3,30
Spain 2012 Ten years of Euro cash 3,40
Spain 2013 Escorial 3,30
Spain 2014 King Felipe VI 3,40
Spain 2014 normal coin 2,50
Spain 2014 Park Güell Work of Antoni Gaudí 3,30
Spain 2015 Cave of Altamira 3,10

Актуальное предложение смотрите на сайте COINSWD.COM

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 17 июл 2015, 10:57 
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Зарегистрирован: 07 окт 2013, 15:16
Сообщения: 8819
Телефон: 22222222
Металлодетектор: 2x2
Пункты репутации: 1211
Заберу на слёте!
France 2 euro 2015 70 years of Peace in Europe 3,00
Portugal 2015 Red Cross 3,30
Germany 2013 Franco-German Friendship (Élysée Treaty) A 3,00
Germany 2008 Hamburg D 4,00


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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 17 июл 2015, 11:02 
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Зарегистрирован: 07 окт 2013, 15:16
Сообщения: 8819
Телефон: 22222222
Металлодетектор: 2x2
Пункты репутации: 1211
А есть Извините нужна - Germany 2 euro 2013 Franco-German Friendship (Élysée Treaty) D 3,00!

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 17 июл 2015, 12:02 
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Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2014, 15:50
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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 29 июл 2015, 12:33 
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Актуально. Новинки выделены цветом.

Austria 2005 State Treaty (#1416) --- 7,80
Austria 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1225) --- 4,00
Austria 2009 EMU (#1199) --- 3,50
Austria 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1007) --- 3,00

Belgium 2006 Atomium (#1477) --- 11,00
Belgium 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1672) --- 3,70
Belgium 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1402) --- 4,40
Belgium 2009 EMU (#1401) --- 4,00
Belgium 2010 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1673) --- 3,30
Belgium 2011 Women's Day (#1104) --- 3,50
Belgium 2012 Queen Elisabeth Music Competition (#920) --- 3,20
Belgium 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#741) --- 3,00
Belgium 2013 Royal Meteorological Institute (#1006) --- 3,00
Belgium 2014 World War I (#742) --- 3,30

Cyprus 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1200) --- 3,50
Cyprus 2009 EMU (#1051) --- 3,50

Estonia 2012 Estonia Ten years of Euro cash (#926) --- 3,00

Finland 2005 UN Membership (#1226) --- 5,00
Finland 2006 Universal and Equal Suffrage (#1403) --- 6,00
Finland 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1227) --- 4,50
Finland 2010 Currency Decree (#1228) --- 4,00
Finland 2011 Bank of Finland (#1392) --- 3,80
Finland 2012 150 Years Helene Schjerfbeck (#1639) --- 4,00
Finland 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1464) --- 3,40
Finland 2013 Frans Eemil Sillanpää (#945) --- 3,40
Finland 2013 Parliament (#1641) --- 4,30
Finland 2014 Ilmari Tapiovaara (#1122) --- 3,50
Finland 2014 Tove Jansson (#1009) --- 3,40
Finland 2015 Jean Sibelius (#1243) --- 3,10

France 2010 General de Gaulle (#1229) --- 3,80
France 2011 Fête de la Musique (#1123) --- 4,00
France 2012 Abbé Pierre (#1230) --- 5,00
France 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1052) --- 3,50
France 2014 D-Day (#946) --- 3,30
France 2014 World AIDS Day (#1081) --- 3,30
France 2015 70 years of Peace in Europe (#1125) --- 3,00

Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern F (#1053) --- 4,00
Germany 2007 Treaty of Rome D (#1388) --- 4,00
Germany 2008 Hamburg D (#1387) --- 4,00
Germany 2008 Hamburg F (#) --- 4,00
Germany 2008 Hamburg J (#) --- 4,00
Germany 2009 Saarland D (#1502) --- 3,60
Germany 2010 Bremen D (#1503) --- 3,70
Germany 2012 Bavaria D (#1394) --- 3,80
Germany 2012 Bavaria F (#1395) --- 3,80
Germany 2012 Bavaria J (#1393) --- 3,80
Germany 2013 Baden-Württemberg G (#1005) --- 3,50
Germany 2013 Franco-German Friendship (Élysée Treaty) A (#1638) --- 3,00
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony A (#1001) --- 2,50
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony G (#1008) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 German Unity J (#1105) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen A (#1106) --- 3,00

Greece 2010 Battle of Marathon (#1397) --- 5,10
Greece 2011 Special Olympics Games (#1231) --- 3,50
Greece 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1107) --- 3,40
Greece 2013 Platonic Academy (#1242) --- 3,50
Greece 2014 El Greco (#935) --- 3,20
Greece 2014 Ionian Islands (#936) --- 3,20

Italy 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin (#1233) --- 4,00
Italy 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1640) --- 4,70
Italy 2009 Louis Braille (#1234) --- 3,50
Italy 2010 Camillo Benso conte di Cavour (#922) --- 3,50
Italy 2011 Italian unification (#921) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Giovanni Pascoli (#923) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1082) --- 3,20
Italy 2013 Giovanni Boccaccio (#925) --- 3,50
Italy 2013 Giuseppe Verdi (#924) --- 3,50
Italy 2014 Carabinieri (#999) --- 3,30
Italy 2014 Galileo Galilei (#1080) --- 3,30

Latvia 2014 Riga European Capital of Culture (#756) --- 3,00
Latvia 2015 EU Presidency (#1189) --- 2,50

Luxembourg 2005 Grand Dukes Henry and Adolf (#1398) --- 3,70
Luxembourg 2007 Grand Ducal Palace (#1113) --- 4,00
Luxembourg 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1235) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2010 Coat of arms of the Grand Duke (#1054) --- 7,00
Luxembourg 2011 Jean as lieutenant-représentant (#1115) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 Royal Wedding (#1015) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1447) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 William IV (#1116) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2013 National Anthem (#938) --- 3,10
Luxembourg 2014 Grand Duke Jean Accession to the Throne (#1013) --- 3,30
Luxembourg 2014 Independence (#1017) --- 3,30
Luxembourg 2015 Henri Accession to the Throne (#1515) --- 3,30

Malta 2009 EMU (#1117) --- 3,50
Malta 2011 First election of representatives (#1118) --- 7,00
Malta 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1674) --- 4,10
Malta 2014 Independence from Britain (#1016) --- 4,20
Malta 2014 Police Force (#1018) --- 7,00
Malta 2015 First flight (#1505) --- 5,80

Monaco 2013 Monaco Membership of the UN (#1014) --- 5,00

Netherlands 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1438) --- 4,30
Netherlands 2014 Willem-Alexander and Beatrix (#1019) --- 4,00

Portugal 2007 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1391) --- 3,80
Portugal 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1119) --- 4,00
Portugal 2012 Guimarães, European Capital of Culture (#1120) --- 3,30
Portugal 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#939) --- 4,00
Portugal 2013 Clérigos Tower (#1121) --- 3,30
Portugal 2014 Carnation Revolution (#940) --- 3,00
Portugal 2014 Family Farming (#1020) --- 3,30
Portugal 2015 Red Cross (#1404) --- 3,30
Portugal 2015 Timor (#1627) --- 3,50

San Marino 2013 normal coin (#941) --- 3,50

Slovakia 2009 EMU (#943) --- 3,40
Slovakia 2009 Velvet Revolution (#1675) --- 3,50
Slovakia 2011 Visegrád Group (#1238) --- 3,60
Slovakia 2013 Mission of Constantine and Methodius (#942) --- 3,50
Slovakia 2014 Membership in EU (#947) --- 3,20

Slovenia 2009 EMU (#1408) --- 3,50
Slovenia 2011 Franc Rozman – Stane (#1240) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1406) --- 27,00
Slovenia 2008 Primož Trubar (#1012) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2010 Botanical Garden (#1011) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#927) --- 3,30
Slovenia 2013 Postojna Cave (#944) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2014 Barbara of Celje (#1083) --- 3,40

Spain 2009 EMU (#1676) --- 5,00
Spain 2010 Cordoba (#937) --- 3,40
Spain 2011 Alhambra Generalife and Albayzín (#1108) --- 3,50
Spain 2012 Burgos (#1109) --- 3,20
Spain 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1241) --- 3,40
Spain 2013 Escorial (#1110) --- 3,30
Spain 2014 King Felipe VI (#1112) --- 3,40
Spain 2014 normal coin (#1111) --- 2,50
Spain 2014 Park Güell Work of Antoni Gaudí (#1010) --- 3,30
Spain 2015 Cave of Altamira (#1244) --- 3,10

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 29 июл 2015, 13:31 
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Portugal 2015 Timor (#1627) --- 3,00

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 07 авг 2015, 16:28 
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Greece 2004 Summer Olympics (Discus Thrower) (#1715) --- 5,50

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 12 авг 2015, 10:54 
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Зарегистрирован: 16 апр 2015, 23:47
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Откуда: Vilnius, Lithuania
Телефон: +371 67660802
Пункты репутации: 58
Готов взять:
Belgium 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#741) --- 3,00
France 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1052) --- 3,50
Greece 2014 Ionian Islands (#936) --- 3,20
Italy 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1082) --- 3,20
Slovenia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#927) --- 3,30

, если сможем встретиться с Вами в районе центра Риги 28 августа после 12 часов дня. Я буду в городе проездом.

Есть: современная Россия. Нужны: монеты на тему "море" (корабли, события, животные...)

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 12 авг 2015, 11:25 
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Телефон: +371 67660802
Пункты репутации: 58
Добавлю: Netherlands 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1438) --- 4,30
viatoo писал(а):
Готов взять:
Belgium 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#741) --- 3,00
France 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1052) --- 3,50
Greece 2014 Ionian Islands (#936) --- 3,20
Italy 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1082) --- 3,20
Slovenia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#927) --- 3,30

, если сможем встретиться с Вами в районе центра Риги 28 августа после 12 часов дня. Я буду в городе проездом.

Есть: современная Россия. Нужны: монеты на тему "море" (корабли, события, животные...)

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 25 авг 2015, 16:33 
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Пункты репутации: 45

Austria 2005 State Treaty (#1416) --- 7,80
Austria 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1225) --- 4,00
Austria 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1007) --- 3,00

Belgium 2006 Atomium (#1477) --- 11,00
Belgium 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1672) --- 3,70
Belgium 2009 EMU (#1401) --- 4,00
Belgium 2010 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1673) --- 3,30
Belgium 2011 Women's Day (#1104) --- 3,50
Belgium 2012 Queen Elisabeth Music Competition (#920) --- 3,20
Belgium 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#741) --- 3,00
Belgium 2013 Royal Meteorological Institute (#1006) --- 3,00
Belgium 2014 World War I (#742) --- 3,30

Cyprus 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1200) --- 3,50
Cyprus 2009 EMU (#1051) --- 3,50

Estonia 2012 Estonia Ten years of Euro cash (#926) --- 3,00

Finland 2004 EU Enlargement (#1407) --- 35,00
Finland 2005 UN Membership (#1226) --- 5,00
Finland 2006 Universal and Equal Suffrage (#1403) --- 6,00
Finland 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1227) --- 4,50
Finland 2010 Currency Decree (#1228) --- 4,00
Finland 2011 Bank of Finland (#1392) --- 3,80
Finland 2012 150 Years Helene Schjerfbeck (#1639) --- 4,00
Finland 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1464) --- 3,40
Finland 2013 Frans Eemil Sillanpää (#945) --- 3,40
Finland 2013 Parliament (#1641) --- 4,30
Finland 2014 Ilmari Tapiovaara (#1122) --- 3,50
Finland 2014 Tove Jansson (#1009) --- 3,40
Finland 2015 Jean Sibelius (#1243) --- 3,10

France 2010 General de Gaulle (#1229) --- 3,80
France 2011 Fête de la Musique (#1123) --- 4,00
France 2012 Abbé Pierre (#1230) --- 5,00
France 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1052) --- 3,50
France 2014 D-Day (#946) --- 3,30
France 2014 World AIDS Day (#1081) --- 3,30
France 2015 70 years of Peace in Europe (#1125) --- 3,00

Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern F (#1053) --- 4,00
Germany 2007 Treaty of Rome D (#1388) --- 4,00
Germany 2008 Hamburg D (#1387) --- 4,00
Germany 2008 Hamburg F (#) --- 4,00
Germany 2008 Hamburg J (#) --- 4,00
Germany 2009 Saarland D (#1502) --- 3,60
Germany 2012 Bavaria D (#1394) --- 3,80
Germany 2013 Baden-Württemberg G (#1005) --- 3,50
Germany 2013 Franco-German Friendship (Élysée Treaty) A (#1638) --- 3,00
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony A (#1001) --- 2,50
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony G (#1008) --- 3,00
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony J (#1004) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 German Unity J (#1105) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen A (#1106) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen J (#1688) --- 3,00

Greece 2004 Summer Olympics (Discus Thrower) (#1715) --- 5,50
Greece 2010 Battle of Marathon (#1397) --- 5,10
Greece 2011 Special Olympics Games (#1231) --- 3,50
Greece 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1107) --- 3,40
Greece 2013 Platonic Academy (#1242) --- 3,50
Greece 2014 El Greco (#935) --- 3,20
Greece 2014 Ionian Islands (#936) --- 3,20

Italy 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin (#1233) --- 4,00
Italy 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1640) --- 4,70
Italy 2009 Louis Braille (#1234) --- 3,50
Italy 2010 Camillo Benso conte di Cavour (#922) --- 3,50
Italy 2011 Italian unification (#921) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Giovanni Pascoli (#923) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1082) --- 3,20
Italy 2013 Giovanni Boccaccio (#925) --- 3,50
Italy 2013 Giuseppe Verdi (#924) --- 3,50
Italy 2014 Carabinieri (#999) --- 3,30
Italy 2014 Galileo Galilei (#1080) --- 3,30
Italy 2015 Dante Alighieri (#1690) --- 3,00
Italy 2015 Expo Milan (#1465) --- 3,00

Latvia 2014 Riga European Capital of Culture (#756) --- 3,00
Latvia 2015 EU Presidency (#1189) --- 2,50

Luxembourg 2004 Grand Duke Henry (#1727) --- 4,20
Luxembourg 2005 Grand Dukes Henry and Adolf (#1398) --- 3,70
Luxembourg 2007 Grand Ducal Palace (#1113) --- 4,00
Luxembourg 2008 Berg Castle (#1728) --- 4,20
Luxembourg 2009 Charlotte's Accession to the Throne (#1114) --- 3,60
Luxembourg 2010 Coat of arms of the Grand Duke (#1054) --- 7,00
Luxembourg 2011 Jean as lieutenant-représentant (#1115) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 Royal Wedding (#1015) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 William IV (#1116) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2013 National Anthem (#938) --- 3,10
Luxembourg 2014 Grand Duke Jean Accession to the Throne (#1013) --- 3,30
Luxembourg 2014 Independence (#1017) --- 3,30
Luxembourg 2015 Henri Accession to the Throne (#1515) --- 3,30

Malta 2009 EMU (#1117) --- 3,50
Malta 2011 First election of representatives (#1118) --- 7,00
Malta 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1674) --- 4,10
Malta 2014 Independence from Britain (#1016) --- 4,20
Malta 2015 First flight (#1505) --- 5,80

Netherlands 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1438) --- 4,30
Netherlands 2014 Willem-Alexander and Beatrix (#1019) --- 4,00

Portugal 2007 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1391) --- 3,80
Portugal 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1119) --- 4,00
Portugal 2012 Guimarães, European Capital of Culture (#1120) --- 3,30
Portugal 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#939) --- 4,00
Portugal 2013 Clérigos Tower (#1121) --- 3,30
Portugal 2014 Carnation Revolution (#940) --- 3,00
Portugal 2014 Family Farming (#1020) --- 3,30
Portugal 2015 Red Cross (#1404) --- 3,30
Portugal 2015 Timor (#1627) --- 3,00

San Marino 2013 normal coin (#941) --- 3,50

Slovakia 2009 EMU (#943) --- 3,40
Slovakia 2009 Velvet Revolution (#1675) --- 3,50
Slovakia 2011 Visegrád Group (#1238) --- 3,60
Slovakia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#919) --- 3,40
Slovakia 2013 Mission of Constantine and Methodius (#942) --- 3,50
Slovakia 2014 Membership in EU (#947) --- 3,20

Slovenia 2009 EMU (#1408) --- 3,50
Slovenia 2011 Franc Rozman – Stane (#1240) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1406) --- 27,00
Slovenia 2008 Primož Trubar (#1012) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2010 Botanical Garden (#1011) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#927) --- 3,30
Slovenia 2013 Postojna Cave (#944) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2014 Barbara of Celje (#1083) --- 3,40

Spain 2009 EMU (#1676) --- 5,00
Spain 2010 Cordoba (#937) --- 3,40
Spain 2011 Alhambra Generalife and Albayzín (#1108) --- 3,50
Spain 2012 Burgos (#1109) --- 3,20
Spain 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1241) --- 3,40
Spain 2013 Escorial (#1110) --- 3,30
Spain 2014 King Felipe VI (#1112) --- 3,40
Spain 2014 normal coin (#1111) --- 2,50
Spain 2014 Park Güell Work of Antoni Gaudí (#1010) --- 3,30
Spain 2015 Cave of Altamira (#1244) --- 3,10

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 27 авг 2015, 18:41 
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Belgium 2012(#920);Finland 2013 Parliament(#1641);Italy 2011(#921),если можно- в центре.

Если у тебя есть фонтан-заткни его.Дай отдохнуть и фонтану.К.Прутков

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 30 авг 2015, 08:11 
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Металлодетектор: Garrett ACE 250
Пункты репутации: 297
Lusi писал(а):
Все, кто хочет получить специальное предложение перед слетом, пишите в личку.

Имеется ли в наличии:
Netherlands 2 euro 2011 Praise of Folly by Desiderius Erasmus - 8,00?

И в чём заключается специальное предложение?


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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 10 сен 2015, 15:54 
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Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2014, 15:50
Сообщения: 244
Пункты репутации: 45
Актуальное предложение:

Austria 2005 State Treaty (#1416) --- 7,80
Austria 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1225) --- 4,00
Austria 2009 EMU (#1199) --- 3,50
Austria 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1007) --- 3,00

Belgium 2006 Atomium (#1477) --- 11,00
Belgium 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1672) --- 3,70
Belgium 2009 EMU (#1401) --- 4,00
Belgium 2010 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1673) --- 3,30
Belgium 2011 Women's Day (#1104) --- 3,50
Belgium 2012 Queen Elisabeth Music Competition (#920) --- 3,20
Belgium 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#741) --- 3,00
Belgium 2013 Royal Meteorological Institute (#1006) --- 3,00
Belgium 2014 World War I (#742) --- 3,30

Cyprus 2009 EMU (#1051) --- 3,50
Cyprus 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1200) --- 3,50

Estonia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#926) --- 3,00

Finland 2004 EU Enlargement (#1407) --- 35,00
Finland 2005 UN Membership (#1226) --- 5,00
Finland 2006 Universal and Equal Suffrage (#1403) --- 6,00
Finland 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1227) --- 4,50
Finland 2009 Autonomy (#1804) --- 4,50
Finland 2010 Currency Decree (#1228) --- 4,00
Finland 2011 Bank of Finland (#1392) --- 3,80
Finland 2012 150 Years Helene Schjerfbeck (#1639) --- 4,00
Finland 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1464) --- 3,40
Finland 2013 Frans Eemil Sillanpää (#945) --- 3,40
Finland 2013 Parliament (#1641) --- 4,30
Finland 2014 Ilmari Tapiovaara (#1122) --- 3,50
Finland 2014 Tove Jansson (#1009) --- 3,40
Finland 2015 Flag of Europe (#1801) --- 3,20
Finland 2015 Jean Sibelius (#1243) --- 3,10

France 2010 General de Gaulle (#1229) --- 3,80
France 2011 Fête de la Musique (#1123) --- 4,00
France 2012 Abbé Pierre (#1230) --- 5,00
France 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1052) --- 3,50
France 2014 D-Day (#946) --- 3,30
France 2014 World AIDS Day (#1081) --- 3,30
France 2015 70 years of Peace in Europe (#1125) --- 3,00

Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern F (#1053) --- 4,50
Germany 2007 Treaty of Rome D (#1388) --- 4,50
Germany 2008 Hamburg D (#1387) --- 4,00
Germany 2008 Hamburg F (#) --- 4,00
Germany 2008 Hamburg J (#) --- 4,00
Germany 2009 Saarland D (#1502) --- 3,60
Germany 2012 Bavaria D (#1394) --- 3,80
Germany 2013 Baden-Württemberg G (#1005) --- 3,50
Germany 2013 Franco-German Friendship (Élysée Treaty) A (#1638) --- 3,00
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony A (#1001) --- 2,50
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony G (#1008) --- 3,00
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony J (#1004) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 German Unity J (#1105) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen A (#1106) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen J (#1688) --- 3,00

Greece 2004 Summer Olympics (Discus Thrower) (#1715) --- 5,50
Greece 2010 Battle of Marathon (#1397) --- 5,10
Greece 2011 Special Olympics Games (#1231) --- 3,50
Greece 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1107) --- 3,40
Greece 2013 Platonic Academy (#1242) --- 3,50
Greece 2014 El Greco (#935) --- 3,20
Greece 2014 Ionian Islands (#936) --- 3,20

Ireland 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1780) --- 5,50
Ireland 2009 EMU (#1781) --- 4,50
Ireland 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1400) --- 3,80

Italy 2004 World Food Program (#1783) --- 3,80
Italy 2005 European Constitution (#1784) --- 4,80
Italy 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin (#1233) --- 4,00
Italy 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1640) --- 4,80
Italy 2009 EMU (#1785) --- 4,00
Italy 2009 Louis Braille (#1234) --- 3,50
Italy 2010 Camillo Benso conte di Cavour (#922) --- 3,50
Italy 2011 Italian unification (#921) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Giovanni Pascoli (#923) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1082) --- 3,20
Italy 2013 Giovanni Boccaccio (#925) --- 3,00
Italy 2013 Giuseppe Verdi (#924) --- 3,50
Italy 2014 Carabinieri (#999) --- 3,30
Italy 2014 Galileo Galilei (#1080) --- 3,30
Italy 2015 Dante Alighieri (#1690) --- 3,00
Italy 2015 Expo Milan (#1465) --- 3,00

Latvia 2014 Riga (#756) --- 3,00
Latvia 2015 EU Presidency (#1189) --- 2,25

Luxembourg 2004 Grand Duke Henry (#1727) --- 4,20
Luxembourg 2005 Grand Dukes Henry and Adolf (#1398) --- 3,60
Luxembourg 2007 Grand Ducal Palace (#1113) --- 4,00
Luxembourg 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1235) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2008 Berg Castle (#1728) --- 4,30
Luxembourg 2009 Charlotte's Accession to the Throne (#1114) --- 3,60
Luxembourg 2010 Coat of arms of the Grand Duke (#1054) --- 7,00
Luxembourg 2011 Jean as lieutenant-représentant (#1115) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 Royal Wedding (#1015) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 William IV (#1116) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2013 National Anthem (#938) --- 3,10
Luxembourg 2014 Grand Duke Jean Accession to the Throne (#1013) --- 3,30
Luxembourg 2014 Independence (#1017) --- 3,30
Luxembourg 2015 Henri Accession to the Throne (#1515) --- 3,20

Malta 2009 EMU (#1117) --- 3,50
Malta 2011 First election of representatives (#1118) --- 7,00
Malta 2012 1887 Majority Representation (#1786) --- 5,00
Malta 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1674) --- 4,10
Malta 2013 Self-Government (#1787) --- 4,00
Malta 2014 Independence from Britain (#1016) --- 4,20
Malta 2015 First flight (#1505) --- 5,80

Netherlands 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1390) --- 4,50
Netherlands 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1438) --- 4,50
Netherlands 2013 Double Portrait (#1755) --- 3,50
Netherlands 2014 Willem-Alexander and Beatrix (#1019) --- 4,00

Portugal 2007 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1391) --- 3,80
Portugal 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1236) --- 4,00
Portugal 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1119) --- 4,00
Portugal 2009 EMU (#1788) --- 3,50
Portugal 2012 Guimarães, European Capital of Culture (#1120) --- 3,30
Portugal 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#939) --- 4,00
Portugal 2013 Clérigos Tower (#1121) --- 3,30
Portugal 2014 Carnation Revolution (#940) --- 3,00
Portugal 2014 Family Farming (#1020) --- 3,30
Portugal 2015 Red Cross (#1404) --- 3,30
Portugal 2015 Timor (#1627) --- 3,00

San Marino 2006 Christopher Columbus (#1790) --- 95,00
San Marino 2007 Giuseppe Garibaldi (#1791) --- 45,00
San Marino 2008 Intercultural Dialogue (#1792) --- 78,00
San Marino 2009 Year of Innovation (#1793) --- 30,00
San Marino 2010 Sandro Botticelli (#1794) --- 40,00
San Marino 2011 Giorgio Vasari (#1795) --- 30,00
San Marino 2012 10th Anniversary of Euro coins and banknotes (#1796) --- 29,00
San Marino 2013 Pinturicchio (#1797) --- 28,00
San Marino 2013 normal coin (#941) --- 3,50
San Marino 2014 Donato Bramante (#1798) --- 32,00
San Marino 2014 Giacomo Puccini (#1800) --- 32,00
San Marino 2015 Dante Alighieri (#1799) --- 28,00

Slovakia 2009 EMU (#943) --- 3,40
Slovakia 2009 Velvet Revolution (#1675) --- 3,50
Slovakia 2011 Visegrád Group (#1238) --- 3,60
Slovakia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#919) --- 3,40
Slovakia 2013 Mission of Constantine and Methodius (#942) --- 3,50
Slovakia 2014 Membership in EU (#947) --- 3,20

Slovenia 2009 EMU (#1408) --- 3,50
Slovenia 2011 Franc Rozman – Stane (#1240) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2008 Primož Trubar (#1012) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2010 Botanical Garden (#1011) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#927) --- 3,30
Slovenia 2013 Postojna Cave (#944) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2014 Barbara of Celje (#1083) --- 3,40

Spain 2009 EMU (#1676) --- 5,50
Spain 2010 Cordoba (#937) --- 3,40
Spain 2011 Alhambra Generalife and Albayzín (#1108) --- 3,50
Spain 2012 Burgos (#1109) --- 3,20
Spain 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1241) --- 3,40
Spain 2013 Escorial (#1110) --- 3,30
Spain 2014 King Felipe VI (#1112) --- 3,40
Spain 2014 normal coin (#1111) --- 2,50
Spain 2014 Park Güell of Antoni Gaudí (#1010) --- 3,30
Spain 2015 Cave of Altamira (#1244) --- 3,10

Vatican 2007 Pope Benedict XVI (#1772) --- 150,00
Vatican 2009 Year of astronomy (#1774) --- 62,00
Vatican 2008 Year of Saint Paul the Apostle (#1773) --- 70,00
Vatican 2010 Year for Priests (#1775) --- 40,00
Vatican 2011 26th World Youth Day (#1776) --- 35,00
Vatican 2012 7th World Meeting of Families (#1777) --- 35,00
Vatican 2013 28th World Youth Day - Rio de Janeiro (#1778) --- 35,00
Vatican 2014 25 Years since the Fall of the Berlin Wall (#1779) --- 35,00

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 29 сен 2015, 22:05 
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Сообщения: 244
Пункты репутации: 45
Актуальное предложение:

Austria 2005 State Treaty (#1416) --- 7,80
Austria 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1225) --- 5,00
Austria 2009 EMU (#1199) --- 3,50
Austria 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1007) --- 3,00

Belgium 2006 Atomium (#1477) --- 11,50
Belgium 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1672) --- 3,80
Belgium 2009 EMU (#1401) --- 4,00
Belgium 2010 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1673) --- 3,30
Belgium 2011 Women's Day (#1104) --- 3,50
Belgium 2012 Queen Elisabeth Music Competition (#920) --- 3,20
Belgium 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#741) --- 3,00
Belgium 2013 Royal Meteorological Institute (#1006) --- 3,10
Belgium 2014 World War I (#742) --- 3,30
Belgium 2015 Year for Development (coincard) (#1839) --- 11,00

Cyprus 2009 EMU (#1051) --- 3,50
Cyprus 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1200) --- 3,50

Estonia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#926) --- 3,00

Finland 2004 EU Enlargement (#1407) --- 35,00
Finland 2005 UN Membership (#1226) --- 5,00
Finland 2006 Universal and Equal Suffrage (#1403) --- 6,00
Finland 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1227) --- 4,70
Finland 2009 Autonomy (#1804) --- 4,50
Finland 2010 Currency Decree (#1228) --- 4,00
Finland 2011 Bank of Finland (#1392) --- 4,00
Finland 2012 150 Years Helene Schjerfbeck (#1639) --- 4,00
Finland 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1464) --- 3,40
Finland 2013 Frans Eemil Sillanpää (#945) --- 3,40
Finland 2013 Parliament (#1641) --- 4,30
Finland 2014 Ilmari Tapiovaara (#1122) --- 3,50
Finland 2014 Tove Jansson (#1009) --- 3,40
Finland 2015 Flag of Europe (#1801) --- 3,00
Finland 2015 Jean Sibelius (#1243) --- 3,10

France 2010 General de Gaulle (#1229) --- 3,80
France 2011 Fête de la Musique (#1123) --- 4,20
France 2012 Abbé Pierre (#1230) --- 5,50
France 2014 D-Day (#946) --- 3,30
France 2014 World AIDS Day (#1081) --- 3,30
France 2015 70 years of Peace in Europe (#1125) --- 3,00

Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern F (#1053) --- 4,50
Germany 2007 Treaty of Rome D (#1388) --- 4,50
Germany 2008 Hamburg D (#1387) --- 4,00
Germany 2008 Hamburg J (#) --- 4,00
Germany 2012 Bavaria D (#1394) --- 3,80
Germany 2013 Baden-Württemberg G (#1005) --- 3,50
Germany 2013 Franco-German Friendship (Élysée Treaty) A (#1638) --- 3,00
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony A (#1001) --- 2,50
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony G (#1008) --- 3,00
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony J (#1004) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 German Unity J (#1105) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen A (#1106) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen J (#1688) --- 3,00

Greece 2004 Summer Olympics (Discus Thrower) (#1715) --- 5,50
Greece 2010 Battle of Marathon (#1397) --- 5,10
Greece 2011 Special Olympics Games (#1231) --- 3,50
Greece 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1107) --- 3,40
Greece 2013 Platonic Academy (#1242) --- 3,50
Greece 2014 El Greco (#935) --- 3,20
Greece 2014 Ionian Islands (#936) --- 3,20

Ireland 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1780) --- 5,50
Ireland 2009 EMU (#1781) --- 4,20
Ireland 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1400) --- 3,80

Italy 2004 World Food Program (#1783) --- 3,80
Italy 2005 European Constitution (#1784) --- 4,80
Italy 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin (#1233) --- 4,00
Italy 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1640) --- 4,80
Italy 2009 EMU (#1785) --- 4,00
Italy 2009 Louis Braille (#1234) --- 3,50
Italy 2010 Camillo Benso conte di Cavour (#922) --- 3,50
Italy 2011 Italian unification (#921) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Giovanni Pascoli (#923) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1082) --- 3,20
Italy 2013 Giovanni Boccaccio (#925) --- 3,00
Italy 2013 Giuseppe Verdi (#924) --- 3,50
Italy 2014 Carabinieri (#999) --- 3,30
Italy 2014 Galileo Galilei (#1080) --- 3,30
Italy 2015 Dante Alighieri (#1690) --- 3,00
Italy 2015 Expo Milan (#1465) --- 3,00

Latvia 2014 Riga (#756) --- 3,00
Latvia 2015 EU Presidency (#1189) --- 2,25

Luxembourg 2004 Grand Duke Henry (#1727) --- 4,20
Luxembourg 2005 Grand Dukes Henry and Adolf (#1398) --- 3,60
Luxembourg 2007 Grand Ducal Palace (#1113) --- 4,00
Luxembourg 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1235) --- 3,60
Luxembourg 2008 Berg Castle (#1728) --- 4,30
Luxembourg 2009 Charlotte's Accession to the Throne (#1114) --- 3,60
Luxembourg 2010 Coat of arms of the Grand Duke (#1054) --- 7,00
Luxembourg 2011 Jean as lieutenant-représentant (#1115) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 Royal Wedding (#1015) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 William IV (#1116) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2013 National Anthem (#938) --- 3,10
Luxembourg 2014 Grand Duke Jean Accession to the Throne (#1013) --- 3,30
Luxembourg 2014 Independence (#1017) --- 3,30
Luxembourg 2015 Henri Accession to the Throne (#1515) --- 3,20

Malta 2009 EMU (#1117) --- 3,50
Malta 2011 First election of representatives (#1118) --- 7,00
Malta 2012 1887 Majority Representation (#1786) --- 5,00
Malta 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1674) --- 4,10
Malta 2013 Self-Government (#1787) --- 4,00
Malta 2014 Independence from Britain (#1016) --- 4,20
Malta 2015 First flight (#1505) --- 5,80

Netherlands 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1390) --- 4,50
Netherlands 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1438) --- 4,50
Netherlands 2013 Double Portrait (#1755) --- 3,50
Netherlands 2014 Willem-Alexander and Beatrix (#1019) --- 4,00

Portugal 2007 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1391) --- 3,80
Portugal 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1236) --- 4,00
Portugal 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1119) --- 4,00
Portugal 2009 EMU (#1788) --- 3,50
Portugal 2012 Guimarães, European Capital of Culture (#1120) --- 3,30
Portugal 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#939) --- 4,00
Portugal 2013 Clérigos Tower (#1121) --- 3,30
Portugal 2014 Carnation Revolution (#940) --- 3,00
Portugal 2014 Family Farming (#1020) --- 3,30
Portugal 2015 Red Cross (#1404) --- 3,30
Portugal 2015 Timor (#1627) --- 3,00

San Marino 2008 Intercultural Dialogue (#1792) --- 78,00
San Marino 2009 Year of Innovation (#1793) --- 30,00
San Marino 2011 Giorgio Vasari (#1795) --- 30,00
San Marino 2013 normal coin (#941) --- 3,50
San Marino 2014 Donato Bramante (#1798) --- 33,00
San Marino 2014 Giacomo Puccini (#1800) --- 32,00

Slovakia 2009 EMU (#943) --- 3,40
Slovakia 2009 Velvet Revolution (#1675) --- 3,50
Slovakia 2011 Visegrád Group (#1238) --- 3,60
Slovakia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#919) --- 3,40
Slovakia 2013 Mission of Constantine and Methodius (#942) --- 3,50
Slovakia 2014 Membership in EU (#947) --- 3,20
Slovakia 2015 Flag of Europe (#1838) --- 3,00

Slovenia 2009 EMU (#1408) --- 3,50
Slovenia 2011 Franc Rozman – Stane (#1240) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2008 Primož Trubar (#1012) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2010 Botanical Garden (#1011) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#927) --- 3,30
Slovenia 2013 Postojna Cave (#944) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2014 Barbara of Celje (#1083) --- 3,40

Spain 2009 EMU (#1676) --- 5,70
Spain 2010 Cordoba (#937) --- 3,40
Spain 2011 Alhambra Generalife and Albayzín (#1108) --- 3,50
Spain 2012 Burgos (#1109) --- 3,20
Spain 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1241) --- 3,40
Spain 2013 Escorial (#1110) --- 3,20
Spain 2014 King Felipe VI (#1112) --- 3,40
Spain 2014 normal coin (#1111) --- 2,50
Spain 2014 Park Güell of Antoni Gaudí (#1010) --- 3,30
Spain 2015 Cave of Altamira (#1244) --- 3,10

Vatican 2007 Pope Benedict XVI (#1772) --- 130,00
Vatican 2008 Year of Saint Paul the Apostle (#1773) --- 70,00
Vatican 2009 Year of astronomy (#1774) --- 62,00
Vatican 2012 7th World Meeting of Families (#1777) --- 37,00
Vatican 2013 28th World Youth Day - Rio de Janeiro (#1778) --- 36,00
Vatican 2014 25 Years since the Fall of the Berlin Wall (#1779) --- 36,00

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na slete vozmu

Slovakia 2015 Flag of Europe (#1838) --- 3,00
Belgium 2015 Year for Development (coincard) (#1839) --- 11,00
Ireland 2009 EMU (#1781) --- 4,20
Luxembourg 2008 Berg Castle (#1728) --- 4,30

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 12 окт 2015, 11:54 
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Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2009, 22:35
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Пункты репутации: 948
Belgium 2013 Royal Meteorological Institute (#1006) --- 3,10
Cyprus 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1200) --- 3,50
Finland 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1227) --- 4,70
France 2010 General de Gaulle (#1229) --- 3,80
Greece 2014 El Greco (#935) --- 3,20
Ireland 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1400) --- 3,80
Italy 2012 Giovanni Pascoli (#923) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1082) --- 3,20
Italy 2013 Giovanni Boccaccio (#925) --- 3,00
Italy 2014 Galileo Galilei (#1080) --- 3,30
Luxembourg 2005 Grand Dukes Henry and Adolf (#1398) --- 3,60
Luxembourg 2012 Royal Wedding (#1015) --- 3,50
Malta 2011 First election of representatives (#1118) --- 7,00
Luxembourg 2013 National Anthem (#938) --- 3,10
Luxembourg 2014 Independence (#1017) --- 3,30
Malta 2009 EMU (#1117) --- 3,50
Malta 2014 Independence from Britain (#1016) --- 4,20

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 12 окт 2015, 13:41 
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Пункты репутации: 948
Spain 2012 Burgos (#1109) --- 3,20
и эту

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 20 окт 2015, 22:53 
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Сообщения: 244
Пункты репутации: 45
Актуальное предложение:

Austria 2005 State Treaty (#1416) --- 7,80
Austria 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1225) --- 5,00
Austria 2009 EMU (#1199) --- 3,50
Austria 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1007) --- 3,00

Belgium 2006 Atomium (#1477) --- 11,50
Belgium 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1672) --- 3,80
Belgium 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1402) --- 4,40
Belgium 2009 EMU (#1401) --- 4,00
Belgium 2009 Louis Braille (#1929) --- 4,00
Belgium 2010 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1673) --- 3,30
Belgium 2011 Women's Day (#1104) --- 3,30
Belgium 2012 Queen Elisabeth Music Competition (#920) --- 3,20
Belgium 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#741) --- 3,00
Belgium 2013 Royal Meteorological Institute (#1006) --- 3,00
Belgium 2014 World War I (#742) --- 3,30

Cyprus 2009 EMU (#1051) --- 3,50
Cyprus 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1200) --- 3,50

Estonia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#926) --- 3,00

Finland 2004 EU Enlargement (#1407) --- 40,00
Finland 2005 UN Membership (#1226) --- 5,00
Finland 2006 Universal and Equal Suffrage (#1403) --- 6,00
Finland 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1227) --- 4,70
Finland 2009 Autonomy (#1804) --- 4,50
Finland 2010 Currency Decree (#1228) --- 4,00
Finland 2011 Bank of Finland (#1392) --- 3,50
Finland 2012 150 Years Helene Schjerfbeck (#1639) --- 4,00
Finland 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1464) --- 3,40
Finland 2013 Frans Eemil Sillanpää (#945) --- 3,40
Finland 2013 Parliament (#1641) --- 4,30
Finland 2014 Ilmari Tapiovaara (#1122) --- 3,50
Finland 2014 Tove Jansson (#1009) --- 3,40
Finland 2015 Flag of Europe (#1801) --- 3,00
Finland 2015 Jean Sibelius (#1243) --- 3,10

France 2008 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1500) --- 4,30
France 2010 General de Gaulle (#1229) --- 3,60
France 2011 Fête de la Musique (#1123) --- 4,20
France 2012 Abbé Pierre (#1230) --- 5,50
France 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1052) --- 4,00
France 2014 D-Day (#946) --- 3,30
France 2014 World AIDS Day (#1081) --- 3,30
France 2015 70 years of Peace in Europe (#1125) --- 3,00
France 2015 Fête de la Fédération - Bastille (#1819) --- 3,50

Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern F (#1053) --- 4,20
Germany 2007 Treaty of Rome D (#1388) --- 4,50
Germany 2008 Hamburg D (#1387) --- 4,00
Germany 2012 Bavaria D (#1394) --- 3,80
Germany 2013 Franco-German Friendship (Élysée Treaty) A (#1638) --- 3,00
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony A (#1001) --- 2,50
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony G (#1008) --- 3,00
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony J (#1004) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 German Unity J (#1105) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen A (#1106) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen J (#1688) --- 3,00

Greece 2004 Summer Olympics (Discus Thrower) (#1715) --- 4,80
Greece 2010 Battle of Marathon (#1397) --- 5,10
Greece 2011 Special Olympics Games (#1231) --- 3,50
Greece 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1107) --- 3,40
Greece 2013 Platonic Academy (#1242) --- 3,50
Greece 2014 El Greco (#935) --- 3,20
Greece 2014 Ionian Islands (#936) --- 3,20

Ireland 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1780) --- 5,50
Ireland 2009 EMU (#1781) --- 4,20
Ireland 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1400) --- 3,80
Ireland 2015 Flag of Europe (#1933) --- 3,80

Italy 2004 World Food Program (#1783) --- 3,80
Italy 2005 European Constitution (#1784) --- 4,80
Italy 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin (#1233) --- 4,00
Italy 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1930) --- 4,00
Italy 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1640) --- 4,80
Italy 2009 EMU (#1785) --- 4,00
Italy 2009 Louis Braille (#1234) --- 3,50
Italy 2010 Camillo Benso conte di Cavour (#922) --- 3,50
Italy 2011 Italian unification (#921) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Giovanni Pascoli (#923) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1082) --- 3,20
Italy 2013 Giovanni Boccaccio (#925) --- 3,00
Italy 2013 Giuseppe Verdi (#924) --- 3,50
Italy 2014 Carabinieri (#999) --- 3,30
Italy 2014 Galileo Galilei (#1080) --- 3,30
Italy 2015 Dante Alighieri (#1690) --- 3,00
Italy 2015 Expo Milan (#1465) --- 3,00

Latvia 2014 Riga (#756) --- 3,00
Latvia 2015 EU Presidency (#1189) --- 2,25

Luxembourg 2004 Grand Duke Henry (#1727) --- 4,20
Luxembourg 2005 Grand Dukes Henry and Adolf (#1398) --- 3,60
Luxembourg 2007 Grand Ducal Palace (#1113) --- 4,00
Luxembourg 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1235) --- 3,60
Luxembourg 2008 Berg Castle (#1728) --- 4,30
Luxembourg 2009 Charlotte's Accession to the Throne (#1114) --- 3,60
Luxembourg 2011 Jean as lieutenant-représentant (#1115) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 Royal Wedding (#1015) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1447) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 William IV (#1116) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2013 National Anthem (#938) --- 3,10
Luxembourg 2014 Grand Duke Jean Accession to the Throne (#1013) --- 3,30
Luxembourg 2014 Independence (#1017) --- 3,30
Luxembourg 2015 Henri Accession to the Throne (#1515) --- 3,00
Luxembourg 2015 Nassau-Weilburg Dynasty (#1937) --- 3,00

Malta 2009 EMU (#1117) --- 3,50
Malta 2011 First election of representatives (#1118) --- 7,00
Malta 2012 1887 Majority Representation (#1786) --- 5,00
Malta 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1674) --- 4,10
Malta 2013 Self-Government (#1787) --- 4,00
Malta 2014 Independence from Britain (#1016) --- 4,20
Malta 2014 Police Force (#1018) --- 8,00
Malta 2015 First flight (#1505) --- 5,80
Malta 2015 Proclamation of the Republic (#1939) --- 4,50

Monaco 2013 Monaco Membership in the UN (#1014) --- 4,00

Netherlands 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1390) --- 4,50
Netherlands 2011 Praise of Folly by Desiderius Erasmus (#1936) --- 10,00
Netherlands 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1438) --- 4,50
Netherlands 2013 Double Portrait (#1755) --- 3,50
Netherlands 2014 Willem-Alexander and Beatrix (#1019) --- 4,00

Portugal 2007 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1391) --- 3,80
Portugal 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1236) --- 4,00
Portugal 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1119) --- 4,00
Portugal 2009 EMU (#1788) --- 3,50
Portugal 2010 Centenary of the Portuguese Republic (#1938) --- 3,30
Portugal 2012 Guimarães, European Capital of Culture (#1120) --- 3,30
Portugal 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#939) --- 4,00
Portugal 2013 Clérigos Tower (#1121) --- 3,30
Portugal 2014 Carnation Revolution (#940) --- 3,00
Portugal 2014 Family Farming (#1020) --- 3,30
Portugal 2015 Red Cross (#1404) --- 3,30
Portugal 2015 Timor (#1627) --- 3,00

San Marino 2007 Giuseppe Garibaldi (#1791) --- 45,00
San Marino 2008 Intercultural Dialogue (#1792) --- 71,00
San Marino 2009 Year of Innovation (#1793) --- 28,00
San Marino 2010 Sandro Botticelli (#1794) --- 40,00
San Marino 2011 Giorgio Vasari (#1795) --- 29,00
San Marino 2012 10th Anniversary of Euro coins and banknotes (#1796) --- 29,00
San Marino 2013 normal coin (#941) --- 3,50
San Marino 2013 Pinturicchio (#1797) --- 28,00
San Marino 2014 Donato Bramante (#1798) --- 33,00
San Marino 2014 Giacomo Puccini (#1800) --- 32,00
San Marino 2015 Dante Alighieri (#1799) --- 28,00
San Marino 2015 German Unification (#1932) --- 28,00

Slovakia 2009 EMU (#943) --- 3,40
Slovakia 2009 Velvet Revolution (#1675) --- 3,50
Slovakia 2011 Visegrád Group (#1238) --- 3,60
Slovakia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#919) --- 3,40
Slovakia 2013 Mission of Constantine and Methodius (#942) --- 3,70
Slovakia 2014 Membership in EU (#947) --- 3,20
Slovakia 2015 Flag of Europe (#1838) --- 3,00

Slovenia 2009 EMU (#1408) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2011 Franc Rozman – Stane (#1240) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2008 Primož Trubar (#1012) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2010 Botanical Garden (#1011) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#927) --- 3,30
Slovenia 2013 Postojna Cave (#944) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2014 Barbara of Celje (#1083) --- 3,40

Spain 2009 EMU (#1676) --- 5,70
Spain 2010 Cordoba (#937) --- 3,40
Spain 2011 Alhambra Generalife and Albayzín (#1108) --- 3,50
Spain 2012 Burgos (#1109) --- 3,20
Spain 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1241) --- 3,40
Spain 2013 Escorial (#1110) --- 3,20
Spain 2014 King Felipe VI (#1112) --- 3,40
Spain 2014 normal coin (#1111) --- 2,50
Spain 2014 Park Güell of Antoni Gaudí (#1010) --- 3,30
Spain 2015 Cave of Altamira (#1244) --- 3,10

Vatican 2007 Pope Benedict XVI (#1772) --- 121,00
Vatican 2010 Year for Priests (#1775) --- 40,00
Vatican 2011 26th World Youth Day (#1776) --- 36,00
Vatican 2012 7th World Meeting of Families (#1777) --- 36,00
Vatican 2013 28th World Youth Day - Rio de Janeiro (#1778) --- 36,00
Vatican 2013 Sede vacante (#1934) --- 55,00
Vatican 2014 25 Years since the Fall of the Berlin Wall (#1779) --- 36,00

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 02 ноя 2015, 14:34 
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Сообщения: 244
Пункты репутации: 45
Finland 2015 Akseli Gallen-Kallela (#1931) --- 3,30

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 05 ноя 2015, 14:51 
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Netherlands 2015 Flag of Europe (#1942) --- 3,50
Portugal 2011 Fernao Mendes Pinto (#1945) --- 7,00

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 20 ноя 2015, 20:41 
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Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2014, 15:50
Сообщения: 244
Пункты репутации: 45
:idea: Актуальный список:

Austria 2005 State Treaty (#1416) --- 7,50
Austria 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1225) --- 5,00
Austria 2009 EMU (#1199) --- 3,50
Austria 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1007) --- 3,00
Austria 2015 Flag of Europe (#1955) --- 3,10

Belgium 2005 Belgium-Economic Union (#1968) --- 12,00
Belgium 2006 Atomium (#1477) --- 11,50
Belgium 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1672) --- 3,80
Belgium 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1402) --- 4,00
Belgium 2009 EMU (#1401) --- 4,00
Belgium 2009 Louis Braille (#1929) --- 4,00
Belgium 2010 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1673) --- 3,30
Belgium 2011 Women's Day (#1104) --- 3,30
Belgium 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#741) --- 3,30
Belgium 2013 Royal Meteorological Institute (#1006) --- 3,00
Belgium 2014 World War I (#742) --- 3,30

Cyprus 2009 EMU (#1051) --- 3,50
Cyprus 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1200) --- 3,50

Estonia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#926) --- 3,00

Finland 2004 EU Enlargement (#1407) --- 40,00
Finland 2005 UN Membership (#1226) --- 5,00
Finland 2006 Universal and Equal Suffrage (#1403) --- 6,00
Finland 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1227) --- 4,70
Finland 2009 Autonomy (#1804) --- 4,50
Finland 2010 Currency Decree (#1228) --- 4,00
Finland 2011 Bank of Finland (#1392) --- 3,50
Finland 2012 150 Years Helene Schjerfbeck (#1639) --- 4,00
Finland 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1464) --- 3,40
Finland 2013 Frans Eemil Sillanpää (#945) --- 3,40
Finland 2013 Parliament (#1641) --- 4,30
Finland 2014 Ilmari Tapiovaara (#1122) --- 3,50
Finland 2014 Tove Jansson (#1009) --- 3,40
Finland 2015 Akseli Gallen-Kallela (#1931) --- 3,30
Finland 2015 Flag of Europe (#1801) --- 3,00
Finland 2015 Jean Sibelius (#1243) --- 3,10

France 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1965) --- 4,50
France 2008 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1500) --- 4,30
France 2010 General de Gaulle (#1229) --- 3,80
France 2011 Fête de la Musique (#1123) --- 4,00
France 2012 Abbé Pierre (#1230) --- 4,00
France 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1052) --- 3,50
France 2013 Franco-German Friendship (Élysée Treaty) (#1989) --- 3,40
France 2014 D-Day (#946) --- 3,30
France 2014 World AIDS Day (#1081) --- 3,30
France 2015 70 years of Peace in Europe (#1125) --- 3,00
France 2015 Fête de la Fédération - Bastille (#1819) --- 3,20

Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern F (#1053) --- 4,20
Germany 2007 Treaty of Rome D (#1388) --- 4,50
Germany 2008 Hamburg D (#1387) --- 4,00
Germany 2012 Bavaria D (#1394) --- 3,80
Germany 2013 Franco-German Friendship (Élysée Treaty) A (#1638) --- 3,00
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony A (#1001) --- 2,50
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony G (#1008) --- 3,00
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony J (#1004) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 German Unity J (#1105) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen A (#1106) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen J (#1688) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe A (#1973) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe F (#1971) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe D (#1974) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe G (#1972) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe J (#1956) --- 3,00

Greece 2004 Summer Olympics (Discus Thrower) (#1715) --- 5,50
Greece 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1966) --- 5,00
Greece 2009 EMU (#1990) --- 3,50
Greece 2010 Battle of Marathon (#1397) --- 5,10
Greece 2011 Special Olympics Games (#1231) --- 3,50
Greece 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1107) --- 3,40
Greece 2013 Crete (#1000) --- 3,50
Greece 2013 Platonic Academy (#1242) --- 3,50
Greece 2014 El Greco (#935) --- 3,20
Greece 2014 Ionian Islands (#936) --- 3,20

Ireland 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1780) --- 5,50
Ireland 2009 EMU (#1781) --- 4,20
Ireland 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1400) --- 3,80
Ireland 2015 Flag of Europe (#1933) --- 3,50

Italy 2004 World Food Program (#1783) --- 3,80
Italy 2005 European Constitution (#1784) --- 4,80
Italy 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin (#1233) --- 4,00
Italy 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1930) --- 3,80
Italy 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1640) --- 4,80
Italy 2009 EMU (#1785) --- 3,80
Italy 2009 Louis Braille (#1234) --- 3,50
Italy 2010 Camillo Benso conte di Cavour (#922) --- 3,50
Italy 2011 Italian unification (#921) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Giovanni Pascoli (#923) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1082) --- 3,20
Italy 2013 Giovanni Boccaccio (#925) --- 3,00
Italy 2013 Giuseppe Verdi (#924) --- 3,50
Italy 2014 Carabinieri (#999) --- 3,30
Italy 2014 Galileo Galilei (#1080) --- 3,30
Italy 2015 Dante Alighieri (#1690) --- 3,00
Italy 2015 Expo Milan (#1465) --- 3,00

Latvia 2014 Riga (#756) --- 3,00
Latvia 2015 EU Presidency (#1189) --- 2,25
Latvia 2015 Flag of Europe (#1953) --- 3,00

Luxembourg 2004 Grand Duke Henry (#1727) --- 4,20
Luxembourg 2005 Grand Dukes Henry and Adolf (#1398) --- 3,80
Luxembourg 2006 Grand Duke Guillaume (#1967) --- 5,50
Luxembourg 2007 Grand Ducal Palace (#1113) --- 4,00
Luxembourg 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1235) --- 3,60
Luxembourg 2008 Berg Castle (#1728) --- 4,40
Luxembourg 2009 Charlotte's Accession to the Throne (#1114) --- 3,60
Luxembourg 2009 EMU (#1991) --- 3,70
Luxembourg 2011 Jean as lieutenant-représentant (#1115) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 Royal Wedding (#1015) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1447) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 William IV (#1116) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2013 National Anthem (#938) --- 3,10
Luxembourg 2014 Grand Duke Jean Accession to the Throne (#1013) --- 3,30
Luxembourg 2014 Independence (#1017) --- 3,30
Luxembourg 2015 Henri Accession to the Throne (#1515) --- 3,20
Luxembourg 2015 Nassau-Weilburg Dynasty (#1937) --- 3,00

Malta 2009 EMU (#1117) --- 3,50
Malta 2011 First election of representatives (#1118) --- 7,00
Malta 2012 1887 Majority Representation (#1786) --- 5,00
Malta 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1674) --- 4,10
Malta 2013 Self-Government (#1787) --- 4,30
Malta 2014 Independence from Britain (#1016) --- 4,20
Malta 2014 Police Force (#1018) --- 8,00
Malta 2015 First flight (#1505) --- 6,00
Malta 2015 Proclamation of the Republic (#1939) --- 4,30

Monaco 2015 Normal Coin (#1992) --- 3,50

Netherlands 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1390) --- 4,50
Netherlands 2011 Praise of Folly by Desiderius Erasmus (#1936) --- 9,50
Netherlands 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1438) --- 4,50
Netherlands 2013 200th Anniversary of the Kingdom (#1988) --- 3,80
Netherlands 2013 Double Portrait (#1755) --- 3,50
Netherlands 2014 Willem-Alexander and Beatrix (#1019) --- 4,00
Netherlands 2015 Flag of Europe (#1942) --- 3,50

Portugal 2007 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1391) --- 3,80
Portugal 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1236) --- 4,00
Portugal 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1119) --- 4,00
Portugal 2009 EMU (#1788) --- 3,50
Portugal 2009 Lusophony Games (#1237) --- 4,00
Portugal 2010 Centenary of the Portuguese Republic (#1938) --- 3,30
Portugal 2011 Fernao Mendes Pinto (#1945) --- 7,00
Portugal 2012 Guimarães, European Capital of Culture (#1120) --- 3,30
Portugal 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#939) --- 3,80
Portugal 2013 Clérigos Tower (#1121) --- 3,30
Portugal 2014 Carnation Revolution (#940) --- 3,00
Portugal 2014 Family Farming (#1020) --- 3,30
Portugal 2015 Red Cross (#1404) --- 3,30
Portugal 2015 Timor (#1627) --- 3,00

San Marino 2010 Sandro Botticelli (#1794) --- 39,00
San Marino 2011 Giorgio Vasari (#1795) --- 29,00
San Marino 2013 normal coin (#941) --- 3,50
San Marino 2013 Pinturicchio (#1797) --- 28,00
San Marino 2014 Donato Bramante (#1798) --- 33,00
San Marino 2015 Dante Alighieri (#1799) --- 28,00
San Marino 2015 German Unification (#1932) --- 28,00

Slovakia 2009 EMU (#943) --- 3,40
Slovakia 2009 Velvet Revolution (#1675) --- 3,50
Slovakia 2011 Visegrád Group (#1238) --- 3,60
Slovakia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#919) --- 3,40
Slovakia 2013 Constantine and Methodius (#942) --- 3,50
Slovakia 2014 Membership in EU (#947) --- 3,20
Slovakia 2015 Flag of Europe (#1838) --- 3,00
Slovakia 2015 Ľudovít Štúr (#1943) --- 3,00

Slovenia 2011 Franc Rozman – Stane (#1240) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1406) --- 20,00
Slovenia 2008 Primož Trubar (#1012) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2010 Botanical Garden (#1011) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#927) --- 3,30
Slovenia 2013 Postojna Cave (#944) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2014 Barbara of Celje (#1083) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2015 Emona (#1959) --- 3,00

Spain 2005 Don Quixote (#1960) --- 5,00
Spain 2009 EMU (#1676) --- 5,70
Spain 2010 Cordoba (#937) --- 3,40
Spain 2011 Alhambra Generalife and Albayzín (#1108) --- 3,50
Spain 2012 Burgos (#1109) --- 3,20
Spain 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1241) --- 3,40
Spain 2013 Escorial (#1110) --- 3,30
Spain 2014 King Felipe VI (#1112) --- 3,40
Spain 2014 normal coin (#1111) --- 2,50
Spain 2014 Park Güell of Antoni Gaudí (#1010) --- 3,30
Spain 2015 Cave of Altamira (#1244) --- 3,10
Spain 2015 Flag of Europe (#1958) --- 3,00

Vatican 2007 Pope Benedict XVI (#1772) --- 121,00
Vatican 2010 Year for Priests (#1775) --- 40,00
Vatican 2011 26th World Youth Day (#1776) --- 36,00
Vatican 2012 7th World Meeting of Families (#1777) --- 36,00
Vatican 2013 28th World Youth Day - Rio de Janeiro (#1778) --- 34,00
Vatican 2013 Sede vacante (#1934) --- 55,00
Vatican 2014 25 Years since the Fall of the Berlin Wall (#1779) --- 36,00
Vatican 2015 Meeting of Families in Philadelphia (#1944) --- 33,00

:arrow: Есть еще куча наборов евро, США, Канада, Россия, 200 наборов монет разных стран мира...

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 23 ноя 2015, 19:20 
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Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2014, 15:50
Сообщения: 244
Пункты репутации: 45
Актуальный список:

Austria 2005 State Treaty (#1416) --- 7,50
Austria 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1225) --- 5,00
Austria 2009 EMU (#1199) --- 3,50
Austria 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1007) --- 3,00
Austria 2015 Flag of Europe (#1955) --- 3,00

Belgium 2005 Belgium-Economic Union (#1968) --- 12,00
Belgium 2006 Atomium (#1477) --- 11,50
Belgium 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1672) --- 3,80
Belgium 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1402) --- 4,00
Belgium 2009 EMU (#1401) --- 4,00
Belgium 2009 Louis Braille (#1929) --- 4,00
Belgium 2010 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1673) --- 3,30
Belgium 2011 Women's Day (#1104) --- 3,30
Belgium 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#741) --- 3,30
Belgium 2013 Royal Meteorological Institute (#1006) --- 3,00
Belgium 2014 World War I (#742) --- 3,30

Cyprus 2009 EMU (#1051) --- 3,50
Cyprus 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1200) --- 3,50

Estonia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#926) --- 3,00

Finland 2004 EU Enlargement (#1407) --- 40,00
Finland 2005 UN Membership (#1226) --- 5,00
Finland 2006 Universal and Equal Suffrage (#1403) --- 6,00
Finland 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1227) --- 4,70
Finland 2009 Autonomy (#1804) --- 4,50
Finland 2010 Currency Decree (#1228) --- 4,00
Finland 2011 Bank of Finland (#1392) --- 3,50
Finland 2012 150 Years Helene Schjerfbeck (#1639) --- 4,00
Finland 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1464) --- 3,40
Finland 2013 Frans Eemil Sillanpää (#945) --- 3,40
Finland 2013 Parliament (#1641) --- 4,30
Finland 2014 Ilmari Tapiovaara (#1122) --- 3,50
Finland 2014 Tove Jansson (#1009) --- 3,40
Finland 2015 Akseli Gallen-Kallela (#1931) --- 3,30
Finland 2015 Flag of Europe (#1801) --- 3,00
Finland 2015 Jean Sibelius (#1243) --- 3,10

France 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1965) --- 4,50
France 2008 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1500) --- 4,30
France 2010 General de Gaulle (#1229) --- 3,80
France 2011 Fête de la Musique (#1123) --- 4,00
France 2012 Abbé Pierre (#1230) --- 4,00
France 2013 Franco-German Friendship (Élysée Treaty) (#1989) --- 3,40
France 2014 D-Day (#946) --- 3,30
France 2014 World AIDS Day (#1081) --- 3,30
France 2015 70 years of Peace in Europe (#1125) --- 3,00
France 2015 Fête de la Fédération - Bastille (#1819) --- 3,00

Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern F (#1053) --- 4,20
Germany 2007 Treaty of Rome D (#1388) --- 4,50
Germany 2013 Franco-German Friendship (Élysée Treaty) A (#1638) --- 3,00
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony A (#1001) --- 2,50
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony G (#1008) --- 3,00
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony J (#1004) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe A (#1973) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe D (#1974) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe F (#1971) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe G (#1972) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe J (#1956) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 German Unity J (#1105) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen A (#1106) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen J (#1688) --- 3,00

Greece 2004 Summer Olympics (Discus Thrower) (#1715) --- 5,50
Greece 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1966) --- 5,00
Greece 2009 EMU (#1990) --- 3,50
Greece 2010 Battle of Marathon (#1397) --- 5,10
Greece 2011 Special Olympics Games (#1231) --- 3,50
Greece 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1107) --- 3,40
Greece 2013 Crete (#1000) --- 3,50
Greece 2013 Platonic Academy (#1242) --- 3,50
Greece 2014 El Greco (#935) --- 3,20
Greece 2014 Ionian Islands (#936) --- 3,20

Ireland 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1780) --- 5,50
Ireland 2009 EMU (#1781) --- 4,20
Ireland 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1400) --- 3,80
Ireland 2015 Flag of Europe (#1933) --- 3,50

Italy 2004 World Food Program (#1783) --- 3,80
Italy 2005 European Constitution (#1784) --- 4,80
Italy 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin (#1233) --- 4,00
Italy 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1930) --- 3,80
Italy 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1640) --- 4,80
Italy 2009 EMU (#1785) --- 3,80
Italy 2009 Louis Braille (#1234) --- 3,50
Italy 2010 Camillo Benso conte di Cavour (#922) --- 3,50
Italy 2011 Italian unification (#921) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Giovanni Pascoli (#923) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1082) --- 3,20
Italy 2013 Giovanni Boccaccio (#925) --- 3,00
Italy 2013 Giuseppe Verdi (#924) --- 3,50
Italy 2014 Carabinieri (#999) --- 3,30
Italy 2014 Galileo Galilei (#1080) --- 3,30
Italy 2015 Dante Alighieri (#1690) --- 3,00
Italy 2015 Expo Milan (#1465) --- 3,00

Latvia 2014 Riga (#756) --- 3,00
Latvia 2015 EU Presidency (#1189) --- 2,25
Latvia 2015 Flag of Europe (#1953) --- 2,25

Luxembourg 2004 Grand Duke Henry (#1727) --- 4,20
Luxembourg 2005 Grand Dukes Henry and Adolf (#1398) --- 3,80
Luxembourg 2006 Grand Duke Guillaume (#1967) --- 5,50
Luxembourg 2007 Grand Ducal Palace (#1113) --- 4,00
Luxembourg 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1235) --- 3,60
Luxembourg 2008 Berg Castle (#1728) --- 4,40
Luxembourg 2009 Charlotte's Accession to the Throne (#1114) --- 3,60
Luxembourg 2009 EMU (#1991) --- 3,70
Luxembourg 2011 Jean as lieutenant-représentant (#1115) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 Royal Wedding (#1015) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1447) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 William IV (#1116) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2013 National Anthem (#938) --- 3,10
Luxembourg 2014 Grand Duke Jean Accession to the Throne (#1013) --- 3,30
Luxembourg 2014 Independence (#1017) --- 3,30
Luxembourg 2015 Henri Accession to the Throne (#1515) --- 3,20
Luxembourg 2015 Nassau-Weilburg Dynasty (#1937) --- 3,00

Malta 2009 EMU (#1117) --- 3,50
Malta 2011 First election of representatives (#1118) --- 7,00
Malta 2012 1887 Majority Representation (#1786) --- 5,00
Malta 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1674) --- 4,10
Malta 2013 Self-Government (#1787) --- 4,30
Malta 2014 Independence from Britain (#1016) --- 4,20
Malta 2014 Police Force (#1018) --- 8,00
Malta 2015 First flight (#1505) --- 6,00
Malta 2015 Proclamation of the Republic (#1939) --- 4,20

Monaco 2011 Normal Coin (#1992) --- 3,50

Netherlands 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1390) --- 4,50
Netherlands 2011 Praise of Folly by Desiderius Erasmus (#1936) --- 9,50
Netherlands 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1438) --- 4,50
Netherlands 2013 200th Anniversary of the Kingdom (#1988) --- 3,80
Netherlands 2013 Double Portrait (#1755) --- 3,50
Netherlands 2014 Willem-Alexander and Beatrix (#1019) --- 4,00
Netherlands 2015 Flag of Europe (#1942) --- 3,50

Portugal 2007 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1391) --- 3,80
Portugal 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1236) --- 4,00
Portugal 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1119) --- 4,00
Portugal 2009 EMU (#1788) --- 3,50
Portugal 2009 Lusophony Games (#1237) --- 4,00
Portugal 2010 Centenary of the Portuguese Republic (#1938) --- 3,30
Portugal 2011 Fernao Mendes Pinto (#1945) --- 7,00
Portugal 2012 Guimarães, European Capital of Culture (#1120) --- 3,30
Portugal 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#939) --- 3,80
Portugal 2013 Clérigos Tower (#1121) --- 3,30
Portugal 2014 Carnation Revolution (#940) --- 3,00
Portugal 2014 Family Farming (#1020) --- 3,30
Portugal 2015 Red Cross (#1404) --- 3,30
Portugal 2015 Timor (#1627) --- 3,00

San Marino 2010 Sandro Botticelli (#1794) --- 39,00
San Marino 2011 Giorgio Vasari (#1795) --- 29,00
San Marino 2013 normal coin (#941) --- 3,50
San Marino 2013 Pinturicchio (#1797) --- 28,00
San Marino 2014 Donato Bramante (#1798) --- 33,00
San Marino 2015 Dante Alighieri (#1799) --- 28,00
San Marino 2015 German Unification (#1932) --- 28,00

Slovakia 2009 EMU (#943) --- 3,40
Slovakia 2009 Velvet Revolution (#1675) --- 3,50
Slovakia 2011 Visegrád Group (#1238) --- 3,60
Slovakia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#919) --- 3,40
Slovakia 2013 Constantine and Methodius (#942) --- 3,50
Slovakia 2014 Membership in EU (#947) --- 3,20
Slovakia 2015 Flag of Europe (#1838) --- 3,00
Slovakia 2015 Ľudovít Štúr (#1943) --- 3,00

Slovenia 2011 Franc Rozman – Stane (#1240) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1406) --- 20,00
Slovenia 2008 Primož Trubar (#1012) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2010 Botanical Garden (#1011) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#927) --- 3,30
Slovenia 2013 Postojna Cave (#944) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2014 Barbara of Celje (#1083) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2015 Emona (#1959) --- 3,00

Spain 2005 Don Quixote (#1960) --- 5,00
Spain 2009 EMU (#1676) --- 5,70
Spain 2010 Cordoba (#937) --- 3,40
Spain 2011 Alhambra Generalife and Albayzín (#1108) --- 3,50
Spain 2012 Burgos (#1109) --- 3,20
Spain 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1241) --- 3,40
Spain 2013 Escorial (#1110) --- 3,30
Spain 2014 King Felipe VI (#1112) --- 3,40
Spain 2014 normal coin (#1111) --- 2,50
Spain 2014 Park Güell of Antoni Gaudí (#1010) --- 3,30
Spain 2015 Cave of Altamira (#1244) --- 3,10

Vatican 2007 Pope Benedict XVI (#1772) --- 120,00
Vatican 2010 Year for Priests (#1775) --- 40,00
Vatican 2011 26th World Youth Day (#1776) --- 36,00
Vatican 2012 7th World Meeting of Families (#1777) --- 36,00
Vatican 2013 28th World Youth Day - Rio de Janeiro (#1778) --- 34,00
Vatican 2013 Sede vacante (#1934) --- 55,00
Vatican 2014 25 Years since the Fall of the Berlin Wall (#1779) --- 36,00
Vatican 2015 Meeting of Families in Philadelphia (#1944) --- 33,00

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 08 дек 2015, 15:36 
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Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2014, 15:50
Сообщения: 244
Пункты репутации: 45
France 2 euro 2015 Flag of Europe --- 3.00

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 10 дек 2015, 13:13 
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Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2014, 15:50
Сообщения: 244
Пункты репутации: 45
Текущее предложение:

Флаг Европы 2015:

Austria 2015 Flag of Europe (#1955) --- 3,00
Belgium 2015 Flag of Europe (#1984) --- 4,20
Finland 2015 Flag of Europe (#1801) --- 3,00
France 2015 Flag of Europe (#1985) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe A (#1973) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe D (#1974) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe F (#1971) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe G (#1972) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe J (#1956) --- 3,00
Ireland 2015 Flag of Europe (#1933) --- 3,50
Latvia 2015 Flag of Europe (#1953) --- 3,00
Latvia 2015 Flag of Europe (coincard) (#1954) --- 7,50
Lithuania 2015 Flag of Europe (#2034) --- 3,00
Netherlands 2015 Flag of Europe (#1942) --- 3,30
Portugal 2015 Flag of Europe (#2035) --- 3,00
Slovakia 2015 Flag of Europe (#1838) --- 3,00

10 лет Евро 2012:

Austria 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1007) --- 3,00
Belgium 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#741) --- 3,30
Cyprus 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1200) --- 3,50
Estonia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#926) --- 3,00
Finland 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1464) --- 3,40
Greece 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1107) --- 3,40
Ireland 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1400) --- 3,80
Italy 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1082) --- 3,20
Luxembourg 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1447) --- 3,50
Malta 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1674) --- 4,10
Netherlands 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1438) --- 4,50
Portugal 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#939) --- 3,80
Slovakia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#919) --- 3,40
Spain 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1241) --- 3,40

Европейский монетарный союз 2009:

Austria 2009 EMU (#1199) --- 3,50
Belgium 2009 EMU (#1401) --- 4,00
Cyprus 2009 EMU (#1051) --- 3,50
Greece 2009 EMU (#1990) --- 3,50
Ireland 2009 EMU (#1781) --- 4,20
Italy 2009 EMU (#1785) --- 3,80
Luxembourg 2009 EMU (#1991) --- 3,70
Malta 2009 EMU (#1117) --- 3,50
Portugal 2009 EMU (#1788) --- 3,50
Slovakia 2009 EMU (#943) --- 3,40
Spain 2009 EMU (#1676) --- 5,70

Римский договор 2007:

Austria 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1225) --- 5,00
Belgium 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1672) --- 3,80
Finland 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1227) --- 4,70
France 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1965) --- 4,50
Germany 2007 Treaty of Rome D (#1388) --- 4,50
Greece 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1966) --- 5,00
Ireland 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1780) --- 5,50
Italy 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1930) --- 3,80
Luxembourg 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1235) --- 3,60
Netherlands 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1390) --- 4,50
Portugal 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1236) --- 4,00
Slovenia 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1406) --- 20,00

Остальные монеты:

Austria 2005 State Treaty (#1416) --- 7,50

Belgium 2005 Economic Union (#1968) --- 12,00
Belgium 2006 Atomium (#1477) --- 11,50
Belgium 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1402) --- 4,00
Belgium 2009 Louis Braille (#1929) --- 4,00
Belgium 2010 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1673) --- 3,30
Belgium 2011 Women's Day (#1104) --- 3,30
Belgium 2013 Royal Meteorological Institute (#1006) --- 3,00
Belgium 2014 150 Years Red Cross (coincard) (#1034) --- 14,00
Belgium 2014 World War I (#742) --- 3,30
Belgium 2015 Year for Development (coincard) (#1839) --- 11,00

Finland 2004 EU Enlargement (#1407) --- 38,00
Finland 2005 UN Membership (#1226) --- 5,00
Finland 2006 Universal and Equal Suffrage (#1403) --- 6,00
Finland 2009 Autonomy (#1804) --- 4,50
Finland 2010 Currency Decree (#1228) --- 4,00
Finland 2011 Bank of Finland (#1392) --- 3,50
Finland 2012 150 Years Helene Schjerfbeck (#1639) --- 4,00
Finland 2013 Frans Eemil Sillanpää (#945) --- 3,40
Finland 2013 Parliament (#1641) --- 4,30
Finland 2014 Ilmari Tapiovaara (#1122) --- 3,50
Finland 2014 Tove Jansson (#1009) --- 3,40
Finland 2015 Akseli Gallen-Kallela (#1931) --- 3,30
Finland 2015 Jean Sibelius (#1243) --- 3,10

France 2008 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1500) --- 4,30
France 2010 General de Gaulle (#1229) --- 3,80
France 2011 Fête de la Musique (#1123) --- 4,00
France 2012 Abbé Pierre (#1230) --- 4,00
France 2013 Franco-German Friendship (Élysée Treaty) (#1989) --- 3,40
France 2014 D-Day (#946) --- 3,30
France 2014 World AIDS Day (#1081) --- 3,30
France 2015 70 years of Peace in Europe (#1125) --- 3,00
France 2015 Fête de la Fédération - Bastille (#1819) --- 3,00

Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern F (#1053) --- 4,20
Germany 2013 Franco-German Friendship (Élysée Treaty) A (#1638) --- 3,00
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony A (#1001) --- 2,50
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony G (#1008) --- 3,00
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony J (#1004) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 German Unity J (#1105) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen A (#1106) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen J (#1688) --- 3,00

Greece 2004 Summer Olympics (Discus Thrower) (#1715) --- 5,50
Greece 2010 Battle of Marathon (#1397) --- 5,10
Greece 2011 Special Olympics Games (#1231) --- 3,50
Greece 2013 Crete (#1000) --- 3,50
Greece 2013 Platonic Academy (#1242) --- 3,50
Greece 2014 El Greco (#935) --- 3,20
Greece 2014 Ionian Islands (#936) --- 3,20

Italy 2004 World Food Program (#1783) --- 3,80
Italy 2005 European Constitution (#1784) --- 4,80
Italy 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin (#1233) --- 4,00
Italy 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1640) --- 4,80
Italy 2009 Louis Braille (#1234) --- 3,50
Italy 2010 Camillo Benso conte di Cavour (#922) --- 3,50
Italy 2011 Italian unification (#921) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Giovanni Pascoli (#923) --- 3,50
Italy 2013 Giovanni Boccaccio (#925) --- 3,00
Italy 2013 Giuseppe Verdi (#924) --- 3,50
Italy 2014 Carabinieri (#999) --- 3,30
Italy 2014 Galileo Galilei (#1080) --- 3,30
Italy 2015 Dante Alighieri (#1690) --- 3,00
Italy 2015 Expo Milan (#1465) --- 3,00

Latvia 2014 Riga (#756) --- 3,00
Latvia 2015 EU Presidency (#1189) --- 3,00
Latvia 2015 Stork (#2017) --- 3,00
Latvia 2015 Stork (coincard) (#2018) --- 7,50

Luxembourg 2004 Grand Duke Henry (#1727) --- 4,20
Luxembourg 2005 Grand Dukes Henry and Adolf (#1398) --- 3,80
Luxembourg 2006 Grand Duke Guillaume (#1967) --- 5,50
Luxembourg 2007 Grand Ducal Palace (#1113) --- 4,00
Luxembourg 2008 Berg Castle (#1728) --- 4,40
Luxembourg 2009 Charlotte's Accession to the Throne (#1114) --- 3,60
Luxembourg 2011 Jean as lieutenant-représentant (#1115) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 Royal Wedding (#1015) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 William IV (#1116) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2013 National Anthem (#938) --- 3,10
Luxembourg 2014 Grand Duke Jean Accession to the Throne (#1013) --- 3,30
Luxembourg 2014 Independence (#1017) --- 3,30
Luxembourg 2015 Henri Accession to the Throne (#1515) --- 3,20
Luxembourg 2015 Nassau-Weilburg Dynasty (#1937) --- 3,00

Malta 2011 First election of representatives (#1118) --- 7,00
Malta 2012 1887 Majority Representation (#1786) --- 5,00
Malta 2013 Self-Government (#1787) --- 4,30
Malta 2014 Independence from Britain (#1016) --- 4,20
Malta 2014 Police Force (#1018) --- 8,00
Malta 2015 First flight (#1505) --- 6,00
Malta 2015 Proclamation of the Republic (#1939) --- 4,20

Monaco 2011 Normal Coin (#1992) --- 3,50

Netherlands 2011 Praise of Folly by Desiderius Erasmus (#1936) --- 9,50
Netherlands 2013 200th Anniversary of the Kingdom (#1988) --- 3,80
Netherlands 2013 Double Portrait (#1755) --- 3,50
Netherlands 2014 Willem-Alexander and Beatrix (#1019) --- 4,00

Portugal 2007 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1391) --- 3,80
Portugal 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1119) --- 4,00
Portugal 2009 Lusophony Games (#1237) --- 4,00
Portugal 2010 Centenary of the Portuguese Republic (#1938) --- 3,30
Portugal 2011 Fernao Mendes Pinto (#1945) --- 7,00
Portugal 2012 Guimarães, European Capital of Culture (#1120) --- 3,30
Portugal 2013 Clérigos Tower (#1121) --- 3,30
Portugal 2014 Carnation Revolution (#940) --- 3,00
Portugal 2014 Family Farming (#1020) --- 3,30
Portugal 2015 Red Cross (#1404) --- 3,30
Portugal 2015 Timor (#1627) --- 3,00

San Marino 2007 Giuseppe Garibaldi (#1791) --- 43,00
San Marino 2011 Giorgio Vasari (#1795) --- 29,00
San Marino 2013 normal coin (#941) --- 3,50
San Marino 2014 Donato Bramante (#1798) --- 33,00
San Marino 2014 Giacomo Puccini (#1800) --- 32,00
San Marino 2015 German Unification (#1932) --- 28,00

Slovakia 2009 Velvet Revolution (#1675) --- 3,50
Slovakia 2011 Visegrád Group (#1238) --- 3,60
Slovakia 2013 Constantine and Methodius (#942) --- 3,50
Slovakia 2014 Membership in EU (#947) --- 3,20
Slovakia 2015 Ľudovít Štúr (#1943) --- 3,00

Slovenia 2011 Franc Rozman – Stane (#1240) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2008 Primož Trubar (#1012) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2010 Botanical Garden (#1011) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2013 Postojna Cave (#944) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2014 Barbara of Celje (#1083) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2015 Emona (#1959) --- 3,00

Spain 2005 Don Quixote (#1960) --- 5,00
Spain 2010 Cordoba (#937) --- 3,40
Spain 2011 Alhambra Generalife and Albayzín (#1108) --- 3,50
Spain 2012 Burgos (#1109) --- 3,20
Spain 2013 Escorial (#1110) --- 3,30
Spain 2014 King Felipe VI (#1112) --- 3,40
Spain 2014 normal coin (#1111) --- 2,50
Spain 2014 Park Güell of Antoni Gaudí (#1010) --- 3,30
Spain 2015 Cave of Altamira (#1244) --- 3,10

Vatican 2010 Year for Priests (#1775) --- 40,00
Vatican 2011 26th World Youth Day (#1776) --- 36,00
Vatican 2012 7th World Meeting of Families (#1777) --- 36,00
Vatican 2013 28th World Youth Day - Rio de Janeiro (#1778) --- 34,00
Vatican 2013 Sede vacante (#1934) --- 55,00
Vatican 2014 25 Years since the Fall of the Berlin Wall (#1779) --- 36,00
Vatican 2015 Meeting of Families in Philadelphia (#1944) --- 33,00

Также есть наборы 1 cent - 2 euro, монеты США, Канады, России и многих стран мира.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 12 дек 2015, 08:58 
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Зарегистрирован: 08 ноя 2015, 16:22
Сообщения: 202
Телефон: +37129151983
Пункты репутации: 24
Netherlands 2013 200th Anniversary of the Kingdom (#1988) --- 3,80

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 12 дек 2015, 13:10 
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Зарегистрирован: 07 окт 2013, 15:16
Сообщения: 8819
Телефон: 22222222
Металлодетектор: 2x2
Пункты репутации: 1211
Заберу на слете:
Belgium2015 Flag of Europe-4.20,
France2015 Flag of Europe-3.00,
Portugal2015 Flag of Europe-3.00,
Slovakia2015 Flag of Europe-3.00,
Italy2008 Declaration of Human Rights-4.80,
Latvia2015 Stork(coincard)-7.50,
Luxembourg2008 Berg Castle-4.40,
Malta2012 1887 Majority Representation-5.00,
Portugal2010 Centenary of the Portuguese Republic-3.30,
San Marino2007 Giuseppe Garibaldi-43.00,
San Marino2015 German Unification-28.00,
Vatica2015 Meeting of Families in Philadelpia -33.00,
Germany2010 Bremen (A)-3.60.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 12 дек 2015, 15:25 
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Зарегистрирован: 07 окт 2013, 15:16
Сообщения: 8819
Телефон: 22222222
Металлодетектор: 2x2
Пункты репутации: 1211
Markus3 писал(а):
Заберу на слете:
Belgium2015 Flag of Europe-4.20,
France2015 Flag of Europe-3.00,
Portugal2015 Flag of Europe-3.00,
Slovakia2015 Flag of Europe-3.00,
Italy2008 Declaration of Human Rights-4.80,
Latvia2015 Stork(coincard)-7.50,
Luxembourg2008 Berg Castle-4.40,
Malta2012 1887 Majority Representation-5.00,
Portugal2010 Centenary of the Portuguese Republic-3.30,
San Marino2007 Giuseppe Garibaldi-43.00,
San Marino2015 German Unification-28.00,
Vatica2015 Meeting of Families in Philadelpia -33.00,
Germany2010 Bremen (A)-3.60.

Извините Belgium 2015 Flag of Europe -уже не нужно -уже купил!

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 16 дек 2015, 19:18 
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Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2014, 15:50
Сообщения: 244
Пункты репутации: 45
Estonia 2015 Flag of Europe (#2037) --- 3.50

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 21 дек 2015, 16:56 
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Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2014, 15:50
Сообщения: 244
Пункты репутации: 45
Актуальное предложение:

Austria 2015 Flag of Europe (#1955) --- 3,00
Belgium 2015 Flag of Europe (#1984) --- 4,20
Estonia 2015 Flag of Europe (#2037) --- 3,50
Finland 2015 Flag of Europe (#1801) --- 3,00
France 2015 Flag of Europe (#1985) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe A (#1973) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe D (#1974) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe F (#1971) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe G (#1972) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe J (#1956) --- 3,00
Ireland 2015 Flag of Europe (#1933) --- 3,50
Lithuania 2015 Flag of Europe (#2034) --- 3,00
Netherlands 2015 Flag of Europe (#1942) --- 3,30
Portugal 2015 Flag of Europe (#2035) --- 3,00
Slovakia 2015 Flag of Europe (#1838) --- 3,00
Spain 2015 Flag of Europe (#1958) --- 3,00

Andorra 2014 normal coin (#2105) --- 7,50
Austria 2005 State Treaty (#1416) --- 7,50
Austria 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1225) --- 5,00
Austria 2009 EMU (#1199) --- 3,50
Austria 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1007) --- 3,00
Belgium 2005 Economic Union (#1968) --- 12,00
Belgium 2006 Atomium (#1477) --- 11,50
Belgium 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1672) --- 3,80
Belgium 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1402) --- 4,00
Belgium 2009 EMU (#1401) --- 4,00
Belgium 2009 Louis Braille (#1929) --- 4,00
Belgium 2010 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1673) --- 3,30
Belgium 2011 Women's Day (#1104) --- 3,30
Belgium 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#741) --- 3,30
Belgium 2013 Royal Meteorological Institute (#1006) --- 3,10
Belgium 2014 Red Cross (#1034) --- 14,00
Belgium 2014 World War I (#742) --- 3,30
Belgium 2015 Year for Development (coincard) (#1839) --- 11,00
Cyprus 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1200) --- 3,30
Estonia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#926) --- 3,00
Finland 2004 EU Enlargement (#1407) --- 38,00
Finland 2005 UN Membership (#1226) --- 5,00
Finland 2006 Universal and Equal Suffrage (#1403) --- 6,00
Finland 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1227) --- 4,70
Finland 2009 Autonomy (#1804) --- 4,50
Finland 2010 Currency Decree (#1228) --- 4,00
Finland 2011 Bank of Finland (#1392) --- 3,50
Finland 2012 150 Years Helene Schjerfbeck (#1639) --- 4,00
Finland 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1464) --- 3,40
Finland 2013 Frans Eemil Sillanpää (#945) --- 3,40
Finland 2013 Parliament (#1641) --- 4,30
Finland 2014 Ilmari Tapiovaara (#1122) --- 3,50
Finland 2014 Tove Jansson (#1009) --- 3,40
Finland 2015 Akseli Gallen-Kallela (#1931) --- 3,20
Finland 2015 Jean Sibelius (#1243) --- 3,10
France 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1965) --- 4,50
France 2008 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1500) --- 4,30
France 2010 General de Gaulle (#1229) --- 3,80
France 2011 Fête de la Musique (#1123) --- 4,00
France 2012 Abbé Pierre (#1230) --- 4,00
France 2013 Franco-German Friendship (Élysée Treaty) (#1989) --- 3,40
France 2014 D-Day (#946) --- 3,30
France 2014 World AIDS Day (#1081) --- 3,30
France 2015 70 years of Peace in Europe (#1125) --- 3,10
France 2015 Fête de la Fédération - Bastille (#1819) --- 3,00
Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern F (#1053) --- 4,20
Germany 2007 Treaty of Rome D (#1388) --- 4,50
Germany 2013 Franco-German Friendship (Élysée Treaty) A (#1638) --- 3,10
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony A (#1001) --- 2,50
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony G (#1008) --- 3,00
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony J (#1004) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 German Unity J (#1105) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen A (#1106) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen J (#1688) --- 3,00
Greece 2004 Summer Olympics (Discus Thrower) (#1715) --- 5,50
Greece 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1966) --- 5,00
Greece 2009 EMU (#1990) --- 3,50
Greece 2010 Battle of Marathon (#1397) --- 5,10
Greece 2011 Special Olympics Games (#1231) --- 3,50
Greece 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1107) --- 3,40
Greece 2013 Crete (#1000) --- 3,50
Greece 2013 Platonic Academy (#1242) --- 3,50
Greece 2014 El Greco (#935) --- 3,20
Greece 2014 Ionian Islands (#936) --- 3,20
Ireland 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1780) --- 5,00
Ireland 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1400) --- 3,80
Italy 2004 World Food Program (#1783) --- 3,80
Italy 2005 European Constitution (#1784) --- 4,80
Italy 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin (#1233) --- 4,00
Italy 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1930) --- 3,80
Italy 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1640) --- 4,80
Italy 2009 EMU (#1785) --- 3,80
Italy 2009 Louis Braille (#1234) --- 3,50
Italy 2010 Camillo Benso conte di Cavour (#922) --- 3,50
Italy 2011 Italian unification (#921) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Giovanni Pascoli (#923) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1082) --- 3,20
Italy 2013 Giovanni Boccaccio (#925) --- 3,00
Italy 2013 Giuseppe Verdi (#924) --- 3,50
Italy 2014 Carabinieri (#999) --- 3,30
Italy 2014 Galileo Galilei (#1080) --- 3,30
Italy 2015 Dante Alighieri (#1690) --- 3,00
Italy 2015 Expo Milan (#1465) --- 3,00
Latvia 2014 Riga (#756) --- 3,00
Latvia 2015 EU Presidency (#1189) --- 3,00
Latvia 2015 Stork (#2017) --- 3,00
Latvia 2015 Stork (coincard) (#2018) --- 7,50
Lithuania 2015 Lithuanian Language (#2098) --- 3,00
Luxembourg 2004 Grand Duke Henry (#1727) --- 4,20
Luxembourg 2005 Grand Dukes Henry and Adolf (#1398) --- 3,80
Luxembourg 2006 Grand Duke Guillaume (#1967) --- 5,50
Luxembourg 2007 Grand Ducal Palace (#1113) --- 4,00
Luxembourg 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1235) --- 3,60
Luxembourg 2008 Berg Castle (#1728) --- 4,40
Luxembourg 2009 Charlotte's Accession to the Throne (#1114) --- 3,60
Luxembourg 2009 EMU (#1991) --- 3,70
Luxembourg 2011 Jean as lieutenant-représentant (#1115) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 Royal Wedding (#1015) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1447) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 William IV (#1116) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2013 National Anthem (#938) --- 3,10
Luxembourg 2014 Grand Duke Jean Accession to the Throne (#1013) --- 3,10
Luxembourg 2015 Henri Accession to the Throne (#1515) --- 3,10
Luxembourg 2015 Nassau-Weilburg Dynasty (#1937) --- 3,00
Malta 2009 EMU (#1117) --- 3,50
Malta 2011 First election of representatives (#1118) --- 7,00
Malta 2012 1887 Majority Representation (#1786) --- 5,00
Malta 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1674) --- 4,00
Malta 2013 Self-Government (#1787) --- 4,00
Malta 2014 Independence from Britain (#1016) --- 4,20
Malta 2014 Police Force (#1018) --- 8,00
Malta 2015 First flight (#1505) --- 6,00
Malta 2015 Proclamation of the Republic (#1939) --- 4,20
Monaco 2011 Normal Coin (#1992) --- 3,50
Monaco 2015 Castle on the Rock (#2043) --- 850,00
Netherlands 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1390) --- 4,50
Netherlands 2011 Praise of Folly by Desiderius Erasmus (#1936) --- 9,50
Netherlands 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1438) --- 4,50
Netherlands 2013 200th Anniversary of the Kingdom (#1988) --- 3,80
Netherlands 2013 Double Portrait (#1755) --- 3,50
Netherlands 2014 Willem-Alexander and Beatrix (#1019) --- 3,80
Portugal 2007 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1391) --- 3,80
Portugal 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1236) --- 4,00
Portugal 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1119) --- 4,00
Portugal 2009 EMU (#1788) --- 3,50
Portugal 2009 Lusophony Games (#1237) --- 4,00
Portugal 2010 Centenary of the Portuguese Republic (#1938) --- 3,30
Portugal 2011 Fernao Mendes Pinto (#1945) --- 7,00
Portugal 2012 Guimarães, European Capital of Culture (#1120) --- 3,30
Portugal 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#939) --- 3,80
Portugal 2013 Clérigos Tower (#1121) --- 3,30
Portugal 2014 Carnation Revolution (#940) --- 3,00
Portugal 2014 Family Farming (#1020) --- 3,30
Portugal 2015 Red Cross (#1404) --- 3,30
Portugal 2015 Timor (#1627) --- 3,00
San Marino 2007 Giuseppe Garibaldi (#1791) --- 43,00
San Marino 2011 Giorgio Vasari (#1795) --- 29,00
San Marino 2013 normal coin (#941) --- 3,50
San Marino 2014 Giacomo Puccini (#1800) --- 32,00
San Marino 2015 German Unification (#1932) --- 28,00
Slovakia 2009 EMU (#943) --- 3,40
Slovakia 2009 Velvet Revolution (#1675) --- 3,50
Slovakia 2011 Visegrád Group (#1238) --- 3,60
Slovakia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#919) --- 3,40
Slovakia 2013 Constantine and Methodius (#942) --- 3,50
Slovakia 2014 Membership in EU (#947) --- 3,20
Slovakia 2015 Ľudovít Štúr (#1943) --- 3,00
Slovenia 2011 Franc Rozman – Stane (#1240) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1406) --- 20,00
Slovenia 2008 Primož Trubar (#1012) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2010 Botanical Garden (#1011) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#927) --- 3,30
Slovenia 2013 Postojna Cave (#944) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2014 Barbara of Celje (#1083) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2015 Emona (#1959) --- 3,00
Spain 2005 Don Quixote (#1960) --- 5,00
Spain 2009 EMU (#1676) --- 5,70
Spain 2010 Cordoba (#937) --- 3,40
Spain 2011 Alhambra Generalife and Albayzín (#1108) --- 3,50
Spain 2012 Burgos (#1109) --- 3,20
Spain 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1241) --- 3,40
Spain 2013 Escorial (#1110) --- 3,30
Spain 2014 King Felipe VI (#1112) --- 3,40
Spain 2014 normal coin (#1111) --- 2,50
Spain 2014 Park Güell of Antoni Gaudí (#1010) --- 3,30
Spain 2015 Cave of Altamira (#1244) --- 3,10
Vatican 2012 7th World Meeting of Families (#1777) --- 36,00
Vatican 2015 Meeting of Families in Philadelphia (#1944) --- 33,00

Актуальное предложение смотрите на сайте COINSWD.COM

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 12 янв 2016, 17:42 
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Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2014, 15:50
Сообщения: 244
Пункты репутации: 45
Актуальное предложение:

Andorra 2014 normal coin (#2105) --- 7,50
Austria 2005 State Treaty (#1416) --- 7,50
Austria 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1225) --- 5,00
Austria 2009 EMU (#1199) --- 3,50
Austria 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1007) --- 3,00
Austria 2015 Flag of Europe (#1955) --- 3,00
Belgium 2005 Economic Union (#1968) --- 12,00
Belgium 2006 Atomium (#1477) --- 11,50
Belgium 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1672) --- 3,80
Belgium 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1402) --- 4,00
Belgium 2009 EMU (#1401) --- 4,00
Belgium 2009 Louis Braille (#1929) --- 4,00
Belgium 2010 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1673) --- 3,30
Belgium 2011 Women's Day (#1104) --- 3,30
Belgium 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#741) --- 3,30
Belgium 2013 Royal Meteorological Institute (#1006) --- 3,10
Belgium 2014 Red Cross (#1034) --- 14,00
Belgium 2014 World War I (#742) --- 3,30
Belgium 2015 Flag of Europe (#1984) --- 4,00
Belgium 2015 Year for Development (coincard) (#1839) --- 11,00
Cyprus 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1200) --- 3,30
Estonia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#926) --- 3,00
Estonia 2015 Flag of Europe (#2037) --- 3,50
Estonia 2016 Paul Keres (#2153) --- 3,30
Finland 2004 EU Enlargement (#1407) --- 38,00
Finland 2005 UN Membership (#1226) --- 5,00
Finland 2006 Universal and Equal Suffrage (#1403) --- 6,00
Finland 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1227) --- 4,70
Finland 2009 Autonomy (#1804) --- 4,50
Finland 2010 Currency Decree (#1228) --- 4,00
Finland 2011 Bank of Finland (#1392) --- 3,50
Finland 2012 150 Years Helene Schjerfbeck (#1639) --- 4,00
Finland 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1464) --- 3,40
Finland 2013 Frans Eemil Sillanpää (#945) --- 3,40
Finland 2013 Parliament (#1641) --- 4,30
Finland 2014 Ilmari Tapiovaara (#1122) --- 3,50
Finland 2014 Tove Jansson (#1009) --- 3,40
Finland 2015 Akseli Gallen-Kallela (#1931) --- 3,20
Finland 2015 Flag of Europe (#1801) --- 3,00
Finland 2015 Jean Sibelius (#1243) --- 3,10
France 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1965) --- 4,50
France 2008 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1500) --- 4,30
France 2010 General de Gaulle (#1229) --- 3,80
France 2011 Fête de la Musique (#1123) --- 4,00
France 2012 Abbé Pierre (#1230) --- 4,00
France 2013 Franco-German Friendship (Élysée Treaty) (#1989) --- 3,40
France 2014 D-Day (#946) --- 3,30
France 2014 World AIDS Day (#1081) --- 3,30
France 2015 70 years of Peace in Europe (#1125) --- 3,10
France 2015 Fête de la Fédération - Bastille (#1819) --- 3,00
France 2015 Flag of Europe (#1985) --- 3,00
Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern F (#1053) --- 4,20
Germany 2007 Treaty of Rome D (#1388) --- 4,50
Germany 2013 Franco-German Friendship (Élysée Treaty) A (#1638) --- 3,10
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony A (#1001) --- 2,50
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony G (#1008) --- 3,00
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony J (#1004) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe A (#1973) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe D (#1974) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe F (#1971) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe G (#1972) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe J (#1956) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 German Unity J (#1105) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen A (#1106) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen J (#1688) --- 3,00
Greece 2004 Summer Olympics (Discus Thrower) (#1715) --- 5,50
Greece 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1966) --- 5,00
Greece 2009 EMU (#1990) --- 3,50
Greece 2010 Battle of Marathon (#1397) --- 5,10
Greece 2011 Special Olympics Games (#1231) --- 3,50
Greece 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1107) --- 3,40
Greece 2013 Crete (#1000) --- 3,50
Greece 2013 Platonic Academy (#1242) --- 3,50
Greece 2014 El Greco (#935) --- 3,20
Greece 2014 Ionian Islands (#936) --- 3,20
Ireland 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1780) --- 5,00
Ireland 2015 Flag of Europe (#1933) --- 3,50
Italy 2004 World Food Program (#1783) --- 3,80
Italy 2005 European Constitution (#1784) --- 4,80
Italy 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin (#1233) --- 4,00
Italy 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1930) --- 3,80
Italy 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1640) --- 4,80
Italy 2009 Louis Braille (#1234) --- 3,50
Italy 2010 Camillo Benso conte di Cavour (#922) --- 3,50
Italy 2011 Italian unification (#921) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Giovanni Pascoli (#923) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1082) --- 3,20
Italy 2013 Giovanni Boccaccio (#925) --- 3,00
Italy 2013 Giuseppe Verdi (#924) --- 3,50
Italy 2014 Carabinieri (#999) --- 3,30
Italy 2014 Galileo Galilei (#1080) --- 3,30
Italy 2015 Dante Alighieri (#1690) --- 3,00
Italy 2015 Expo Milan (#1465) --- 3,00
Italy 2015 Flag of Europe (#1957) --- 3,00
Latvia 2014 Riga (#756) --- 3,00
Latvia 2015 EU Presidency (#1189) --- 2,50
Latvia 2015 Flag of Europe (#1953) --- 2,50
Latvia 2015 Flag of Europe (coincard) (#1954) --- 7,50
Latvia 2015 Stork (#2017) --- 2,50
Latvia 2015 Stork (coincard) (#2018) --- 7,50
Lithuania 2015 Flag of Europe (#2034) --- 3,00
Lithuania 2015 Lithuanian Language (#2098) --- 3,00
Luxembourg 2004 Grand Duke Henry (#1727) --- 4,20
Luxembourg 2005 Grand Dukes Henry and Adolf (#1398) --- 3,80
Luxembourg 2006 Grand Duke Guillaume (#1967) --- 5,50
Luxembourg 2007 Grand Ducal Palace (#1113) --- 4,00
Luxembourg 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1235) --- 3,60
Luxembourg 2008 Berg Castle (#1728) --- 4,40
Luxembourg 2009 Charlotte's Accession to the Throne (#1114) --- 3,60
Luxembourg 2009 EMU (#1991) --- 3,70
Luxembourg 2011 Jean as lieutenant-représentant (#1115) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 Royal Wedding (#1015) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1447) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 William IV (#1116) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2013 National Anthem (#938) --- 3,10
Luxembourg 2014 Grand Duke Jean Accession to the Throne (#1013) --- 3,10
Luxembourg 2015 Flag of Europe (#2036) --- 3,20
Luxembourg 2015 Henri Accession to the Throne (#1515) --- 3,10
Luxembourg 2015 Nassau-Weilburg Dynasty (#1937) --- 3,00
Malta 2009 EMU (#1117) --- 3,40
Malta 2011 First election of representatives (#1118) --- 7,00
Malta 2012 1887 Majority Representation (#1786) --- 5,00
Malta 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1674) --- 4,00
Malta 2013 Self-Government (#1787) --- 4,00
Malta 2014 Independence from Britain (#1016) --- 4,20
Malta 2014 Police Force (#1018) --- 8,00
Malta 2015 First flight (#1505) --- 6,00
Malta 2015 Flag of Europe (#2101) --- 4,30
Malta 2015 Proclamation of the Republic (#1939) --- 4,20
Monaco 2011 Normal Coin (#1992) --- 3,50
Monaco 2011 Wedding (#2148) --- 48,00
Monaco 2012 Sovereignty (#2149) --- 45,00
Monaco 2015 Castle on the Rock (#2043) --- 850,00
Netherlands 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1390) --- 4,50
Netherlands 2011 Praise of Folly by Desiderius Erasmus (#1936) --- 9,50
Netherlands 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1438) --- 4,50
Netherlands 2013 200th Anniversary of the Kingdom (#1988) --- 3,80
Netherlands 2013 Double Portrait (#1755) --- 3,50
Netherlands 2014 Willem-Alexander and Beatrix (#1019) --- 3,80
Netherlands 2015 Flag of Europe (#1942) --- 3,30
Portugal 2007 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1391) --- 3,80
Portugal 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1236) --- 4,00
Portugal 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1119) --- 4,00
Portugal 2009 Lusophony Games (#1237) --- 4,00
Portugal 2010 Centenary of the Portuguese Republic (#1938) --- 3,30
Portugal 2011 Fernao Mendes Pinto (#1945) --- 7,00
Portugal 2012 Guimarães, European Capital of Culture (#1120) --- 3,30
Portugal 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#939) --- 3,80
Portugal 2013 Clérigos Tower (#1121) --- 3,30
Portugal 2014 Carnation Revolution (#940) --- 3,00
Portugal 2014 Family Farming (#1020) --- 3,30
Portugal 2015 Flag of Europe (#2035) --- 3,00
Portugal 2015 Red Cross (#1404) --- 3,30
Portugal 2015 Timor (#1627) --- 3,00
San Marino 2004 Bartolomeo Borghesi (#2145) --- 140,00
San Marino 2005 World Year of Physics (#2146) --- 120,00
San Marino 2006 Christopher Columbus (#1790) --- 95,00
San Marino 2007 Giuseppe Garibaldi (#1791) --- 43,00
San Marino 2008 Intercultural Dialogue (#1792) --- 70,00
San Marino 2010 Sandro Botticelli (#1794) --- 39,00
San Marino 2011 Giorgio Vasari (#1795) --- 29,00
San Marino 2012 10th Anniversary of Euro coins and banknotes (#1796) --- 29,00
San Marino 2013 normal coin (#941) --- 3,50
San Marino 2013 Pinturicchio (#1797) --- 28,00
San Marino 2014 Donato Bramante (#1798) --- 33,00
San Marino 2014 Giacomo Puccini (#1800) --- 32,00
San Marino 2015 Dante Alighieri (#1799) --- 28,00
San Marino 2015 German Unification (#1932) --- 28,00
Slovakia 2009 EMU (#943) --- 3,40
Slovakia 2009 Velvet Revolution (#1675) --- 3,50
Slovakia 2011 Visegrád Group (#1238) --- 3,60
Slovakia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#919) --- 3,40
Slovakia 2013 Constantine and Methodius (#942) --- 3,70
Slovakia 2014 Membership in EU (#947) --- 3,20
Slovakia 2015 Flag of Europe (#1838) --- 3,00
Slovakia 2015 Ľudovít Štúr (#1943) --- 3,00
Slovenia 2011 Franc Rozman – Stane (#1240) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2008 Primož Trubar (#1012) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2010 Botanical Garden (#1011) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#927) --- 3,30
Slovenia 2013 Postojna Cave (#944) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2014 Barbara of Celje (#1083) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2015 Emona (#1959) --- 3,00
Slovenia 2015 Flag of Europe (#2102) --- 3,00
Spain 2005 Don Quixote (#1960) --- 5,00
Spain 2009 EMU (#1676) --- 5,70
Spain 2010 Cordoba (#937) --- 3,40
Spain 2011 Alhambra Generalife and Albayzín (#1108) --- 3,50
Spain 2012 Burgos (#1109) --- 3,20
Spain 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1241) --- 3,40
Spain 2013 Escorial (#1110) --- 3,30
Spain 2014 King Felipe VI (#1112) --- 3,40
Spain 2014 normal coin (#1111) --- 2,50
Spain 2014 Park Güell of Antoni Gaudí (#1010) --- 3,30
Spain 2015 Cave of Altamira (#1244) --- 3,10
Spain 2015 Flag of Europe (#1958) --- 3,00
Vatican 2004 Foundation of the City State (#2147) --- 100,00
Vatican 2008 Year of Saint Paul the Apostle (#1773) --- 70,00
Vatican 2009 Year of astronomy (#1774) --- 62,00
Vatican 2010 Year for Priests (#1775) --- 40,00
Vatican 2011 26th World Youth Day (#1776) --- 36,00
Vatican 2012 7th World Meeting of Families (#1777) --- 36,00
Vatican 2013 28th World Youth Day - Rio de Janeiro (#1778) --- 34,00
Vatican 2013 Sede vacante (#1934) --- 53,00
Vatican 2015 Meeting of Families in Philadelphia (#1944) --- 33,00

Актуальное предложение смотрите на сайте COINSWD.COM

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 13 янв 2016, 14:22 
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Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2014, 15:50
Сообщения: 244
Пункты репутации: 45

Andorra 2014 normal coin (#2105) --- 7,50

Austria 2005 State Treaty (#1416) --- 7,50
Austria 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1225) --- 5,00
Austria 2009 EMU (#1199) --- 3,50
Austria 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1007) --- 3,00
Austria 2015 Flag of Europe (#1955) --- 3,00

Belgium 2005 Economic Union (#1968) --- 12,00
Belgium 2006 Atomium (#1477) --- 11,50
Belgium 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1672) --- 3,80
Belgium 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1402) --- 4,00
Belgium 2009 EMU (#1401) --- 4,00
Belgium 2009 Louis Braille (#1929) --- 4,00
Belgium 2010 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1673) --- 3,30
Belgium 2011 Women's Day (#1104) --- 3,30
Belgium 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#741) --- 3,30
Belgium 2013 Royal Meteorological Institute (#1006) --- 3,10
Belgium 2014 Red Cross (#1034) --- 14,00
Belgium 2014 World War I (#742) --- 3,30
Belgium 2015 Flag of Europe (#1984) --- 4,00
Belgium 2015 Year for Development (coincard) (#1839) --- 11,00

Cyprus 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1200) --- 3,30

Estonia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#926) --- 3,00
Estonia 2015 Flag of Europe (#2037) --- 3,50
Estonia 2016 Paul Keres (#2153) --- 3,30
Estonia 2016 Paul Keres (coincard) (#) --- 15,00

Finland 2004 EU Enlargement (#1407) --- 38,00
Finland 2005 UN Membership (#1226) --- 5,00
Finland 2006 Universal and Equal Suffrage (#1403) --- 6,00
Finland 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1227) --- 4,70
Finland 2009 Autonomy (#1804) --- 4,50
Finland 2010 Currency Decree (#1228) --- 4,00
Finland 2011 Bank of Finland (#1392) --- 3,50
Finland 2012 150 Years Helene Schjerfbeck (#1639) --- 4,00
Finland 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1464) --- 3,40
Finland 2013 Frans Eemil Sillanpää (#945) --- 3,40
Finland 2013 Parliament (#1641) --- 4,30
Finland 2014 Ilmari Tapiovaara (#1122) --- 3,50
Finland 2014 Tove Jansson (#1009) --- 3,40
Finland 2015 Akseli Gallen-Kallela (#1931) --- 3,20
Finland 2015 Flag of Europe (#1801) --- 3,00
Finland 2015 Jean Sibelius (#1243) --- 3,10

France 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1965) --- 4,50
France 2008 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1500) --- 4,30
France 2010 General de Gaulle (#1229) --- 3,80
France 2011 Fête de la Musique (#1123) --- 4,00
France 2012 Abbé Pierre (#1230) --- 4,00
France 2013 Franco-German Friendship (Élysée Treaty) (#1989) --- 3,40
France 2014 D-Day (#946) --- 3,30
France 2014 World AIDS Day (#1081) --- 3,30
France 2015 70 years of Peace in Europe (#1125) --- 3,10
France 2015 Fête de la Fédération - Bastille (#1819) --- 3,00
France 2015 Flag of Europe (#1985) --- 3,00

Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern F (#1053) --- 4,20
Germany 2007 Treaty of Rome D (#1388) --- 4,50
Germany 2013 Franco-German Friendship (Élysée Treaty) A (#1638) --- 3,10
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony A (#1001) --- 2,50
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony J (#1004) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe A (#1973) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe D (#1974) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe F (#1971) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe G (#1972) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe J (#1956) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 German Unity J (#1105) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen A (#1106) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen J (#1688) --- 3,00

Greece 2004 Summer Olympics (Discus Thrower) (#1715) --- 5,50
Greece 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1966) --- 5,00
Greece 2009 EMU (#1990) --- 3,50
Greece 2010 Battle of Marathon (#1397) --- 5,10
Greece 2011 Special Olympics Games (#1231) --- 3,50
Greece 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1107) --- 3,40
Greece 2013 Crete (#1000) --- 3,50
Greece 2013 Platonic Academy (#1242) --- 3,50
Greece 2014 El Greco (#935) --- 3,20
Greece 2014 Ionian Islands (#936) --- 3,20

Ireland 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1780) --- 5,00
Ireland 2015 Flag of Europe (#1933) --- 3,50

Italy 2004 World Food Program (#1783) --- 3,80
Italy 2005 European Constitution (#1784) --- 4,80
Italy 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin (#1233) --- 4,00
Italy 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1930) --- 3,80
Italy 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1640) --- 4,80
Italy 2009 Louis Braille (#1234) --- 3,50
Italy 2010 Camillo Benso conte di Cavour (#922) --- 3,50
Italy 2011 Italian unification (#921) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Giovanni Pascoli (#923) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1082) --- 3,20
Italy 2013 Giovanni Boccaccio (#925) --- 3,00
Italy 2013 Giuseppe Verdi (#924) --- 3,50
Italy 2014 Carabinieri (#999) --- 3,30
Italy 2014 Galileo Galilei (#1080) --- 3,30
Italy 2015 Dante Alighieri (#1690) --- 3,00
Italy 2015 Expo Milan (#1465) --- 3,00
Italy 2015 Flag of Europe (#1957) --- 3,00

Latvia 2014 Riga (#756) --- 3,00
Latvia 2015 EU Presidency (#1189) --- 2,50
Latvia 2015 Flag of Europe (#1953) --- 2,50
Latvia 2015 Flag of Europe (coincard) (#1954) --- 7,50
Latvia 2015 Stork (#2017) --- 2,50
Latvia 2015 Stork (coincard) (#2018) --- 7,50

Lithuania 2015 Flag of Europe (#2034) --- 3,00
Lithuania 2015 Lithuanian Language (#2098) --- 3,00

Luxembourg 2004 Grand Duke Henry (#1727) --- 4,20
Luxembourg 2005 Grand Dukes Henry and Adolf (#1398) --- 3,80
Luxembourg 2006 Grand Duke Guillaume (#1967) --- 5,50
Luxembourg 2007 Grand Ducal Palace (#1113) --- 4,00
Luxembourg 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1235) --- 3,60
Luxembourg 2008 Berg Castle (#1728) --- 4,40
Luxembourg 2009 Charlotte's Accession to the Throne (#1114) --- 3,60
Luxembourg 2011 Jean as lieutenant-représentant (#1115) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 Royal Wedding (#1015) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1447) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 William IV (#1116) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2013 National Anthem (#938) --- 3,10
Luxembourg 2015 Henri Accession to the Throne (#1515) --- 3,10
Luxembourg 2015 Nassau-Weilburg Dynasty (#1937) --- 3,00
Luxembourg 2015 Flag of Europe (#2036) --- 3,20

Malta 2009 EMU (#1117) --- 3,40
Malta 2011 First election of representatives (#1118) --- 7,00
Malta 2012 1887 Majority Representation (#1786) --- 5,00
Malta 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1674) --- 4,00
Malta 2013 Self-Government (#1787) --- 4,00
Malta 2014 Independence from Britain (#1016) --- 4,20
Malta 2014 Police Force (#1018) --- 8,00
Malta 2015 First flight (#1505) --- 6,00
Malta 2015 Proclamation of the Republic (#1939) --- 4,20
Malta 2015 Flag of Europe (#2101) --- 4,50

Monaco 2011 Normal Coin (#1992) --- 3,50
Monaco 2011 Wedding (#2148) --- 48,00
Monaco 2012 Sovereignty (#2149) --- 45,00
Monaco 2015 Castle on the Rock (#2043) --- 850,00

Netherlands 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1390) --- 4,50
Netherlands 2011 Praise of Folly by Desiderius Erasmus (#1936) --- 9,50
Netherlands 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1438) --- 4,50
Netherlands 2013 200th Anniversary of the Kingdom (#1988) --- 3,80
Netherlands 2013 Double Portrait (#1755) --- 3,50
Netherlands 2014 Willem-Alexander and Beatrix (#1019) --- 3,80
Netherlands 2015 Flag of Europe (#1942) --- 3,30

Portugal 2007 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1391) --- 3,80
Portugal 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1236) --- 4,00
Portugal 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1119) --- 4,00
Portugal 2009 Lusophony Games (#1237) --- 4,00
Portugal 2010 Centenary of the Portuguese Republic (#1938) --- 3,30
Portugal 2011 Fernao Mendes Pinto (#1945) --- 7,00
Portugal 2012 Guimarães, European Capital of Culture (#1120) --- 3,30
Portugal 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#939) --- 3,80
Portugal 2013 Clérigos Tower (#1121) --- 3,30
Portugal 2014 Carnation Revolution (#940) --- 3,00
Portugal 2014 Family Farming (#1020) --- 3,30
Portugal 2015 Red Cross (#1404) --- 3,30
Portugal 2015 Timor (#1627) --- 3,00
Portugal 2015 Flag of Europe (#2035) --- 3,00

San Marino 2004 Bartolomeo Borghesi (#2145) --- 140,00
San Marino 2005 World Year of Physics (#2146) --- 120,00
San Marino 2006 Christopher Columbus (#1790) --- 95,00
San Marino 2007 Giuseppe Garibaldi (#1791) --- 43,00
San Marino 2008 Intercultural Dialogue (#1792) --- 70,00
San Marino 2010 Sandro Botticelli (#1794) --- 39,00
San Marino 2011 Giorgio Vasari (#1795) --- 29,00
San Marino 2012 10th Anniversary of Euro coins and banknotes (#1796) --- 29,00
San Marino 2013 normal coin (#941) --- 3,50
San Marino 2013 Pinturicchio (#1797) --- 28,00
San Marino 2014 Donato Bramante (#1798) --- 33,00
San Marino 2014 Giacomo Puccini (#1800) --- 32,00
San Marino 2015 Dante Alighieri (#1799) --- 28,00
San Marino 2015 German Unification (#1932) --- 28,00

Slovakia 2009 EMU (#943) --- 3,40
Slovakia 2009 Velvet Revolution (#1675) --- 3,50
Slovakia 2011 Visegrád Group (#1238) --- 3,60
Slovakia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#919) --- 3,40
Slovakia 2013 Constantine and Methodius (#942) --- 3,70
Slovakia 2014 Membership in EU (#947) --- 3,20
Slovakia 2015 Flag of Europe (#1838) --- 3,00
Slovakia 2015 Ľudovít Štúr (#1943) --- 3,00

Slovenia 2011 Franc Rozman – Stane (#1240) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2008 Primož Trubar (#1012) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2010 Botanical Garden (#1011) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#927) --- 3,30
Slovenia 2013 Postojna Cave (#944) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2014 Barbara of Celje (#1083) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2015 Emona (#1959) --- 3,00
Slovenia 2015 Flag of Europe (#2102) --- 3,00

Spain 2005 Don Quixote (#1960) --- 5,00
Spain 2009 EMU (#1676) --- 5,70
Spain 2010 Cordoba (#937) --- 3,40
Spain 2011 Alhambra Generalife and Albayzín (#1108) --- 3,50
Spain 2012 Burgos (#1109) --- 3,20
Spain 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1241) --- 3,40
Spain 2013 Escorial (#1110) --- 3,30
Spain 2014 King Felipe VI (#1112) --- 3,40
Spain 2014 normal coin (#1111) --- 2,50
Spain 2014 Park Güell of Antoni Gaudí (#1010) --- 3,30
Spain 2015 Cave of Altamira (#1244) --- 3,10
Spain 2015 Flag of Europe (#1958) --- 3,00

Vatican 2004 Foundation of the City State (#2147) --- 100,00
Vatican 2008 Year of Saint Paul the Apostle (#1773) --- 70,00
Vatican 2009 Year of astronomy (#1774) --- 62,00
Vatican 2010 Year for Priests (#1775) --- 40,00
Vatican 2011 26th World Youth Day (#1776) --- 36,00
Vatican 2012 7th World Meeting of Families (#1777) --- 36,00
Vatican 2013 28th World Youth Day - Rio de Janeiro (#1778) --- 34,00
Vatican 2013 Sede vacante (#1934) --- 53,00
Vatican 2015 Meeting of Families in Philadelphia (#1944) --- 33,00

Актуальное предложение смотрите на сайте COINSWD.COM

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 08 фев 2016, 00:58 
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Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2014, 15:50
Сообщения: 244
Пункты репутации: 45
France 2016 UEFA --- 3,00
Germany 2016 Sachen A --- 3,00
Germany 2016 ADFGJ --- 14,50

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 11 фев 2016, 18:35 
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Сообщения: 244
Пункты репутации: 45
Актуальное предложение.
Получение на слете или в центре Риги в любой день.
Звоните, пишите. :flowers:

Andorra 2014 normal coin (#2105) --- 7,50
Austria 2005 State Treaty (#1416) --- 7,50
Austria 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1225) --- 5,00
Austria 2009 EMU (#1199) --- 3,50
Austria 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1007) --- 3,30
Austria 2015 Flag of Europe (#1955) --- 3,00
Austria 2016 National bank (#2196) --- 2,70

Belgium 2005 Economic Union (#1968) --- 12,00
Belgium 2006 Atomium (#1477) --- 11,50
Belgium 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1672) --- 3,80
Belgium 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1402) --- 4,00
Belgium 2009 EMU (#1401) --- 4,00
Belgium 2009 Louis Braille (#1929) --- 4,00
Belgium 2010 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1673) --- 3,30
Belgium 2011 Women's Day (#1104) --- 3,30
Belgium 2012 Queen Elisabeth Music Competition (#920) --- 3,50
Belgium 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#741) --- 3,30
Belgium 2013 Royal Meteorological Institute (#1006) --- 3,10
Belgium 2014 Red Cross (coincard) (#1034) --- 14,00
Belgium 2014 World War I (#742) --- 3,30
Belgium 2015 Flag of Europe (#1984) --- 4,00
Belgium 2015 Year for Development (coincard) (#1839) --- 11,00

Cyprus 2009 EMU (#1051) --- 3,30
Cyprus 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1200) --- 3,30
Cyprus 2015 Flag of Europe (#2099) --- 3,50

Estonia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#926) --- 3,00
Estonia 2015 Flag of Europe (#2037) --- 3,50
Estonia 2016 Paul Keres (#2153) --- 3,30

Finland 2004 EU Enlargement (#1407) --- 37,00
Finland 2004 EU Enlargement (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2309) --- 38,00
Finland 2005 UN Membership (#1226) --- 5,00
Finland 2006 Universal and Equal Suffrage (#1403) --- 6,00
Finland 2007 90th Independence (#2308) --- 5,50
Finland 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1227) --- 4,70
Finland 2009 Autonomy (#1804) --- 4,50
Finland 2010 Currency Decree (#1228) --- 4,00
Finland 2011 Bank of Finland (#1392) --- 3,50
Finland 2012 150 Years Helene Schjerfbeck (#1639) --- 4,00
Finland 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1464) --- 3,40
Finland 2013 Frans Eemil Sillanpää (#945) --- 3,40
Finland 2013 Parliament (#1641) --- 4,30
Finland 2014 Ilmari Tapiovaara (#1122) --- 3,50
Finland 2014 Tove Jansson (#1009) --- 3,40
Finland 2015 Akseli Gallen-Kallela (#1931) --- 3,20
Finland 2015 Flag of Europe (#1801) --- 3,00
Finland 2015 Jean Sibelius (#1243) --- 3,10

France 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1965) --- 4,50
France 2008 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1500) --- 4,00
France 2010 General de Gaulle (#1229) --- 3,80
France 2011 Fête de la Musique (#1123) --- 4,00
France 2012 Abbé Pierre (#1230) --- 4,00
France 2013 Franco-German Friendship (Élysée Treaty) (#1989) --- 3,40
France 2014 D-Day (#946) --- 3,30
France 2014 World AIDS Day (#1081) --- 3,30
France 2015 70 years of Peace in Europe (#1125) --- 3,10
France 2015 Fête de la Fédération - Bastille (#1819) --- 3,00
France 2015 Flag of Europe (#1985) --- 3,00
France 2016 UEFA Championship (#2298) --- 3,00
France 2016 UEFA Championship blister (#2299) --- 15,00
France 2016 UEFA Championship PROOF (#2300) --- 25,00

Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern F (#1053) --- 4,20
Germany 2007 Treaty of Rome D (#1388) --- 4,50
Germany 2010 Bremen D (#1503) --- 3,50
Germany 2010 Bremen A (#2329) --- 3,50
Germany 2010 Bremen F (#2330) --- 3,50
Germany 2011 North-Rhine Westphalia D (#1504) --- 3,50
Germany 2011 North-Rhine Westphalia A (#2302) --- 3,50
Germany 2011 North-Rhine Westphalia F (#2303) --- 3,50
Germany 2011 North-Rhine Westphalia G (#2304) --- 3,50
Germany 2011 North-Rhine Westphalia J (#2306) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Bavaria D (#1394) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Bavaria F (#1395) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Bavaria G (#1396) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Bavaria J (#1393) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Bavaria A (#2331) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Ten years of Euro cash D (#1635) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Ten years of Euro cash F (#1636) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Ten years of Euro cash G (#1084) --- 3,50
Germany 2013 Baden-Württemberg G (#1005) --- 3,50
Germany 2013 Baden-Württemberg A (#2307) --- 3,50
Germany 2013 Baden-Württemberg D (#934) --- 3,50
Germany 2013 Baden-Württemberg F (#2332) --- 3,50
Germany 2013 Baden-Württemberg J (#2333) --- 3,50
Germany 2013 Franco-German Friendship (Élysée Treaty) A (#1638) --- 3,10
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony A (#1001) --- 2,50
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony J (#1004) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe A (#1973) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe D (#1974) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe F (#1971) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe G (#1972) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe J (#1956) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 German Unity J (#1105) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen A (#1106) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen J (#1688) --- 3,00
Germany 2016 Saxony Dresden A (#2293) --- 3,00
Germany 2016 Saxony Dresden D (#2294) --- 3,00
Germany 2016 Saxony Dresden F (#2295) --- 3,00
Germany 2016 Saxony Dresden G (#2296) --- 3,00
Germany 2016 Saxony Dresden J (#2297) --- 3,00
Germany 2016 Saxony Dresden 5 x ADFGJ --- 14,50

Greece 2004 Summer Olympics (Discus Thrower) (#1715) --- 5,50
Greece 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1966) --- 5,00
Greece 2009 EMU (#1990) --- 3,50
Greece 2010 Battle of Marathon (#1397) --- 5,10
Greece 2011 Special Olympics Games (#1231) --- 3,50
Greece 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1107) --- 3,40
Greece 2013 Crete (#1000) --- 3,50
Greece 2013 Platonic Academy (#1242) --- 3,50
Greece 2014 El Greco (#935) --- 3,20
Greece 2014 Ionian Islands (#936) --- 3,20
Greece 2015 Flag of Europe (#2100) --- 3,30
Greece 2015 Spyridon Louis (#2137) --- 3,30

Ireland 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1780) --- 5,00
Ireland 2009 EMU (#1781) --- 4,00
Ireland 2015 Flag of Europe (#1933) --- 3,50
Ireland 2016 Easter rising (#2197) --- 3,00

Italy 2005 European Constitution (#1784) --- 4,50
Italy 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin (#1233) --- 4,00
Italy 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1930) --- 3,50
Italy 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1640) --- 4,80
Italy 2009 EMU (#1785) --- 3,50
Italy 2009 Louis Braille (#1234) --- 3,50
Italy 2010 Cavour (#922) --- 3,50
Italy 2011 Italian unification (#921) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Giovanni Pascoli (#923) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1082) --- 3,20
Italy 2013 Giovanni Boccaccio (#925) --- 3,00
Italy 2013 Giuseppe Verdi (#924) --- 3,50
Italy 2014 Carabinieri (#999) --- 3,30
Italy 2014 Galileo Galilei (#1080) --- 3,30
Italy 2015 Dante Alighieri (#1690) --- 3,00
Italy 2015 Expo Milan (#1465) --- 3,00
Italy 2015 Flag of Europe (#1957) --- 3,00

Latvia 2014 Riga (#756) --- 3,00
Latvia 2015 EU Presidency (#1189) --- 2,50
Latvia 2015 Flag of Europe (#1953) --- 2,50
Latvia 2015 Stork (#2017) --- 2,50

Lithuania 2015 Flag of Europe (#2034) --- 3,00
Lithuania 2015 Lithuanian Language (#2098) --- 3,00

Luxembourg 2004 Grand Duke Henry (#1727) --- 4,20
Luxembourg 2005 Grand Dukes Henry and Adolf (#1398) --- 3,80
Luxembourg 2006 Grand Duke Guillaume (#1967) --- 5,50
Luxembourg 2007 Grand Ducal Palace (#1113) --- 4,00
Luxembourg 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1235) --- 3,60
Luxembourg 2008 Berg Castle (#1728) --- 4,40
Luxembourg 2009 Charlotte's Accession to the Throne (#1114) --- 3,60
Luxembourg 2009 EMU (#1991) --- 3,70
Luxembourg 2011 Jean as lieutenant-représentant (#1115) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 Royal Wedding (#1015) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1447) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 William IV (#1116) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2013 National Anthem (#938) --- 3,10
Luxembourg 2015 Henri Accession to the Throne (#1515) --- 3,10
Luxembourg 2015 Nassau-Weilburg Dynasty (#1937) --- 3,00
Luxembourg 2015 Flag of Europe (#2036) --- 3,20

Malta 2009 EMU (#1117) --- 3,40
Malta 2011 First election of representatives (#1118) --- 7,00
Malta 2012 1887 Majority Representation (#1786) --- 5,00
Malta 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1674) --- 4,00
Malta 2013 Self-Government (#1787) --- 4,00
Malta 2014 Independence from Britain (#1016) --- 4,20
Malta 2014 Police Force (#1018) --- 8,00
Malta 2015 First flight (#1505) --- 6,00
Malta 2015 Proclamation of the Republic (#1939) --- 4,00
Malta 2015 Flag of Europe (#2101) --- 4,50

Monaco 2011 regular Coin (#1992) --- 3,50
Monaco 2011 Wedding (#2148) --- 48,00
Monaco 2012 Sovereignty (#2149) --- 45,00
Monaco 2013 Membership in the UN (#1014) --- 4,00
Monaco 2015 Castle on the Rock (#2043) --- 849,00

Netherlands 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1390) --- 4,50
Netherlands 2011 Praise of Folly by Desiderius Erasmus (#1936) --- 9,50
Netherlands 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1438) --- 4,50
Netherlands 2013 Kingdom (#1988) --- 3,80
Netherlands 2013 Double Portrait (#1755) --- 3,50
Netherlands 2014 Willem-Alexander and Beatrix (#1019) --- 3,80
Netherlands 2015 Flag of Europe (#1942) --- 3,30

Portugal 2007 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1391) --- 3,80
Portugal 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1236) --- 4,00
Portugal 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1119) --- 4,00
Portugal 2009 EMU (#1788) --- 3,50
Portugal 2009 Lusophony Games (#1237) --- 4,00
Portugal 2010 Centenary of the Portuguese Republic (#1938) --- 3,30
Portugal 2011 Fernao Mendes Pinto (#1945) --- 7,00
Portugal 2012 Guimaraes (#1120) --- 3,30
Portugal 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#939) --- 3,80
Portugal 2013 Clérigos Tower (#1121) --- 3,30
Portugal 2014 Carnation Revolution (#940) --- 3,00
Portugal 2014 Family Farming (#1020) --- 3,30
Portugal 2015 Red Cross (#1404) --- 3,30
Portugal 2015 Timor (#1627) --- 3,00
Portugal 2015 Flag of Europe (#2035) --- 3,00

San Marino 2004 Bartolomeo Borghesi (#2145) --- 140,00
San Marino 2004 Bartolomeo Borghesi (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2310) --- 130,00
San Marino 2005 World Year of Physics (#2146) --- 120,00
San Marino 2005 World Year of Physics (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2311) --- 115,00
San Marino 2006 Christopher Columbus (#1790) --- 95,00
San Marino 2006 Christopher Columbus (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2312) --- 90,00
San Marino 2007 Giuseppe Garibaldi (#1791) --- 43,00
San Marino 2007 Giuseppe Garibaldi (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2313) --- 40,00
San Marino 2008 Intercultural Dialogue (#1792) --- 70,00
San Marino 2008 Intercultural Dialogue (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2314) --- 65,00
San Marino 2009 Year of Innovation (#1793) --- 28,00
San Marino 2011 Giorgio Vasari (#1795) --- 29,00
San Marino 2012 10th Anniversary of Euro coins and banknotes (#1796) --- 29,00
San Marino 2013 normal coin (#941) --- 3,50
San Marino 2013 Pinturicchio (#1797) --- 28,00
San Marino 2014 Donato Bramante (#1798) --- 33,00
San Marino 2014 Giacomo Puccini (#1800) --- 32,00
San Marino 2015 Dante Alighieri (#1799) --- 28,00
San Marino 2015 German Unification (#1932) --- 28,00

Slovakia 2009 EMU (#943) --- 3,40
Slovakia 2009 Velvet Revolution (#1675) --- 3,50
Slovakia 2011 Visegrád Group (#1238) --- 3,60
Slovakia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#919) --- 3,40
Slovakia 2013 Constantine and Methodius (#942) --- 3,70
Slovakia 2014 Membership in EU (#947) --- 3,20
Slovakia 2015 Flag of Europe (#1838) --- 3,00
Slovakia 2015 Ľudovít Štúr (#1943) --- 2,80

Slovenia 2009 EMU (#1408) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2011 Franc Rozman – Stane (#1240) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2008 Primož Trubar (#1012) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2010 Botanical Garden (#1011) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2013 Postojna Cave (#944) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2014 Barbara of Celje (#1083) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2015 Emona (#1959) --- 3,00
Slovenia 2015 Flag of Europe (#2102) --- 3,00

Spain 2005 Don Quixote (#1960) --- 5,00
Spain 2009 EMU (#1676) --- 5,70
Spain 2010 Cordoba (#937) --- 3,40
Spain 2011 Alhambra Generalife and Albayzín (#1108) --- 3,50
Spain 2012 Burgos (#1109) --- 3,20
Spain 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1241) --- 3,40
Spain 2013 Escorial (#1110) --- 3,30
Spain 2014 King Felipe VI (#1112) --- 3,40
Spain 2014 normal coin (#1111) --- 2,50
Spain 2014 Park Güell of Antoni Gaudí (#1010) --- 3,30
Spain 2015 Cave of Altamira (#1244) --- 3,10
Spain 2015 Flag of Europe (#1958) --- 3,00

Vatican 2004 Foundation of the City State (#2147) --- 100,00
Vatican 2004 Foundation of the City State (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2328) --- 90,00
Vatican 2005 20th World Youth Day (#2315) --- 230,00
Vatican 2005 20th World Youth Day (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2316) --- 220,00
Vatican 2005 20th World Youth Day in capsule (#2317) --- 215,00
Vatican 2005 regular coin (#2318) --- 215,00
Vatican 2006 Swiss Guard (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2320) --- 165,00
Vatican 2006 Swiss Guard in capsule (#2321) --- 155,00
Vatican 2007 Pope Benedict XVI (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2322) --- 95,00
Vatican 2008 Year of Saint Paul the Apostle (#1773) --- 70,00
Vatican 2008 Year Of Saint Paul The Apostle (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2326) --- 65,00
Vatican 2009 Year of astronomy (#1774) --- 62,00
Vatican 2009 Year Of Astronomy (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2327) --- 57,00
Vatican 2010 Year for Priests (#1775) --- 40,00
Vatican 2011 26th World Youth Day (#1776) --- 36,00
Vatican 2012 7th World Meeting of Families (#1777) --- 36,00
Vatican 2013 28th World Youth Day - Rio de Janeiro (#1778) --- 34,00
Vatican 2013 Sede vacante (#1934) --- 53,00
Vatican 2015 Meeting of Families in Philadelphia (#1944) --- 33,00

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na slete vozmu
Spain 2015 Flag of Europe (#1958) --- 3,00
Slovenia 2015 Flag of Europe (#2102) --- 3,00
Portugal 2015 Flag of Europe (#2035) --- 3,00
Malta 2015 Flag of Europe (#2101) --- 4,50
Greece 2015 Flag of Europe (#2100) --- 3,30
Ireland 2016 Easter rising (#2197) --- 3,00

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
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Slovakia 2016 EU Presidency (#2412) - 3,00

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Актуальное предложение

Andorra 2014 Council of Europe (#2413) --- 31,00
Andorra 2014 Regular coin (#2105) --- 7,50

Austria 2005 State Treaty (#1416) --- 7,40
Austria 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1225) --- 4,40
Austria 2009 EMU (#1199) --- 3,70
Austria 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1007) --- 3,30
Austria 2015 Flag of Europe (#1955) --- 3,00
Austria 2016 National bank (#2196) --- 2,80

Belgium 2005 Economic Union (#1968) --- 12,00
Belgium 2006 Atomium (#1477) --- 11,00
Belgium 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1672) --- 3,90
Belgium 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1402) --- 4,00
Belgium 2009 Louis Braille (#1929) --- 4,00
Belgium 2010 Presidency (#1673) --- 3,30
Belgium 2011 Women's Day (#1104) --- 3,30
Belgium 2012 Queen Elisabeth Music Competition (#920) --- 3,50
Belgium 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#741) --- 3,10
Belgium 2013 Royal Meteorological Institute (#1006) --- 3,30
Belgium 2014 Red Cross (coincard) (#1034) --- 14,00
Belgium 2014 World War I (#742) --- 3,30
Belgium 2015 Flag of Europe (#1984) --- 4,00
Belgium 2015 Year for Development (coincard) (#1839) --- 11,00
Belgium 2016 Olympics in Rio (coincard) (#2469) --- 8,50

Cyprus 2009 EMU (#1051) --- 3,30
Cyprus 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1200) --- 3,10
Cyprus 2015 Flag of Europe (#2099) --- 3,80

Estonia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#926) --- 3,00
Estonia 2015 Flag of Europe (#2037) --- 3,50
Estonia 2016 Paul Keres (#2153) --- 3,10

Finland 2004 EU Enlargement (#1407) --- 37,00
Finland 2004 EU Enlargement (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2309) --- 38,00
Finland 2005 UN Membership (#1226) --- 4,90
Finland 2006 Universal and Equal Suffrage (#1403) --- 5,50
Finland 2007 90th Independence (#2308) --- 5,50
Finland 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#2478) --- 6,30
Finland 2009 Autonomy (#1804) --- 4,50
Finland 2009 EMU (#2479) --- 4,80
Finland 2010 Currency Decree (#1228) --- 4,00
Finland 2011 Bank of Finland (#1392) --- 3,50
Finland 2012 Helene Schjerfbeck (#1639) --- 4,00
Finland 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1464) --- 3,50
Finland 2013 Frans Eemil Sillanpää (#945) --- 3,40
Finland 2013 Parliament (#1641) --- 4,20
Finland 2014 Ilmari Tapiovaara (#1122) --- 3,50
Finland 2014 Tove Jansson (#1009) --- 3,40
Finland 2015 Akseli Gallen-Kallela (#1931) --- 3,20
Finland 2015 Flag of Europe (#1801) --- 3,00
Finland 2015 Jean Sibelius (#1243) --- 3,10

France 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1965) --- 4,80
France 2008 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1500) --- 3,70
France 2009 EMU (#2477) --- 5,00
France 2010 General de Gaulle (#1229) --- 3,80
France 2011 Fête de la Musique (#1123) --- 3,70
France 2012 Abbé Pierre (#1230) --- 4,00
France 2013 Élysée Treaty (#1989) --- 3,30
France 2014 D-Day (#946) --- 3,30
France 2014 World AIDS Day (#1081) --- 3,30
France 2015 Peace in Europe (#1125) --- 3,10
France 2015 Fête de la Fédération - Bastille (#1819) --- 3,00
France 2015 Flag of Europe (#1985) --- 3,00
France 2016 UEFA Championship (#2298) --- 3,00

Germany 2006 Lübeck Schleswig-Holstein A (#2480) --- 6,80
Germany 2006 Lübeck Schleswig-Holstein D (#1501) --- 6,80
Germany 2006 Lübeck Schleswig-Holstein F (#2481) --- 6,80
Germany 2006 Lübeck Schleswig-Holstein G (#2482) --- 6,80
Germany 2006 Lübeck Schleswig-Holstein J (#2483) --- 6,80
Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern A (#2484) --- 4,20
Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern D (#2485) --- 4,20
Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern F (#1053) --- 4,20
Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern G (#2486) --- 4,20
Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern J (#2487) --- 4,20
Germany 2007 Treaty of Rome D (#1388) --- 4,00
Germany 2010 Bremen D (#1503) --- 3,50
Germany 2010 Bremen F (#2330) --- 3,50
Germany 2011 North-Rhine Westphalia A (#2302) --- 3,50
Germany 2011 North-Rhine Westphalia D (#1504) --- 3,50
Germany 2011 North-Rhine Westphalia F (#2303) --- 3,50
Germany 2011 North-Rhine Westphalia G (#2304) --- 3,50
Germany 2011 North-Rhine Westphalia J (#2306) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Bavaria A (#2331) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Bavaria D (#1394) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Bavaria F (#1395) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Bavaria G (#1396) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Bavaria J (#1393) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Ten years of Euro cash D (#1635) --- 3,30
Germany 2012 Ten years of Euro cash F (#1636) --- 3,30
Germany 2012 Ten years of Euro cash G (#1084) --- 3,30
Germany 2013 Baden-Württemberg A (#2307) --- 3,30
Germany 2013 Baden-Württemberg D (#934) --- 3,30
Germany 2013 Baden-Württemberg G (#1005) --- 3,30
Germany 2013 Baden-Württemberg J (#2333) --- 3,30
Germany 2013 Élysée Treaty A (#1638) --- 3,40
Germany 2013 Élysée Treaty D (#1300) --- 3,40
Germany 2013 Élysée Treaty G (#2489) --- 3,40
Germany 2013 Élysée Treaty J (#2490) --- 3,40
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony A (#1001) --- 2,90
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony D (#1002) --- 2,90
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony F (#1003) --- 2,90
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony G (#1008) --- 2,90
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony J (#1004) --- 2,90
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe A (#1973) --- 2,90
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe D (#1974) --- 2,90
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe F (#1971) --- 2,90
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe G (#1972) --- 2,90
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe J (#1956) --- 2,90
Germany 2015 German Unity J (#1105) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen A (#1106) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen J (#1688) --- 3,00
Germany 2016 Saxony Dresden A (#2293) --- 2,90
Germany 2016 Saxony Dresden D (#2294) --- 2,90
Germany 2016 Saxony Dresden F (#2295) --- 2,90
Germany 2016 Saxony Dresden G (#2296) --- 2,90
Germany 2016 Saxony Dresden J (#2297) --- 2,90

Greece 2004 Summer Olympics (Discus Thrower) (#1715) --- 5,50
Greece 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1966) --- 5,20
Greece 2009 EMU (#1990) --- 3,80
Greece 2010 Battle of Marathon (#1397) --- 5,10
Greece 2011 Special Olympics Games (#1231) --- 3,50
Greece 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1107) --- 3,40
Greece 2013 Crete (#1000) --- 3,50
Greece 2013 Platonic Academy (#1242) --- 3,50
Greece 2014 El Greco (#935) --- 3,20
Greece 2014 Ionian Islands (#936) --- 3,20
Greece 2015 Flag of Europe (#2100) --- 3,00
Greece 2015 Spyridon Louis (#2137) --- 3,00

Ireland 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1780) --- 5,50
Ireland 2009 EMU (#1781) --- 4,00
Ireland 2015 Flag of Europe (#1933) --- 3,40
Ireland 2016 Easter rising (#2197) --- 3,00

Italy 2005 European Constitution (#1784) --- 4,50
Italy 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin (#1233) --- 4,00
Italy 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1930) --- 4,00
Italy 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1640) --- 4,80
Italy 2009 EMU (#1785) --- 4,00
Italy 2009 Louis Braille (#1234) --- 3,50
Italy 2010 Cavour (#922) --- 3,50
Italy 2011 Italian unification (#921) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Giovanni Pascoli (#923) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1082) --- 3,20
Italy 2013 Giovanni Boccaccio (#925) --- 3,00
Italy 2013 Giuseppe Verdi (#924) --- 3,50
Italy 2014 Carabinieri (#999) --- 3,30
Italy 2014 Galileo Galilei (#1080) --- 3,30
Italy 2015 Dante Alighieri (#1690) --- 3,00
Italy 2015 Expo Milan (#1465) --- 3,00
Italy 2015 Flag of Europe (#1957) --- 3,00

Lithuania 2015 Flag of Europe (#2034) --- 2,80
Lithuania 2015 Lithuanian Language (ACIU ) (#2098) --- 2,80

Luxembourg 2004 Grand Duke Henry (#1727) --- 4,20
Luxembourg 2005 Grand Dukes Henry and Adolf (#1398) --- 3,80
Luxembourg 2006 Grand Duke Guillaume (#1967) --- 5,50
Luxembourg 2007 Grand Ducal Palace (#1113) --- 4,00
Luxembourg 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1235) --- 3,60
Luxembourg 2008 Berg Castle (#1728) --- 4,40
Luxembourg 2009 Charlotte's Accession to the Throne (#1114) --- 3,60
Luxembourg 2009 EMU (#1991) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2011 Jean as lieutenant-représentant (#1115) --- 3,80
Luxembourg 2012 Royal Wedding (#1015) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1447) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 William IV (#1116) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2013 National Anthem (#938) --- 3,10
Luxembourg 2014 Independence (#1017) --- 3,10
Luxembourg 2015 Flag of Europe (#2036) --- 3,20
Luxembourg 2015 Henri Accession to the Throne (#1515) --- 3,10
Luxembourg 2015 Nassau-Weilburg Dynasty (#1937) --- 3,00

Malta 2009 EMU (#1117) --- 3,40
Malta 2011 First election of representatives (#1118) --- 6,50
Malta 2012 1887 Majority Representation (#1786) --- 5,00
Malta 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1674) --- 4,00
Malta 2013 Self-Government (#1787) --- 4,80
Malta 2014 Independence from Britain (#1016) --- 4,20
Malta 2014 Police Force (#1018) --- 8,00
Malta 2015 Flag of Europe (#2101) --- 4,50
Malta 2015 Proclamation of the Republic (#1939) --- 4,00

Monaco 2001 regular coin (#2491) --- 7,00
Monaco 2011 regular coin (#1992) --- 3,50
Monaco 2011 Wedding (#2148) --- 48,00
Monaco 2012 Sovereignty (#2149) --- 45,00
Monaco 2013 Membership in the UN (#1014) --- 4,00
Monaco 2015 Castle on the Rock (#2043) --- 849,00

Netherlands 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1390) --- 4,50
Netherlands 2011 Praise of Folly by Desiderius Erasmus (#1936) --- 9,50
Netherlands 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1438) --- 3,50
Netherlands 2013 Kingdom (#1988) --- 3,80
Netherlands 2013 Double Portrait (#1755) --- 3,50
Netherlands 2014 Willem-Alexander and Beatrix (#1019) --- 3,80
Netherlands 2015 Flag of Europe (#1942) --- 3,10

Portugal 2007 Presidency (#1391) --- 4,00
Portugal 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1236) --- 4,00
Portugal 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1119) --- 4,00
Portugal 2009 EMU (#1788) --- 3,50
Portugal 2009 Lusophony Games (#1237) --- 4,00
Portugal 2010 Republic (#1938) --- 3,30
Portugal 2011 Fernao Mendes Pinto (#1945) --- 7,00
Portugal 2012 Guimaraes (#1120) --- 3,30
Portugal 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#939) --- 4,00
Portugal 2013 Clérigos Tower (#1121) --- 3,30
Portugal 2014 Carnation Revolution (#940) --- 3,00
Portugal 2014 Family Farming (#1020) --- 3,30
Portugal 2015 Flag of Europe (#2035) --- 3,00
Portugal 2015 Red Cross (#1404) --- 3,10
Portugal 2015 Timor (#1627) --- 3,00

San Marino 2004 Bartolomeo Borghesi (#2145) --- 140,00
San Marino 2004 Bartolomeo Borghesi (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2310) --- 130,00
San Marino 2005 World Year of Physics (#2146) --- 120,00
San Marino 2005 World Year of Physics (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2311) --- 115,00
San Marino 2006 Christopher Columbus (#1790) --- 95,00
San Marino 2006 Christopher Columbus (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2312) --- 90,00
San Marino 2007 Giuseppe Garibaldi (#1791) --- 43,00
San Marino 2007 Giuseppe Garibaldi (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2313) --- 40,00
San Marino 2008 Intercultural Dialogue (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2314) --- 65,00
San Marino 2009 Year of Innovation (#1793) --- 28,00
San Marino 2011 Giorgio Vasari (#1795) --- 29,00
San Marino 2012 10th Anniversary of Euro coins and banknotes (#1796) --- 29,00
San Marino 2013 regular coin (#941) --- 3,50
San Marino 2013 Pinturicchio (#1797) --- 28,00
San Marino 2014 Donato Bramante (#1798) --- 29,00
San Marino 2014 Giacomo Puccini (#1800) --- 31,00
San Marino 2015 Dante Alighieri (#1799) --- 28,00
San Marino 2015 German Unification (#1932) --- 28,00
San Marino 2016 Donatello (#2535) --- 28,00

Slovakia 2009 Velvet Revolution (#1675) --- 3,50
Slovakia 2011 Visegrád Group (#1238) --- 3,60
Slovakia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#919) --- 3,40
Slovakia 2013 Constantine and Methodius (#942) --- 3,70
Slovakia 2014 Membership in EU (#947) --- 3,20
Slovakia 2015 Flag of Europe (#1838) --- 3,00
Slovakia 2015 Ľudovít Štúr (#1943) --- 2,80
Slovakia 2016 Presidency (#2412) --- 2,80

Slovenia 2009 EMU (#1408) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2011 Franc Rozman – Stane (#1240) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1406) --- 23,00
Slovenia 2008 Primož Trubar (#1012) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2010 Botanical Garden (#1011) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2013 Postojna Cave (#944) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2014 Barbara of Celje (#1083) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2015 Emona (#1959) --- 3,00
Slovenia 2015 Flag of Europe (#2102) --- 3,00

Spain 2005 Don Quixote (#1960) --- 5,00
Spain 2009 EMU (#1676) --- 5,80
Spain 2010 Cordoba (#937) --- 3,40
Spain 2011 Alhambra (#1108) --- 3,50
Spain 2012 Burgos (#1109) --- 3,20
Spain 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1241) --- 3,40
Spain 2013 Escorial (#1110) --- 3,30
Spain 2014 King Felipe VI (#1112) --- 3,40
Spain 2014 regular coin (#1111) --- 3,00
Spain 2014 Park Güell of Antoni Gaudí (#1010) --- 3,30
Spain 2015 Cave of Altamira (#1244) --- 3,10
Spain 2015 Flag of Europe (#1958) --- 3,00
Spain 2016 Segovia (#2198) --- 2,80

Vatican 2004 Foundation of the City State (#2147) --- 95,00
Vatican 2004 Foundation of the City State (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2328) --- 90,00
Vatican 2005 20th World Youth Day (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2316) --- 230,00
Vatican 2005 20th World Youth Day in capsule (#2317) --- 215,00
Vatican 2005 regular coin (#2318) --- 60,00
Vatican 2006 Swiss Guard (#2319) --- 185,00
Vatican 2006 Swiss Guard (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2320) --- 165,00
Vatican 2006 Swiss Guard in capsule (#2321) --- 155,00
Vatican 2007 Pope Benedict XVI (#1772) --- 130,00
Vatican 2007 Pope Benedict XVI (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2322) --- 95,00
Vatican 2008 Year Of Saint Paul The Apostle (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2326) --- 65,00
Vatican 2009 Year of astronomy (#1774) --- 62,00
Vatican 2009 Year Of Astronomy (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2327) --- 57,00
Vatican 2010 Year for Priests (#1775) --- 40,00
Vatican 2011 26th World Youth Day (#1776) --- 36,00
Vatican 2012 7th World Meeting of Families (#1777) --- 36,00
Vatican 2013 28th World Youth Day - Rio de Janeiro (#1778) --- 34,00
Vatican 2014 25 Years since the Fall of the Berlin Wall (#1779) --- 41,00
Vatican 2015 Meeting of Families in Philadelphia (#1944) --- 33,00

Актуальное предложение смотрите на сайте COINSWD.COM

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 22 апр 2016, 06:57 
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Зарегистрирован: 09 июл 2008, 17:37
Сообщения: 4748
Откуда: Латвия, Рига, Золитуде II
Телефон: +371 26019060
Металлодетектор: Garrett ACE 250
Пункты репутации: 297
Подниму тему.
Прошлая сделка прошла более чем удачно.
Монеты без крупных царапин, без пальцев - отборные. Папались правда некоторые с мелкими царапками, но куда же без этого - технология производства. Ну и конечно самое главное - СКИДКА!

Теперь по делу, есть ли на данный момент что-то из этого и по каким ценам, заранее благодарю за ответ

2015 - (FLG) 30 Year of the EU Flag
2008 - 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
2009 - 200th anniversary of Finnish autonomy and Porvoo Diet
2012 - (A, D, F, G) (TYE) Ten years of the Euro
2013 - (D, G, J) Baden-Wurttemberg from the ‘Lander’-series
2016 - (A,D, F, G, J)
2009 - (EMU) 10th anniversary of Economic and Monetary Union
2012 - (TYE) Ten years of the Euro
2009 - (EMU) 10th anniversary of Economic and Monetary Union
2015 - (FLG) 30 Year of the EU Flag
2012 - (TYE) Ten years of the Euro
2015 - (FLG) 30 Year of the EU Flag
2012 - Majority representation 1887
2015 - Proclamation of the Republic of Malta in 1974
2015 - (FLG) 30 Year of the EU Flag
2007 - 25th anniversary of the death of Princess Grace
2011 - The wedding of Prince Albert and Charlene Wittstock
2012 - 500th anniversary of the establishment of Monaco’s sovereignty
2015 - 800th anniversary of the construction of the first Castle on the rock
2007 - (TOR) 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome
2009 - (EMU) 10th anniversary of Economic and Monetary Union
2015 - (FLG) 30 Year of the EU Flag
2007 - (TOR) 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome
2009 - (EMU) 10th anniversary of Economic and Monetary Union
2011 - 500th anniversary of Fernao Mendes Pinto’s birth
2004 - Bartolomeo Borghesi (historian, numismatist)
2006 - 500th anniversary of Christopher Columbus' death
2009 - European Year of Creativity and Innovation
2014 - 90th anniversary of the death of Giacomo Puccini
2014 - 500th anniversary of the death of Bramante Lazzari
2015 - The 750th anniversary of the birth of Dante Alighieri
2015 - 25th anniversary of the German reunification
2008 - 500th anniversary of Primoz Trubar's birth
2005 - 20th World Youth Day
2006 - 5th Centenary of the Swiss Pontifical Guard
2010 - Year for Priests
2011 - 26th World Youth Day
2012 - Seventh World Meeting of Families
2013 - 28th World Youth Day
2014 - 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall
2015 - The VIII World Meeting of Families


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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 29 апр 2016, 21:55 
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Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2014, 15:50
Сообщения: 244
Пункты репутации: 45
Новое поступление:
Finland 2016 Eino Leino (#2540) --- 3,00

Актуальное предложение:
Andorra 2014 Council of Europe (#2413) --- 31,00
Andorra 2014 Regular coin (#2105) --- 7,50

Austria 2005 State Treaty (#1416) --- 7,40
Austria 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1225) --- 4,40
Austria 2009 EMU (#1199) --- 3,70
Austria 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1007) --- 3,30
Austria 2015 Flag of Europe (#1955) --- 3,00
Austria 2016 National bank (#2196) --- 2,80

Belgium 2005 Economic Union (#1968) --- 12,00
Belgium 2006 Atomium (#1477) --- 11,00
Belgium 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1672) --- 3,90
Belgium 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1402) --- 4,00
Belgium 2009 Louis Braille (#1929) --- 4,00
Belgium 2010 Presidency (#1673) --- 3,30
Belgium 2011 Women's Day (#1104) --- 3,30
Belgium 2012 Queen Elisabeth Music Competition (#920) --- 3,50
Belgium 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#741) --- 3,10
Belgium 2013 Royal Meteorological Institute (#1006) --- 3,30
Belgium 2014 Red Cross (coincard) (#1034) --- 13,00
Belgium 2014 World War I (#742) --- 3,30
Belgium 2015 Flag of Europe (#1984) --- 4,00
Belgium 2016 Olympics in Rio (coincard) (#2469) --- 8,50

Cyprus 2009 EMU (#1051) --- 3,30
Cyprus 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1200) --- 3,10
Cyprus 2015 Flag of Europe (#2099) --- 3,80

Estonia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#926) --- 3,00
Estonia 2015 Flag of Europe (#2037) --- 3,50
Estonia 2016 Paul Keres (#2153) --- 3,10

Finland 2004 EU Enlargement (#1407) --- 37,00
Finland 2004 EU Enlargement (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2309) --- 38,00
Finland 2005 UN Membership (#1226) --- 4,90
Finland 2006 Universal and Equal Suffrage (#1403) --- 5,50
Finland 2007 90th Independence (#2308) --- 5,50
Finland 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1227) --- 4,60
Finland 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#2478) --- 6,30
Finland 2009 Autonomy (#1804) --- 4,50
Finland 2009 EMU (#2479) --- 4,80
Finland 2010 Currency Decree (#1228) --- 4,00
Finland 2011 Bank of Finland (#1392) --- 3,50
Finland 2012 Helene Schjerfbeck (#1639) --- 4,00
Finland 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1464) --- 3,50
Finland 2013 Frans Eemil Sillanpää (#945) --- 3,40
Finland 2013 Parliament (#1641) --- 4,20
Finland 2014 Ilmari Tapiovaara (#1122) --- 3,50
Finland 2014 Tove Jansson (#1009) --- 3,40
Finland 2015 Akseli Gallen-Kallela (#1931) --- 3,20
Finland 2015 Flag of Europe (#1801) --- 3,00
Finland 2015 Jean Sibelius (#1243) --- 3,10
Finland 2016 Eino Leino (#2540) --- 3,00
France 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1965) --- 4,80
France 2008 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1500) --- 3,70
France 2009 EMU (#2477) --- 5,00
France 2010 General de Gaulle (#1229) --- 3,80
France 2011 Fête de la Musique (#1123) --- 3,70
France 2012 Abbé Pierre (#1230) --- 4,00
France 2013 Élysée Treaty (#1989) --- 3,30
France 2014 D-Day (#946) --- 3,30
France 2014 World AIDS Day (#1081) --- 3,30
France 2015 Peace in Europe (#1125) --- 3,10
France 2015 Fête de la Fédération - Bastille (#1819) --- 3,00
France 2015 Flag of Europe (#1985) --- 3,00
France 2016 UEFA Championship (#2298) --- 3,00

Germany 2006 Lübeck Schleswig-Holstein A (#2480) --- 6,80
Germany 2006 Lübeck Schleswig-Holstein D (#1501) --- 6,80
Germany 2006 Lübeck Schleswig-Holstein F (#2481) --- 6,80
Germany 2006 Lübeck Schleswig-Holstein G (#2482) --- 6,80
Germany 2006 Lübeck Schleswig-Holstein J (#2483) --- 6,80
Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern A (#2484) --- 4,20
Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern D (#2485) --- 4,20
Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern F (#1053) --- 4,20
Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern G (#2486) --- 4,20
Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern J (#2487) --- 4,20
Germany 2007 Treaty of Rome D (#1388) --- 4,00
Germany 2010 Bremen D (#1503) --- 3,50
Germany 2011 North-Rhine Westphalia A (#2302) --- 3,50
Germany 2011 North-Rhine Westphalia D (#1504) --- 3,50
Germany 2011 North-Rhine Westphalia F (#2303) --- 3,50
Germany 2011 North-Rhine Westphalia G (#2304) --- 3,50
Germany 2011 North-Rhine Westphalia J (#2306) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Bavaria A (#2331) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Bavaria D (#1394) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Bavaria F (#1395) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Bavaria G (#1396) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Bavaria J (#1393) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Ten years of Euro cash D (#1635) --- 3,30
Germany 2012 Ten years of Euro cash F (#1636) --- 3,30
Germany 2012 Ten years of Euro cash G (#1084) --- 3,30
Germany 2013 Baden-Württemberg A (#2307) --- 3,30
Germany 2013 Élysée Treaty A (#1638) --- 3,40
Germany 2013 Élysée Treaty D (#1300) --- 3,40
Germany 2013 Élysée Treaty F (#933) --- 3,40
Germany 2013 Élysée Treaty G (#2489) --- 3,40
Germany 2013 Élysée Treaty J (#2490) --- 3,40
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony A (#1001) --- 2,90
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony D (#1002) --- 2,90
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony F (#1003) --- 2,90
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony G (#1008) --- 2,90
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony J (#1004) --- 2,90
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe A (#1973) --- 2,90
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe D (#1974) --- 2,90
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe F (#1971) --- 2,90
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe G (#1972) --- 2,90
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe J (#1956) --- 2,90
Germany 2015 German Unity J (#1105) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen A (#1106) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen J (#1688) --- 3,00
Germany 2016 Saxony Dresden A (#2293) --- 2,90
Germany 2016 Saxony Dresden D (#2294) --- 2,90
Germany 2016 Saxony Dresden F (#2295) --- 2,90
Germany 2016 Saxony Dresden G (#2296) --- 2,90
Germany 2016 Saxony Dresden J (#2297) --- 2,90

Greece 2004 Summer Olympics (Discus Thrower) (#1715) --- 5,50
Greece 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1966) --- 5,20
Greece 2010 Battle of Marathon (#1397) --- 5,10
Greece 2011 Special Olympics Games (#1231) --- 3,50
Greece 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1107) --- 3,40
Greece 2013 Crete (#1000) --- 3,50
Greece 2013 Platonic Academy (#1242) --- 3,50
Greece 2014 El Greco (#935) --- 3,20
Greece 2014 Ionian Islands (#936) --- 3,20
Greece 2015 Flag of Europe (#2100) --- 3,00
Greece 2015 Spyridon Louis (#2137) --- 3,00

Ireland 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1780) --- 5,50
Ireland 2009 EMU (#1781) --- 4,00
Ireland 2015 Flag of Europe (#1933) --- 3,40
Ireland 2016 Easter rising (#2197) --- 3,00

Italy 2004 World Food Program (#1783) --- 4,30
Italy 2005 European Constitution (#1784) --- 4,50
Italy 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin (#1233) --- 4,00
Italy 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1930) --- 4,00
Italy 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1640) --- 4,80
Italy 2009 EMU (#1785) --- 4,00
Italy 2009 Louis Braille (#1234) --- 3,50
Italy 2010 Cavour (#922) --- 3,50
Italy 2011 Italian unification (#921) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Giovanni Pascoli (#923) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1082) --- 3,20
Italy 2013 Giovanni Boccaccio (#925) --- 3,00
Italy 2013 Giuseppe Verdi (#924) --- 3,50
Italy 2014 Carabinieri (#999) --- 3,30
Italy 2014 Galileo Galilei (#1080) --- 3,30
Italy 2015 Dante Alighieri (#1690) --- 3,00
Italy 2015 Expo Milan (#1465) --- 3,00
Italy 2015 Flag of Europe (#1957) --- 3,00

Lithuania 2015 Flag of Europe (#2034) --- 2,80
Lithuania 2015 Lithuanian Language (ACIU ) (#2098) --- 2,80

Luxembourg 2004 Grand Duke Henry (#1727) --- 4,20
Luxembourg 2005 Grand Dukes Henry and Adolf (#1398) --- 3,80
Luxembourg 2006 Grand Duke Guillaume (#1967) --- 5,50
Luxembourg 2007 Grand Ducal Palace (#1113) --- 4,00
Luxembourg 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1235) --- 3,60
Luxembourg 2008 Berg Castle (#1728) --- 4,40
Luxembourg 2009 Charlotte's Accession to the Throne (#1114) --- 3,60
Luxembourg 2009 EMU (#1991) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2011 Jean as lieutenant-représentant (#1115) --- 3,80
Luxembourg 2012 Royal Wedding (#1015) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1447) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 William IV (#1116) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2013 National Anthem (#938) --- 3,10
Luxembourg 2014 Independence (#1017) --- 3,10
Luxembourg 2015 Flag of Europe (#2036) --- 3,20
Luxembourg 2015 Henri Accession to the Throne (#1515) --- 3,10

Malta 2009 EMU (#1117) --- 3,40
Malta 2011 First election of representatives (#1118) --- 6,50
Malta 2012 1887 Majority Representation (#1786) --- 5,00
Malta 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1674) --- 4,00
Malta 2013 Self-Government (#1787) --- 4,80
Malta 2014 Independence from Britain (#1016) --- 4,20
Malta 2014 Police Force (#1018) --- 8,00
Malta 2015 Flag of Europe (#2101) --- 4,50
Malta 2015 Proclamation of the Republic (#1939) --- 4,00

Monaco 2001 regular coin (#2491) --- 7,00
Monaco 2011 regular coin (#1992) --- 3,50
Monaco 2013 Membership in the UN (#1014) --- 4,00
Monaco 2015 Castle on the Rock (#2043) --- 849,00

Netherlands 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1390) --- 4,50
Netherlands 2011 Praise of Folly by Desiderius Erasmus (#1936) --- 9,50
Netherlands 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1438) --- 3,50
Netherlands 2013 Kingdom (#1988) --- 3,80
Netherlands 2013 Double Portrait (#1755) --- 3,50
Netherlands 2014 Willem-Alexander and Beatrix (#1019) --- 3,80
Netherlands 2015 Flag of Europe (#1942) --- 3,10

Portugal 2007 Presidency (#1391) --- 4,00
Portugal 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1236) --- 4,00
Portugal 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1119) --- 4,00
Portugal 2009 EMU (#1788) --- 3,50
Portugal 2009 Lusophony Games (#1237) --- 4,00
Portugal 2010 Republic (#1938) --- 3,30
Portugal 2011 Fernao Mendes Pinto (#1945) --- 7,00
Portugal 2012 Guimaraes (#1120) --- 3,30
Portugal 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#939) --- 4,00
Portugal 2013 Clérigos Tower (#1121) --- 3,30
Portugal 2014 Carnation Revolution (#940) --- 3,00
Portugal 2014 Family Farming (#1020) --- 3,30
Portugal 2015 Flag of Europe (#2035) --- 3,00
Portugal 2015 Red Cross (#1404) --- 3,10
Portugal 2015 Timor (#1627) --- 3,00

San Marino 2004 Bartolomeo Borghesi (#2145) --- 140,00
San Marino 2004 Bartolomeo Borghesi (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2310) --- 130,00
San Marino 2005 World Year of Physics (#2146) --- 120,00
San Marino 2005 World Year of Physics (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2311) --- 115,00
San Marino 2006 Christopher Columbus (#1790) --- 95,00
San Marino 2006 Christopher Columbus (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2312) --- 90,00
San Marino 2007 Giuseppe Garibaldi (#1791) --- 43,00
San Marino 2007 Giuseppe Garibaldi (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2313) --- 40,00
San Marino 2008 Intercultural Dialogue (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2314) --- 65,00
San Marino 2009 Year of Innovation (#1793) --- 28,00
San Marino 2011 Giorgio Vasari (#1795) --- 29,00
San Marino 2012 10th Anniversary of Euro coins and banknotes (#1796) --- 29,00
San Marino 2013 regular coin (#941) --- 3,50
San Marino 2013 Pinturicchio (#1797) --- 28,00
San Marino 2014 Donato Bramante (#1798) --- 29,00
San Marino 2014 Giacomo Puccini (#1800) --- 31,00
San Marino 2015 Dante Alighieri (#1799) --- 28,00
San Marino 2015 German Unification (#1932) --- 28,00
San Marino 2016 Donatello (#2535) --- 30,00

Slovakia 2009 Velvet Revolution (#1675) --- 3,50
Slovakia 2011 Visegrád Group (#1238) --- 3,60
Slovakia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#919) --- 3,40
Slovakia 2013 Constantine and Methodius (#942) --- 3,70
Slovakia 2014 Membership in EU (#947) --- 3,20
Slovakia 2015 Flag of Europe (#1838) --- 3,00
Slovakia 2015 Ľudovít Štúr (#1943) --- 2,80
Slovakia 2016 Presidency (#2412) --- 2,80

Slovenia 2011 Franc Rozman – Stane (#1240) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1406) --- 23,00
Slovenia 2008 Primož Trubar (#1012) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2010 Botanical Garden (#1011) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2013 Postojna Cave (#944) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2014 Barbara of Celje (#1083) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2015 Emona (#1959) --- 3,00
Slovenia 2015 Flag of Europe (#2102) --- 3,00

Spain 2005 Don Quixote (#1960) --- 5,00
Spain 2009 EMU (#1676) --- 5,80
Spain 2010 Cordoba (#937) --- 3,40
Spain 2011 Alhambra (#1108) --- 3,50
Spain 2012 Burgos (#1109) --- 3,20
Spain 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1241) --- 3,40
Spain 2013 Escorial (#1110) --- 3,30
Spain 2014 King Felipe VI (#1112) --- 3,40
Spain 2014 regular coin (#1111) --- 3,00
Spain 2014 Park Güell of Antoni Gaudí (#1010) --- 3,30
Spain 2015 Cave of Altamira (#1244) --- 3,10
Spain 2015 Flag of Europe (#1958) --- 3,00
Spain 2016 Segovia (#2198) --- 2,80

Vatican 2004 Foundation of the City State (#2147) --- 95,00
Vatican 2004 Foundation of the City State (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2328) --- 90,00
Vatican 2005 20th World Youth Day (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2316) --- 230,00
Vatican 2005 20th World Youth Day in capsule (#2317) --- 215,00
Vatican 2005 regular coin (#2318) --- 60,00
Vatican 2006 Swiss Guard (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2320) --- 165,00
Vatican 2006 Swiss Guard in capsule (#2321) --- 155,00
Vatican 2007 Pope Benedict XVI (#1772) --- 125,00
Vatican 2007 Pope Benedict XVI (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2322) --- 95,00
Vatican 2008 Year Of Saint Paul The Apostle (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2326) --- 65,00
Vatican 2009 Year of astronomy (#1774) --- 62,00
Vatican 2009 Year Of Astronomy (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2327) --- 57,00
Vatican 2010 Year for Priests (#1775) --- 40,00
Vatican 2011 26th World Youth Day (#1776) --- 36,00
Vatican 2012 7th World Meeting of Families (#1777) --- 36,00
Vatican 2013 28th World Youth Day - Rio de Janeiro (#1778) --- 34,00
Vatican 2014 25 Years since the Fall of the Berlin Wall (#1779) --- 41,00
Vatican 2015 Meeting of Families in Philadelphia (#1944) --- 33,00

Andorra 2014 Official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#1467) --- 45,00

Austria 2006 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ First man in space UNC (#1711) --- 9,00
Austria 2007 loose set of 7 coins 1c-1€ Giovanni Pascoli UNC (#1702) --- 7,00
Austria 2010 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2052) --- 10,00
Austria 2011 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1713) --- 9,00
Austria mix years loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1414) --- 7,00

Belgium 2014 official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ + token BU (#2039) --- 28,00

Cyprus 2008 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1484) --- 10,00
Cyprus 2009 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1485) --- 10,00
Cyprus 2012 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1483) --- 8,50
Cyprus 2015 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1671) --- 8,00

Estonia 2011 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#266) --- 4,50

Finland 2004 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1698) --- 7,50
Finland 2006 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1709) --- 8,00
Finland 2008 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1699) --- 10,00
Finland 2012 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2323) --- 6,50
Finland mix years loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1413) --- 6,00

Germany mix years loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1126) --- 5,00

Italy 2002 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2006) --- 10,00
Italy 2008 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2325) --- 11,00
Italy 2010 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2324) --- 12,00

Latvia 2014 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#520) --- 4,50
Latvia 2014 official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#534) --- 13,50
Latvia 2015 official set of 9 coins 1c-2€ + 2€ comm BU (#1196) --- 18,00

Lithuania 2015 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1059) --- 4,60
Lithuania 2015 starting set of 23 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1532) --- 14,50
Lithuania 2015 official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#1101) --- 20,00
Lithuania 2015 Unofficial set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#2151) --- 13,00

Luxembourg 2003 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1486) --- 10,00
Luxembourg 2004 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1721) --- 11,00
Luxembourg 2005 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1722) --- 11,00
Luxembourg 2008 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1723) --- 10,00
Luxembourg 2009 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1724) --- 10,00
Luxembourg 2010 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2152) --- 10,00
Luxembourg 2011 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1725) --- 9,00
Luxembourg 2012 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1708) --- 10,00
Luxembourg 2015 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1726) --- 10,00

Netherlands 2005 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2009) --- 7,50
Netherlands 2007 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2001) --- 9,00
Netherlands 2008 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#791) --- 9,00
Netherlands 2009 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2000) --- 9,50
Netherlands 2010 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#792) --- 9,00
Netherlands 2013 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#794) --- 7,50
Netherlands 2014 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1662) --- 9,00

Portugal 2002 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1700) --- 8,50
Portugal 2006 loose set of 3 coins 1c-5c UNC (#1789) --- 0,80
Portugal 2006 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1704) --- 13,00
Portugal 2009 loose set of 7 coins 1c-1€ UNC (#1694) --- 7,00

San Marino 2010 official set of 9 coins 1c-2€ + silver 5€ BU (#1039) --- 45,00
San Marino 2012 official set of 9 coins 1c-2€ + silver 5€ BU (#928) --- 45,00
San Marino 2013 official set of 9 coins 1c-2€ + silver 5€ BU (#1042) --- 45,00
San Marino 2014 official set of 9 coins 1c-2€ + silver 5€ BU (#1802) --- 45,00

Slovakia 2009 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1803) --- 8,00

Slovenia 2007 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1411) --- 8,00

Spain 2000 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2005) --- 11,00
Spain 2002 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2004) --- 12,00
Spain 2003 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1701) --- 9,00
Spain 2004 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2016) --- 9,00
Spain 2005 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2002) --- 11,50
Spain 2006 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2003) --- 9,00
Spain 2008 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1714) --- 9,00
Spain 2009 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1696) --- 8,00
Spain 2010 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1703) --- 9,00
Spain 2011 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1705) --- 8,00
Spain 2012 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1707) --- 8,00
Spain 2014 loose set of 6 coins 1c-50c UNC (#1415) --- 2,50
Spain 2014 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1412) --- 7,50
Spain 2015 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1278) --- 5,50

Vatican 2008 Official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#2528) --- 75,00
Vatican 2009 Official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#2529) --- 69,00
Vatican 2011 Official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#2531) --- 59,00
Vatican 2014 Official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#2533) --- 67,00
Vatican 2015 Official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#1372) --- 50,00
Vatican 2016 Official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#2534) --- 61,00

кроме того, есть монеты сша, канады, россии и многих стран мира, а также альбомы, листы и капсулы для монет.

Актуальное предложение смотрите на сайте COINSWD.COM

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 06 май 2016, 14:34 
Не в сети

Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2014, 15:50
Сообщения: 244
Пункты репутации: 45
Новой поступление:
Lithuania 2016 Baltic Culture (#2573) --- 2,70

Актуальное предложение:
Andorra 2014 Council of Europe (#2413) --- 31,00
Andorra 2014 Regular coin (#2105) --- 7,50

Austria 2005 State Treaty (#1416) --- 7,40
Austria 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1225) --- 4,40
Austria 2009 EMU (#1199) --- 3,70
Austria 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1007) --- 3,30
Austria 2015 Flag of Europe (#1955) --- 3,00
Austria 2016 National bank (#2196) --- 2,80

Belgium 2005 Economic Union (#1968) --- 12,00
Belgium 2006 Atomium (#1477) --- 11,00
Belgium 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1672) --- 3,90
Belgium 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1402) --- 4,00
Belgium 2009 Louis Braille (#1929) --- 4,00
Belgium 2010 Presidency (#1673) --- 3,30
Belgium 2011 Women's Day (#1104) --- 3,30
Belgium 2012 Queen Music Competition (#920) --- 3,50
Belgium 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#741) --- 3,10
Belgium 2013 Royal Meteorological Institute (#1006) --- 3,30
Belgium 2014 Red Cross (coincard) (#1034) --- 13,00
Belgium 2014 World War I (#742) --- 3,30
Belgium 2015 Flag of Europe (#1984) --- 4,00
Belgium 2015 Year for Development (coincard) (#1839) --- 11,00
Belgium 2016 Olympics in Rio (coincard) (#2469) --- 8,50

Cyprus 2009 EMU (#1051) --- 3,30
Cyprus 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1200) --- 3,10
Cyprus 2015 Flag of Europe (#2099) --- 3,80

Estonia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#926) --- 3,00
Estonia 2015 Flag of Europe (#2037) --- 3,50
Estonia 2016 Paul Keres (#2153) --- 3,10

Finland 2004 EU Enlargement (#1407) --- 37,00
Finland 2004 EU Enlargement (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2309) --- 38,00
Finland 2005 UN Membership (#1226) --- 4,90
Finland 2006 Universal and Equal Suffrage (#1403) --- 5,50
Finland 2007 90th Independence (#2308) --- 5,50
Finland 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1227) --- 4,60
Finland 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#2478) --- 6,30
Finland 2009 Autonomy (#1804) --- 4,50
Finland 2009 EMU (#2479) --- 4,80
Finland 2010 Currency Decree (#1228) --- 4,00
Finland 2011 Bank of Finland (#1392) --- 3,50
Finland 2012 Helene Schjerfbeck (#1639) --- 4,00
Finland 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1464) --- 3,50
Finland 2013 Frans Eemil Sillanpää (#945) --- 3,40
Finland 2013 Parliament (#1641) --- 4,20
Finland 2014 Ilmari Tapiovaara (#1122) --- 3,50
Finland 2014 Tove Jansson (#1009) --- 3,40
Finland 2015 Akseli Gallen-Kallela (#1931) --- 3,20
Finland 2015 Flag of Europe (#1801) --- 3,00
Finland 2015 Jean Sibelius (#1243) --- 3,10
Finland 2016 Eino Leino (#2540) --- 3,00

France 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1965) --- 4,80
France 2008 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1500) --- 3,70
France 2009 EMU (#2477) --- 5,00
France 2010 General de Gaulle (#1229) --- 3,80
France 2011 Fête de la Musique (#1123) --- 3,70
France 2012 Abbé Pierre (#1230) --- 4,00
France 2013 Élysée Treaty (#1989) --- 3,30
France 2014 D-Day (#946) --- 3,30
France 2014 World AIDS Day (#1081) --- 3,30
France 2015 Peace in Europe (#1125) --- 3,10
France 2015 Fête de la Fédération - Bastille (#1819) --- 3,00
France 2015 Flag of Europe (#1985) --- 3,00
France 2016 UEFA Championship (#2298) --- 3,00

Germany 2006 Lübeck Schleswig-Holstein A (#2480) --- 6,80
Germany 2006 Lübeck Schleswig-Holstein D (#1501) --- 6,80
Germany 2006 Lübeck Schleswig-Holstein F (#2481) --- 6,80
Germany 2006 Lübeck Schleswig-Holstein G (#2482) --- 6,80
Germany 2006 Lübeck Schleswig-Holstein J (#2483) --- 6,80
Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern A (#2484) --- 4,20
Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern D (#2485) --- 4,20
Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern F (#1053) --- 4,20
Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern G (#2486) --- 4,20
Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern J (#2487) --- 4,20
Germany 2007 Treaty of Rome D (#1388) --- 4,00
Germany 2010 Bremen D (#1503) --- 3,50
Germany 2011 North-Rhine Westphalia A (#2302) --- 3,50
Germany 2011 North-Rhine Westphalia D (#1504) --- 3,50
Germany 2011 North-Rhine Westphalia F (#2303) --- 3,50
Germany 2011 North-Rhine Westphalia G (#2304) --- 3,50
Germany 2011 North-Rhine Westphalia J (#2306) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Bavaria A (#2331) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Bavaria D (#1394) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Bavaria F (#1395) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Bavaria G (#1396) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Bavaria J (#1393) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Ten years of Euro cash D (#1635) --- 3,30
Germany 2012 Ten years of Euro cash F (#1636) --- 3,30
Germany 2012 Ten years of Euro cash G (#1084) --- 3,30
Germany 2013 Baden-Württemberg A (#2307) --- 3,30
Germany 2013 Élysée Treaty A (#1638) --- 3,40
Germany 2013 Élysée Treaty D (#1300) --- 3,40
Germany 2013 Élysée Treaty F (#933) --- 3,40
Germany 2013 Élysée Treaty G (#2489) --- 3,40
Germany 2013 Élysée Treaty J (#2490) --- 3,40
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony A (#1001) --- 2,90
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony D (#1002) --- 2,90
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony F (#1003) --- 2,90
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony G (#1008) --- 2,90
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony J (#1004) --- 2,90
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe A (#1973) --- 2,90
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe D (#1974) --- 2,90
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe F (#1971) --- 2,90
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe G (#1972) --- 2,90
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe J (#1956) --- 2,90
Germany 2015 German Unity J (#1105) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen A (#1106) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen J (#1688) --- 3,00
Germany 2016 Saxony Dresden A (#2293) --- 2,90
Germany 2016 Saxony Dresden D (#2294) --- 2,90
Germany 2016 Saxony Dresden F (#2295) --- 2,90
Germany 2016 Saxony Dresden G (#2296) --- 2,90
Germany 2016 Saxony Dresden J (#2297) --- 2,90

Greece 2004 Summer Olympics (Discus Thrower) (#1715) --- 5,50
Greece 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1966) --- 5,20
Greece 2010 Battle of Marathon (#1397) --- 5,10
Greece 2011 Special Olympics Games (#1231) --- 3,50
Greece 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1107) --- 3,40
Greece 2013 Crete (#1000) --- 3,50
Greece 2013 Platonic Academy (#1242) --- 3,50
Greece 2014 El Greco (#935) --- 3,20
Greece 2014 Ionian Islands (#936) --- 3,20
Greece 2015 Flag of Europe (#2100) --- 3,00
Greece 2015 Spyridon Louis (#2137) --- 3,00

Ireland 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1780) --- 5,50
Ireland 2009 EMU (#1781) --- 4,00
Ireland 2015 Flag of Europe (#1933) --- 3,40
Ireland 2016 Easter rising (#2197) --- 3,00

Italy 2005 European Constitution (#1784) --- 4,50
Italy 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin (#1233) --- 4,00
Italy 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1930) --- 4,00
Italy 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1640) --- 4,80
Italy 2009 EMU (#1785) --- 4,00
Italy 2009 Louis Braille (#1234) --- 3,50
Italy 2010 Cavour (#922) --- 3,50
Italy 2011 Italian unification (#921) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Giovanni Pascoli (#923) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1082) --- 3,20
Italy 2013 Giovanni Boccaccio (#925) --- 3,00
Italy 2013 Giuseppe Verdi (#924) --- 3,50
Italy 2014 Carabinieri (#999) --- 3,30
Italy 2014 Galileo Galilei (#1080) --- 3,30
Italy 2015 Dante Alighieri (#1690) --- 3,00
Italy 2015 Expo Milan (#1465) --- 3,00
Italy 2015 Flag of Europe (#1957) --- 3,00

Latvia 2014 Riga (#756) --- 3,00
Latvia 2015 EU Presidency (#1189) --- 2,50
Latvia 2015 Flag of Europe (#1953) --- 2,50
Latvia 2015 Flag of Europe (coincard) (#1954) --- 7,50
Latvia 2015 Stork (#2017) --- 2,50
Latvia 2015 Stork (coincard) (#2018) --- 7,50

Lithuania 2015 Flag of Europe (#2034) --- 2,80
Lithuania 2015 Lithuanian Language (ACIU ) (#2098) --- 2,80
Lithuania 2016 Baltic Culture (#2573) --- 2,70

Luxembourg 2004 Grand Duke Henry (#1727) --- 4,20
Luxembourg 2005 Grand Dukes Henry and Adolf (#1398) --- 3,80
Luxembourg 2006 Grand Duke Guillaume (#1967) --- 5,50
Luxembourg 2007 Grand Ducal Palace (#1113) --- 4,00
Luxembourg 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1235) --- 3,60
Luxembourg 2008 Berg Castle (#1728) --- 4,40
Luxembourg 2009 Charlotte's Accession to the Throne (#1114) --- 3,60
Luxembourg 2009 EMU (#1991) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2011 Jean as lieutenant-représentant (#1115) --- 3,80
Luxembourg 2012 Royal Wedding (#1015) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1447) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 William IV (#1116) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2013 National Anthem (#938) --- 3,10
Luxembourg 2014 Independence (#1017) --- 3,10
Luxembourg 2015 Flag of Europe (#2036) --- 3,20
Luxembourg 2015 Henri Accession to the Throne (#1515) --- 3,10

Malta 2009 EMU (#1117) --- 3,40
Malta 2011 First election of representatives (#1118) --- 6,50
Malta 2012 1887 Majority Representation (#1786) --- 5,00
Malta 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1674) --- 4,00
Malta 2013 Self-Government (#1787) --- 4,80
Malta 2014 Independence from Britain (#1016) --- 4,20
Malta 2014 Police Force (#1018) --- 8,00
Malta 2015 Flag of Europe (#2101) --- 4,50
Malta 2015 Proclamation of the Republic (#1939) --- 4,00

Monaco 2001 regular coin (#2491) --- 7,00
Monaco 2011 regular coin (#1992) --- 3,50
Monaco 2013 Membership in the UN (#1014) --- 4,00
Monaco 2015 Castle on the Rock (#2043) --- 849,00

Netherlands 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1390) --- 4,50
Netherlands 2011 Praise of Folly by Desiderius Erasmus (#1936) --- 9,50
Netherlands 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1438) --- 3,50
Netherlands 2013 Kingdom (#1988) --- 3,80
Netherlands 2013 Double Portrait (#1755) --- 3,50
Netherlands 2014 Willem-Alexander and Beatrix (#1019) --- 3,80
Netherlands 2015 Flag of Europe (#1942) --- 3,10

Portugal 2007 Presidency (#1391) --- 4,00
Portugal 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1236) --- 4,00
Portugal 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1119) --- 4,00
Portugal 2009 EMU (#1788) --- 3,50
Portugal 2009 Lusophony Games (#1237) --- 4,00
Portugal 2010 Republic (#1938) --- 3,30
Portugal 2011 Fernao Mendes Pinto (#1945) --- 7,00
Portugal 2012 Guimaraes (#1120) --- 3,30
Portugal 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#939) --- 4,00
Portugal 2013 Clérigos Tower (#1121) --- 3,30
Portugal 2014 Carnation Revolution (#940) --- 3,00
Portugal 2014 Family Farming (#1020) --- 3,30
Portugal 2015 Flag of Europe (#2035) --- 3,00
Portugal 2015 Red Cross (#1404) --- 3,10
Portugal 2015 Timor (#1627) --- 3,00

San Marino 2004 Bartolomeo Borghesi (#2145) --- 140,00
San Marino 2004 Bartolomeo Borghesi (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2310) --- 130,00
San Marino 2005 World Year of Physics (#2146) --- 120,00
San Marino 2005 World Year of Physics (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2311) --- 115,00
San Marino 2006 Christopher Columbus (#1790) --- 95,00
San Marino 2006 Christopher Columbus (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2312) --- 90,00
San Marino 2007 Giuseppe Garibaldi (#1791) --- 43,00
San Marino 2007 Giuseppe Garibaldi (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2313) --- 40,00
San Marino 2008 Intercultural Dialogue (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2314) --- 65,00
San Marino 2009 Year of Innovation (#1793) --- 28,00
San Marino 2011 Giorgio Vasari (#1795) --- 29,00
San Marino 2012 10th Anniversary of Euro coins and banknotes (#1796) --- 29,00
San Marino 2013 regular coin (#941) --- 3,50
San Marino 2013 Pinturicchio (#1797) --- 28,00
San Marino 2014 Donato Bramante (#1798) --- 29,00
San Marino 2014 Giacomo Puccini (#1800) --- 31,00
San Marino 2015 Dante Alighieri (#1799) --- 28,00
San Marino 2015 German Unification (#1932) --- 28,00
San Marino 2016 Donatello (#2535) --- 28,00

Slovakia 2009 EMU (#943) --- 3,40
Slovakia 2009 Velvet Revolution (#1675) --- 3,50
Slovakia 2011 Visegrád Group (#1238) --- 3,60
Slovakia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#919) --- 3,40
Slovakia 2013 Constantine and Methodius (#942) --- 3,70
Slovakia 2014 Membership in EU (#947) --- 3,20
Slovakia 2015 Flag of Europe (#1838) --- 3,00
Slovakia 2015 Ľudovít Štúr (#1943) --- 2,80
Slovakia 2016 Presidency (#2412) --- 2,80

Slovenia 2009 EMU (#1408) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2011 Franc Rozman – Stane (#1240) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1406) --- 23,00
Slovenia 2008 Primož Trubar (#1012) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2010 Botanical Garden (#1011) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2013 Postojna Cave (#944) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2014 Barbara of Celje (#1083) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2015 Emona (#1959) --- 3,00
Slovenia 2015 Flag of Europe (#2102) --- 3,00

Spain 2005 Don Quixote (#1960) --- 5,00
Spain 2009 EMU (#1676) --- 5,80
Spain 2010 Cordoba (#937) --- 3,40
Spain 2011 Alhambra (#1108) --- 3,50
Spain 2012 Burgos (#1109) --- 3,20
Spain 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1241) --- 3,40
Spain 2013 Escorial (#1110) --- 3,30
Spain 2014 King Felipe VI (#1112) --- 3,40
Spain 2014 regular coin (#1111) --- 3,00
Spain 2014 Park Güell of Antoni Gaudí (#1010) --- 3,30
Spain 2015 Cave of Altamira (#1244) --- 3,10
Spain 2015 Flag of Europe (#1958) --- 3,00
Spain 2016 Segovia (#2198) --- 2,80

Vatican 2004 Foundation of the City State (#2147) --- 95,00
Vatican 2004 Foundation of the City State (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2328) --- 90,00
Vatican 2005 20th World Youth Day (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2316) --- 230,00
Vatican 2005 20th World Youth Day in capsule (#2317) --- 215,00
Vatican 2005 regular coin (#2318) --- 60,00
Vatican 2006 Swiss Guard (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2320) --- 165,00
Vatican 2006 Swiss Guard in capsule (#2321) --- 155,00
Vatican 2007 Pope Benedict XVI (#1772) --- 125,00
Vatican 2007 Pope Benedict XVI (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2322) --- 95,00
Vatican 2008 Year Of Saint Paul The Apostle (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2326) --- 65,00
Vatican 2009 Year of astronomy (#1774) --- 62,00
Vatican 2009 Year Of Astronomy (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2327) --- 57,00
Vatican 2010 Year for Priests (#1775) --- 40,00
Vatican 2012 7th World Meeting of Families (#1777) --- 36,00
Vatican 2014 25 Years since the Fall of the Berlin Wall (#1779) --- 41,00
Vatican 2015 Meeting of Families in Philadelphia (#1944) --- 33,00

Andorra 2014 Official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#1467) --- 45,00

Austria 2006 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ First man in space UNC (#1711) --- 9,00
Austria 2007 loose set of 7 coins 1c-1€ Giovanni Pascoli UNC (#1702) --- 7,00
Austria 2010 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2052) --- 10,00
Austria 2011 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1713) --- 9,00
Austria mix years loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1414) --- 7,00

Belgium 2014 official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ + token BU (#2039) --- 28,00

Cyprus 2008 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1484) --- 10,00
Cyprus 2009 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1485) --- 10,00
Cyprus 2012 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1483) --- 8,50
Cyprus 2015 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1671) --- 8,00

Estonia 2011 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#266) --- 4,50

Finland 2004 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1698) --- 7,50
Finland 2006 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1709) --- 8,00
Finland 2008 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1699) --- 10,00
Finland 2012 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2323) --- 6,50
Finland mix years loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1413) --- 6,00

Germany mix years loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1126) --- 5,00

Italy 2002 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2006) --- 10,00
Italy 2008 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2325) --- 11,00
Italy 2010 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2324) --- 12,00

Latvia 2014 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#520) --- 4,50
Latvia 2014 official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#534) --- 13,50
Latvia 2015 official set of 9 coins 1c-2€ + 2€ comm BU (#1196) --- 18,00

Lithuania 2015 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1059) --- 4,60
Lithuania 2015 starting set of 23 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1532) --- 14,50
Lithuania 2015 official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#1101) --- 20,00
Lithuania 2015 Unofficial set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#2151) --- 13,00

Luxembourg 2003 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1486) --- 10,00
Luxembourg 2004 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1721) --- 11,00
Luxembourg 2005 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1722) --- 11,00
Luxembourg 2008 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1723) --- 10,00
Luxembourg 2009 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1724) --- 10,00
Luxembourg 2010 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2152) --- 10,00
Luxembourg 2011 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1725) --- 9,00
Luxembourg 2012 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1708) --- 10,00
Luxembourg 2015 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1726) --- 10,00

Netherlands 2005 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2009) --- 7,50
Netherlands 2007 loose set of 3 coins 1c-5c UNC (#2015) --- 0,80
Netherlands 2007 loose set of 6 coins 1c-50c UNC (#2014) --- 2,50
Netherlands 2007 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2001) --- 9,00
Netherlands 2008 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#791) --- 9,00
Netherlands 2009 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2000) --- 9,50
Netherlands 2010 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#792) --- 9,00
Netherlands 2013 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#794) --- 7,50
Netherlands 2014 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1662) --- 9,00

Portugal 2002 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1700) --- 8,50
Portugal 2006 loose set of 3 coins 1c-5c UNC (#1789) --- 0,80
Portugal 2006 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1704) --- 13,00
Portugal 2009 loose set of 7 coins 1c-1€ UNC (#1694) --- 7,00

San Marino 2010 official set of 9 coins 1c-2€ + silver 5€ BU (#1039) --- 45,00
San Marino 2012 official set of 9 coins 1c-2€ + silver 5€ BU (#928) --- 45,00
San Marino 2013 official set of 9 coins 1c-2€ + silver 5€ BU (#1042) --- 45,00
San Marino 2014 official set of 9 coins 1c-2€ + silver 5€ BU (#1802) --- 45,00

Slovakia 2009 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1803) --- 8,00

Slovenia 2007 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1411) --- 8,00

Spain 2000 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2005) --- 11,00
Spain 2002 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2004) --- 12,00
Spain 2003 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1701) --- 9,00
Spain 2004 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2016) --- 9,00
Spain 2005 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2002) --- 11,50
Spain 2006 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2003) --- 9,00
Spain 2008 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1714) --- 9,00
Spain 2009 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1696) --- 8,00
Spain 2010 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1703) --- 9,00
Spain 2011 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1705) --- 8,00
Spain 2012 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1707) --- 8,00
Spain 2014 loose set of 6 coins 1c-50c UNC (#1415) --- 2,50
Spain 2014 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1412) --- 7,50
Spain 2015 loose set of 3 coins 1c-5c UNC (#1279) --- 0,80
Spain 2015 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1278) --- 5,50

Vatican 2008 Official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#2528) --- 75,00
Vatican 2009 Official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#2529) --- 69,00
Vatican 2011 Official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#2531) --- 59,00
Vatican 2014 Official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#2533) --- 67,00
Vatican 2015 Official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#1372) --- 50,00
Vatican 2016 Official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#2534) --- 61,00

кроме того, есть монеты сша, канады, россии и многих стран мира, а также альбомы, листы и капсулы для монет.

Актуальное предложение смотрите на сайте COINSWD.COM

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: *** ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЕ 2 ЕВРО - JUBILEJAS 2 EIRO MONĒTAS ***
СообщениеДобавлено: 11 май 2016, 10:01 
Не в сети

Зарегистрирован: 23 сен 2014, 15:50
Сообщения: 244
Пункты репутации: 45
Новые поступления:
Portugal 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio (#2536) --- 3,00
Lithuania 2016 Baltic Culture (#2573) --- 2,70
Finland 2016 Eino Leino (#2540) --- 3,00
San Marino 2016 Donatello (#2535) --- 28,00

Актуальное предложение:

Andorra 2014 Council of Europe (#2413) --- 31,00
Andorra 2014 Regular coin (#2105) --- 7,50
Andorra 2015 Regular coin (#2590) --- 7,50

Austria 2005 State Treaty (#1416) --- 7,40
Austria 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1225) --- 4,40
Austria 2009 EMU (#1199) --- 3,70
Austria 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1007) --- 3,30
Austria 2015 Flag of Europe (#1955) --- 3,00
Austria 2016 National bank (#2196) --- 2,80

Belgium 2005 Economic Union (#1968) --- 12,00
Belgium 2006 Atomium (#1477) --- 11,00
Belgium 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1672) --- 3,90
Belgium 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1402) --- 4,00
Belgium 2009 Louis Braille (#1929) --- 4,00
Belgium 2010 Presidency (#1673) --- 3,30
Belgium 2011 Women's Day (#1104) --- 3,30
Belgium 2012 Queen Music Competition (#920) --- 3,50
Belgium 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#741) --- 3,10
Belgium 2013 Royal Meteorological Institute (#1006) --- 3,30
Belgium 2014 Red Cross (coincard) (#1034) --- 13,00
Belgium 2014 World War I (#742) --- 3,30
Belgium 2015 Flag of Europe (#1984) --- 4,00
Belgium 2015 Year for Development (coincard) (#1839) --- 11,00
Belgium 2016 Olympics in Rio (coincard) (#2469) --- 8,50

Cyprus 2009 EMU (#1051) --- 3,30
Cyprus 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1200) --- 3,10
Cyprus 2015 Flag of Europe (#2099) --- 3,80

Estonia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#926) --- 3,00
Estonia 2015 Flag of Europe (#2037) --- 3,50
Estonia 2016 Paul Keres (#2153) --- 3,10

Finland 2004 EU Enlargement (#1407) --- 37,00
Finland 2004 EU Enlargement (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2309) --- 38,00
Finland 2005 UN Membership (#1226) --- 4,90
Finland 2006 Universal and Equal Suffrage (#1403) --- 5,50
Finland 2007 90th Independence (#2308) --- 5,50
Finland 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#2478) --- 6,30
Finland 2009 EMU (#2479) --- 4,80
Finland 2010 Currency Decree (#1228) --- 4,00
Finland 2011 Bank of Finland (#1392) --- 3,50
Finland 2012 Helene Schjerfbeck (#1639) --- 4,00
Finland 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1464) --- 3,50
Finland 2013 Frans Eemil Sillanpää (#945) --- 3,40
Finland 2013 Parliament (#1641) --- 4,20
Finland 2014 Ilmari Tapiovaara (#1122) --- 3,50
Finland 2014 Tove Jansson (#1009) --- 3,40
Finland 2015 Akseli Gallen-Kallela (#1931) --- 3,20
Finland 2015 Flag of Europe (#1801) --- 3,00
Finland 2015 Jean Sibelius (#1243) --- 3,10
Finland 2016 Eino Leino (#2540) --- 3,00

France 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1965) --- 4,80
France 2008 Presidency of the Council of the EU (#1500) --- 3,70
France 2009 EMU (#2477) --- 5,00
France 2010 General de Gaulle (#1229) --- 3,80
France 2011 Fête de la Musique (#1123) --- 3,70
France 2012 Abbé Pierre (#1230) --- 4,00
France 2013 Élysée Treaty (#1989) --- 3,30
France 2014 D-Day (#946) --- 3,30
France 2014 World AIDS Day (#1081) --- 3,30
France 2015 Peace in Europe (#1125) --- 3,10
France 2015 Fête de la Fédération - Bastille (#1819) --- 3,00
France 2015 Flag of Europe (#1985) --- 3,00
France 2016 UEFA Championship (#2298) --- 3,00

Germany 2006 Lübeck Schleswig-Holstein A (#2480) --- 6,80
Germany 2006 Lübeck Schleswig-Holstein D (#1501) --- 6,80
Germany 2006 Lübeck Schleswig-Holstein F (#2481) --- 6,80
Germany 2006 Lübeck Schleswig-Holstein G (#2482) --- 6,80
Germany 2006 Lübeck Schleswig-Holstein J (#2483) --- 6,80
Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern A (#2484) --- 4,20
Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern D (#2485) --- 4,20
Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern F (#1053) --- 4,20
Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern G (#2486) --- 4,20
Germany 2007 Mecklenburg Vorpommern J (#2487) --- 4,20
Germany 2007 Treaty of Rome D (#1388) --- 4,00
Germany 2010 Bremen D (#1503) --- 3,50
Germany 2011 North-Rhine Westphalia A (#2302) --- 3,50
Germany 2011 North-Rhine Westphalia D (#1504) --- 3,50
Germany 2011 North-Rhine Westphalia F (#2303) --- 3,50
Germany 2011 North-Rhine Westphalia G (#2304) --- 3,50
Germany 2011 North-Rhine Westphalia J (#2306) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Bavaria A (#2331) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Bavaria D (#1394) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Bavaria F (#1395) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Bavaria G (#1396) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Bavaria J (#1393) --- 3,50
Germany 2012 Ten years of Euro cash D (#1635) --- 3,30
Germany 2012 Ten years of Euro cash F (#1636) --- 3,30
Germany 2012 Ten years of Euro cash G (#1084) --- 3,30
Germany 2013 Baden-Württemberg A (#2307) --- 3,30
Germany 2013 Élysée Treaty A (#1638) --- 3,40
Germany 2013 Élysée Treaty D (#1300) --- 3,40
Germany 2013 Élysée Treaty F (#933) --- 3,40
Germany 2013 Élysée Treaty G (#2489) --- 3,40
Germany 2013 Élysée Treaty J (#2490) --- 3,40
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony A (#1001) --- 2,90
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony D (#1002) --- 2,90
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony F (#1003) --- 2,90
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony G (#1008) --- 2,90
Germany 2014 Lower Saxony J (#1004) --- 2,90
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe A (#1973) --- 2,90
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe D (#1974) --- 2,90
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe F (#1971) --- 2,90
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe G (#1972) --- 2,90
Germany 2015 Flag of Europe J (#1956) --- 2,90
Germany 2015 German Unity J (#1105) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen A (#1106) --- 3,00
Germany 2015 Hessen J (#1688) --- 3,00
Germany 2016 Saxony Dresden A (#2293) --- 2,90
Germany 2016 Saxony Dresden D (#2294) --- 2,90
Germany 2016 Saxony Dresden F (#2295) --- 2,90
Germany 2016 Saxony Dresden G (#2296) --- 2,90
Germany 2016 Saxony Dresden J (#2297) --- 2,90

Greece 2004 Summer Olympics (Discus Thrower) (#1715) --- 5,50
Greece 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1966) --- 5,20
Greece 2010 Battle of Marathon (#1397) --- 5,10
Greece 2011 Special Olympics Games (#1231) --- 3,50
Greece 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1107) --- 3,40
Greece 2013 Crete (#1000) --- 3,50
Greece 2013 Platonic Academy (#1242) --- 3,50
Greece 2014 El Greco (#935) --- 3,20
Greece 2014 Ionian Islands (#936) --- 3,20
Greece 2015 Flag of Europe (#2100) --- 3,00
Greece 2015 Spyridon Louis (#2137) --- 3,00

Ireland 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1780) --- 5,50
Ireland 2009 EMU (#1781) --- 4,00
Ireland 2015 Flag of Europe (#1933) --- 3,40
Ireland 2016 Easter rising (#2197) --- 3,00

Italy 2005 European Constitution (#1784) --- 4,50
Italy 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin (#1233) --- 4,00
Italy 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1930) --- 4,00
Italy 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1640) --- 4,80
Italy 2009 EMU (#1785) --- 4,00
Italy 2009 Louis Braille (#1234) --- 3,50
Italy 2010 Cavour (#922) --- 3,50
Italy 2011 Italian unification (#921) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Giovanni Pascoli (#923) --- 3,50
Italy 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1082) --- 3,20
Italy 2013 Giovanni Boccaccio (#925) --- 3,00
Italy 2013 Giuseppe Verdi (#924) --- 3,50
Italy 2014 Carabinieri (#999) --- 3,30
Italy 2014 Galileo Galilei (#1080) --- 3,30
Italy 2015 Dante Alighieri (#1690) --- 3,00
Italy 2015 Expo Milan (#1465) --- 3,00
Italy 2015 Flag of Europe (#1957) --- 3,00

Lithuania 2015 Flag of Europe (#2034) --- 2,80
Lithuania 2015 Lithuanian Language (ACIU ) (#2098) --- 2,80
Lithuania 2016 Baltic Culture (#2573) --- 2,70

Luxembourg 2004 Grand Duke Henry (#1727) --- 4,20
Luxembourg 2005 Grand Dukes Henry and Adolf (#1398) --- 3,80
Luxembourg 2006 Grand Duke Guillaume (#1967) --- 5,50
Luxembourg 2007 Grand Ducal Palace (#1113) --- 4,00
Luxembourg 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1235) --- 3,60
Luxembourg 2008 Berg Castle (#1728) --- 4,40
Luxembourg 2009 Charlotte's Accession to the Throne (#1114) --- 3,60
Luxembourg 2009 EMU (#1991) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2011 Jean as lieutenant-représentant (#1115) --- 3,80
Luxembourg 2012 Royal Wedding (#1015) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1447) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2012 William IV (#1116) --- 3,50
Luxembourg 2013 National Anthem (#938) --- 3,10
Luxembourg 2014 Independence (#1017) --- 3,10
Luxembourg 2015 Flag of Europe (#2036) --- 3,20
Luxembourg 2015 Henri Accession to the Throne (#1515) --- 3,10

Malta 2009 EMU (#1117) --- 3,40
Malta 2011 First election of representatives (#1118) --- 6,50
Malta 2012 1887 Majority Representation (#1786) --- 5,00
Malta 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1674) --- 4,00
Malta 2013 Self-Government (#1787) --- 4,80
Malta 2014 Independence from Britain (#1016) --- 4,20
Malta 2014 Police Force (#1018) --- 8,00
Malta 2015 Flag of Europe (#2101) --- 4,50
Malta 2015 Proclamation of the Republic (#1939) --- 4,00

Monaco 2001 regular coin (#2491) --- 7,00
Monaco 2011 regular coin (#1992) --- 3,50
Monaco 2013 Membership in the UN (#1014) --- 4,00
Monaco 2015 Castle on the Rock (#2043) --- 849,00

Netherlands 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1390) --- 4,50
Netherlands 2011 Praise of Folly by Desiderius Erasmus (#1936) --- 9,50
Netherlands 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1438) --- 3,50
Netherlands 2013 Kingdom (#1988) --- 3,80
Netherlands 2013 Double Portrait (#1755) --- 3,50
Netherlands 2014 Willem-Alexander and Beatrix (#1019) --- 3,80
Netherlands 2015 Flag of Europe (#1942) --- 3,10

Portugal 2007 Presidency (#1391) --- 4,00
Portugal 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1236) --- 4,00
Portugal 2008 Declaration of Human Rights (#1119) --- 4,00
Portugal 2009 EMU (#1788) --- 3,50
Portugal 2009 Lusophony Games (#1237) --- 4,00
Portugal 2010 Republic (#1938) --- 3,30
Portugal 2011 Fernao Mendes Pinto (#1945) --- 7,00
Portugal 2012 Guimaraes (#1120) --- 3,30
Portugal 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#939) --- 4,00
Portugal 2013 Clérigos Tower (#1121) --- 3,30
Portugal 2014 Carnation Revolution (#940) --- 3,00
Portugal 2014 Family Farming (#1020) --- 3,30
Portugal 2015 Flag of Europe (#2035) --- 3,00
Portugal 2015 Red Cross (#1404) --- 3,10
Portugal 2015 Timor (#1627) --- 3,00
Portugal 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio (#2536) --- 3,00

San Marino 2004 Bartolomeo Borghesi (#2145) --- 140,00
San Marino 2004 Bartolomeo Borghesi (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2310) --- 130,00
San Marino 2005 World Year of Physics (#2146) --- 120,00
San Marino 2005 World Year of Physics (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2311) --- 115,00
San Marino 2006 Christopher Columbus (#1790) --- 95,00
San Marino 2006 Christopher Columbus (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2312) --- 90,00
San Marino 2007 Giuseppe Garibaldi (#1791) --- 43,00
San Marino 2007 Giuseppe Garibaldi (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2313) --- 40,00
San Marino 2008 Intercultural Dialogue (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2314) --- 65,00
San Marino 2009 Year of Innovation (#1793) --- 28,00
San Marino 2011 Giorgio Vasari (#1795) --- 29,00
San Marino 2012 10th Anniversary of Euro coins and banknotes (#1796) --- 29,00
San Marino 2013 regular coin (#941) --- 3,50
San Marino 2013 Pinturicchio (#1797) --- 28,00
San Marino 2014 Donato Bramante (#1798) --- 29,00
San Marino 2014 Giacomo Puccini (#1800) --- 31,00
San Marino 2015 Dante Alighieri (#1799) --- 28,00
San Marino 2015 German Unification (#1932) --- 28,00
San Marino 2016 Donatello (#2535) --- 28,00

Slovakia 2009 EMU (#943) --- 3,40
Slovakia 2009 Velvet Revolution (#1675) --- 3,50
Slovakia 2011 Visegrád Group (#1238) --- 3,60
Slovakia 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#919) --- 3,40
Slovakia 2013 Constantine and Methodius (#942) --- 3,70
Slovakia 2014 Membership in EU (#947) --- 3,20
Slovakia 2015 Flag of Europe (#1838) --- 3,00
Slovakia 2015 Ľudovít Štúr (#1943) --- 2,80
Slovakia 2016 Presidency (#2412) --- 2,80

Slovenia 2009 EMU (#1408) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2011 Franc Rozman – Stane (#1240) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2007 Treaty of Rome (#1406) --- 23,00
Slovenia 2008 Primož Trubar (#1012) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2010 Botanical Garden (#1011) --- 3,60
Slovenia 2013 Postojna Cave (#944) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2014 Barbara of Celje (#1083) --- 3,40
Slovenia 2015 Emona (#1959) --- 3,00
Slovenia 2015 Flag of Europe (#2102) --- 3,00

Spain 2005 Don Quixote (#1960) --- 5,00
Spain 2009 EMU (#1676) --- 5,80
Spain 2010 Cordoba (#937) --- 3,40
Spain 2011 Alhambra (#1108) --- 3,50
Spain 2012 Burgos (#1109) --- 3,20
Spain 2012 Ten years of Euro cash (#1241) --- 3,40
Spain 2013 Escorial (#1110) --- 3,30
Spain 2014 King Felipe VI (#1112) --- 3,40
Spain 2014 regular coin (#1111) --- 3,00
Spain 2014 Park Güell of Antoni Gaudí (#1010) --- 3,30
Spain 2015 Cave of Altamira (#1244) --- 3,10
Spain 2015 Flag of Europe (#1958) --- 3,00
Spain 2016 Segovia (#2198) --- 2,80

Vatican 2004 Foundation of the City State (#2147) --- 95,00
Vatican 2004 Foundation of the City State (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2328) --- 90,00
Vatican 2005 20th World Youth Day (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2316) --- 230,00
Vatican 2005 20th World Youth Day in capsule (#2317) --- 215,00
Vatican 2005 regular coin (#2318) --- 60,00
Vatican 2006 Swiss Guard (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2320) --- 165,00
Vatican 2006 Swiss Guard in capsule (#2321) --- 155,00
Vatican 2007 Pope Benedict XVI (#1772) --- 125,00
Vatican 2007 Pope Benedict XVI (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2322) --- 95,00
Vatican 2008 Year Of Saint Paul The Apostle (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2326) --- 65,00
Vatican 2009 Year of astronomy (#1774) --- 62,00
Vatican 2009 Year Of Astronomy (Philatelic numismatic cover) (#2327) --- 57,00
Vatican 2010 Year for Priests (#1775) --- 40,00
Vatican 2012 7th World Meeting of Families (#1777) --- 36,00
Vatican 2014 25 Years since the Fall of the Berlin Wall (#1779) --- 41,00
Vatican 2015 Meeting of Families in Philadelphia (#1944) --- 33,00

Euro sets:
Andorra 2014 Official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#1467) --- 45,00

Austria 2006 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ First man in space UNC (#1711) --- 9,00
Austria 2007 loose set of 7 coins 1c-1€ Giovanni Pascoli UNC (#1702) --- 7,00
Austria 2010 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2052) --- 10,00
Austria 2011 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1713) --- 9,00
Austria mix years loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1414) --- 7,00

Belgium 2014 official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ + token BU (#2039) --- 28,00

Cyprus 2008 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1484) --- 10,00
Cyprus 2009 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1485) --- 10,00
Cyprus 2012 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1483) --- 8,50
Cyprus 2015 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1671) --- 7,00

Estonia 2011 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#266) --- 4,50

Finland 2004 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1698) --- 7,50
Finland 2006 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1709) --- 8,00
Finland 2008 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1699) --- 10,00
Finland 2012 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2323) --- 6,50
Finland mix years loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1413) --- 6,00

Germany mix years loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1126) --- 5,00

Italy 2002 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2006) --- 10,00
Italy 2008 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2325) --- 11,00
Italy 2010 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2324) --- 12,00

Lithuania 2015 starting set of 23 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1532) --- 14,50
Lithuania 2015 official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#1101) --- 20,00
Lithuania 2015 Unofficial set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#2151) --- 13,00

Luxembourg 2003 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1486) --- 10,00
Luxembourg 2004 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1721) --- 11,00
Luxembourg 2005 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1722) --- 11,00
Luxembourg 2008 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1723) --- 10,00
Luxembourg 2009 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1724) --- 10,00
Luxembourg 2010 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2152) --- 10,00
Luxembourg 2011 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1725) --- 9,00
Luxembourg 2012 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1708) --- 10,00
Luxembourg 2015 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1726) --- 10,00

Netherlands 2005 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2009) --- 7,50
Netherlands 2007 loose set of 3 coins 1c-5c UNC (#2015) --- 0,80
Netherlands 2007 loose set of 6 coins 1c-50c UNC (#2014) --- 2,50
Netherlands 2007 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2001) --- 9,00
Netherlands 2008 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#791) --- 9,00
Netherlands 2009 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2000) --- 9,50
Netherlands 2010 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#792) --- 9,00
Netherlands 2013 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#794) --- 7,50
Netherlands 2014 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1662) --- 9,00

Portugal 2002 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1700) --- 8,50
Portugal 2006 loose set of 3 coins 1c-5c UNC (#1789) --- 0,80
Portugal 2006 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1704) --- 13,00
Portugal 2009 loose set of 7 coins 1c-1€ UNC (#1694) --- 7,00

San Marino 2010 official set of 9 coins 1c-2€ + silver 5€ BU (#1039) --- 45,00
San Marino 2012 official set of 9 coins 1c-2€ + silver 5€ BU (#928) --- 45,00
San Marino 2013 official set of 9 coins 1c-2€ + silver 5€ BU (#1042) --- 45,00
San Marino 2014 official set of 9 coins 1c-2€ + silver 5€ BU (#1802) --- 45,00

Slovakia 2009 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1803) --- 8,00

Slovenia 2007 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1411) --- 8,00

Spain 2000 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2005) --- 11,00
Spain 2002 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2004) --- 12,00
Spain 2003 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1701) --- 9,00
Spain 2004 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2016) --- 9,00
Spain 2005 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2002) --- 11,50
Spain 2006 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#2003) --- 9,00
Spain 2008 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1714) --- 9,00
Spain 2009 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1696) --- 8,00
Spain 2010 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1703) --- 9,00
Spain 2011 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1705) --- 8,00
Spain 2012 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1707) --- 8,00
Spain 2014 loose set of 6 coins 1c-50c UNC (#1415) --- 2,50
Spain 2014 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1412) --- 7,50
Spain 2015 loose set of 3 coins 1c-5c UNC (#1279) --- 0,80
Spain 2015 loose set of 8 coins 1c-2€ UNC (#1278) --- 5,50

Vatican 2003 Official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#2587) --- 170,00
Vatican 2004 Official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#2587) --- 178,00
Vatican 2005 Official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#2588) --- 160,00
Vatican 2006 Official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#2589) --- 110,00
Vatican 2007 Official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#2527) --- 90,00
Vatican 2008 Official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#2528) --- 75,00
Vatican 2009 Official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#2529) --- 69,00
Vatican 2011 Official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#2531) --- 59,00
Vatican 2014 Official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#2533) --- 67,00
Vatican 2015 Official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#1372) --- 50,00
Vatican 2016 Official set of 8 coins 1c-2€ BU (#2534) --- 61,00

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07.03.25 - 22:00 = =Vācu jubilejas eiro monētām no 2002-2016

в форуме Numismātikas arhīvs = Архив нумизматики = Coins and money archive




04 мар 2025, 01:21

07.03.25 - 21:30 - North Korea jubilejas monētas

в форуме Numismātikas arhīvs = Архив нумизматики = Coins and money archive




04 мар 2025, 21:52

04.03.25 (22.10) Латы юбилейные. 21шт. !!!

в форуме Latvijas Republikas monētu izsoles = Аукцион монет Латвийской Республики = Latvian coins auctions




24 фев 2025, 20:35

06.03.25 - 21:39 ﹏﹏☼﹏﹏ FIN -9*10-25 Markkaa (jubilejas)-(Ag)

в форуме Numismātikas arhīvs = Архив нумизматики = Coins and money archive




06 мар 2025, 11:25

08.03.24 - 19:39 ﹏﹏☀﹏﹏ 2 Euro (Jubilejas) * 339 gab. !

в форуме Numismātikas arhīvs = Архив нумизматики = Coins and money archive




05 мар 2025, 20:56

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04 мар 2025, 18:37

06.03.25 - 21:39 ﹏﹏☼﹏﹏ 13 * Jubilejas rubļi..........

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05 мар 2025, 14:22

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26 фев 2025, 19:19

Куплю Юбилейные монеты Банка Латвии

в форуме Monētu un banknošu pirkšana = Куплю монеты, банкноты = Buy coins and money




24 фев 2025, 09:10

06.03.24 - 22:00 = = 5 eiro 2021 - “JĀ vai JĀ”

в форуме Latvijas Republikas monētu izsoles = Аукцион монет Латвийской Республики = Latvian coins auctions




04 мар 2025, 13:55

07.03.25. - 21:10 === Lietuvas jub. 2 eiro 2023.

в форуме Numismātikas arhīvs = Архив нумизматики = Coins and money archive




04 мар 2025, 11:26

07.03.25. - 21:10 === Lietuvas jub. 2 eiro 2022.

в форуме Numismātikas arhīvs = Архив нумизматики = Coins and money archive




04 мар 2025, 11:22

07.03.25. - 21:10 === Lietuvas jub. 2 eiro 2022.

в форуме Numismātikas arhīvs = Архив нумизматики = Coins and money archive




04 мар 2025, 11:20

07.03.25. - 21:10 === Lietuvas jub. 2 eiro 2020.

в форуме Numismātikas arhīvs = Архив нумизматики = Coins and money archive




04 мар 2025, 11:17

06.03.24 - 22:00 = = 5 eiro 2016 - Eža kažociņš

в форуме Latvijas Republikas monētu izsoles = Аукцион монет Латвийской Республики = Latvian coins auctions




04 мар 2025, 13:50

07.03.25. - 21:10 === Lietuvas jub. 2 eiro 2024.

в форуме Numismātikas arhīvs = Архив нумизматики = Coins and money archive




04 мар 2025, 11:28

07.03.25. - 21:10 === Lietuvas jub. 2 eiro 2020.

в форуме Numismātikas arhīvs = Архив нумизматики = Coins and money archive




04 мар 2025, 11:15

07.03.25. - 21:10 === Lietuvas jub. 2 eiro 2019.

в форуме Numismātikas arhīvs = Архив нумизматики = Coins and money archive




04 мар 2025, 11:11

07.03.25. - 21:10 === Lietuvas jub. 2 eiro 2019.

в форуме Numismātikas arhīvs = Архив нумизматики = Coins and money archive




04 мар 2025, 11:08

07.03.25. - 21:10 === Lietuvas jub. 2 eiro 2018.

в форуме Numismātikas arhīvs = Архив нумизматики = Coins and money archive




04 мар 2025, 11:04

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